13 years ago
[Event 2] couldn't reach the floor when he woke up. Time to freak out.
latest #186
Ivan is
13 years ago
in a similar situation, tumbling out of bed and landing on the floor, because his clothes have suddenly become several sizes too big...
13 years ago
would find the image just slightly adorable if the same didn't happen to him...
13 years ago
would likewise think the same for you, if he wasn't too busy swearing the life out of everything.
Arthur is
13 years ago
going to kill something. He can't even reach the kitchen counter to make his morning tea, and the far are -not- helping by cooing over him.
13 years ago
nearly fell down the stairs because he accidentally misjudged the distance between each step...he wants his vodka...
Arthur hopes
13 years ago
Ivan doesn't drink vodka. He looks too young for that! >:I
13 years ago
isn't going to risk his newly-found child body like that. But he has urges, you know...
Arthur has
13 years ago
his fairies get him some juice. If Ivan can make his way over here somehow, he can have some too.
Ivan is
13 years ago
quite envious of you at this very moment. And just for that invitation, he is going to crawl over there, even if it kills him - after all,
13 years ago
his current height isn't even half of the height of the kitchen bench...
Arthur thinks
13 years ago
that is seriously utterly adorable. He'd baby you if he wasn't small either...
Ivan wonders
13 years ago
why this is happening...and he somewhat fears the thought of you baby-ing him. Guess he's heard too many stories from the male America...
Ivan wants
13 years ago
also to point out that he won't be crawling over; instead, he's going to keep his dignity and stroll his way over...
Arthur is
13 years ago
very good at taking care of children! Especially America! =3= He was just ungrateful.
Ivan is
13 years ago
currently at your door, trying to use his little fist to knock loud enough for you to hear and open the door.
13 years ago
also very much agrees that America is ungrateful!
Arthur is
13 years ago
glad that you agree. "I'm coming!" he calls, waddling over to the door. Now to... try and open it. "...One moment." Time to get the chair...
13 years ago
Fortunately, he eventually does get it open, and finds himself looking down at Russia from his mighty position atop a nice, wooden chair.
Ivan feels
13 years ago
his neck straining from looking too high up at you. His lips automatically pulls itself into a pout, and he catches himself just in time to
13 years ago
return his expression back to normal. “Privet, England…” He still can’t see you from down here.
13 years ago
saw that pout. And it is the cutest thing ever. "Hello, Russia; it's a pleasure to see you," he replies, very carefully trying to get off
13 years ago
the chair. He ended up falling, but at least he got down. "It seems I'm not the only one who woke up like this."
13 years ago
tries not to laugh at the fact that you nearly fell on your face, instead deciding to help you up. “Da…waking up to find myself shrunk to
13 years ago
this size was not how I imagined my day would start like…”
13 years ago
appreciates the help and the lack of laughter. "Same here. The fairies have no idea what happened either, so I'm afraid it'll take some
13 years ago
further research on my part to figure out what happened. Until then, would you like to come in? They've helped me get some juice."
13 years ago
doesn’t know why he’s suddenly so happy at the thought of /juice/…for goodness sakes, it’s just pulped fruit! But nonetheless, his nod is
13 years ago
just that little bit on the over-enthusiastic side as he says, “I would like that, thank you.”
13 years ago
pushes the chair aside (with some difficulty) to let Russia in. "Come in, make yourself comfortable. Snowdrop, Bluebell, would you two be
13 years ago
dears and pour Russia a glass of juice?"
Ivan is
13 years ago
surprised into speechlessness when he realises that he can /see/ the little fairy flying around above your head. Oh Lord, not only had he
13 years ago
shrunk, but he's gone crazy as well...?
13 years ago
manages to close the door and lead Alfred inside to the living room, where the fairies have prepared another glass of cold juice. "Thank
13 years ago
you, dears," he says, smiling a bit. "Sit, Russia. I'm sure you must be tired from the long trip here..."
13 years ago
(...Alfred? O_O)
13 years ago
13 years ago
[ LMAO I'M SORRY typo sjdfnff ]
13 years ago
(XD That just goes to show how much you like him, eh? :3)
13 years ago
[ NO it's because we mentioned America earlier gosh ;___; ]
13 years ago
(Naw...harsh, man. D:-)
13 years ago
13 years ago
continues to stare at the fairies floating above him with rapt attention, subconsciously taking a seat. "Ah..." is his unresponsive reply.
13 years ago
[ see that's what you get ;3; go smilies, go! ]
13 years ago
takes his cup and sips it, looking at Russia curiously. (Oh, damn; he was cute as a kid.) "...You can see them?"
13 years ago
(Oh, hells no. You're not teaming up with /emoticons/ to go against me! D:-)
13 years ago
idly nods, a bit surprised when one of the fairies - he remembers England calling her Bluebell - waves to him. He returns it with a shy wave
13 years ago
of his own, taking a sip of his juice. Apple, he likes. "Yes, I that normal? That I can see them now, but not when I was an adult?"
13 years ago
nods, looking rather pleased now. "Children tend to be more receptive to them, since they're more innocent and ready to believe," he
13 years ago
replies, watching as Bluebell flutters over to sit on Russia's shoulder.
13 years ago
immediately freezes as he sees the little creature land on his right shoulder. He gives England a helpless look, not exactly sure what he
Ivan is
13 years ago
supposed to do now... "Then how are you able to see them back in your adult form?"
13 years ago
holds out a small hand, allowing Snowdrop to sit comfortably on his palm. "I've never stopped believing in them. They've been my closest
13 years ago
friends for centuries, after all." He smiles a bit, amused at Ivan's expression. "...Don't worry, they're very kind. Just don't pet them."
13 years ago
had actually wanted to try and pet them, but curbs the urge when he hears those words. He suddenly feels very envious of the relationship
13 years ago
between the fairies and England - all /he/ has for friends are winter animals that still run away from him. "Da, they seem nice..."
13 years ago
nods. "Oh, but the others enjoy that. One moment..." He looks around, calling for the other creatures to come out, and eventually, they
13 years ago
do. A unicorn peers out from the kitchen before trotting over to stare curiously at Russia, while more fairies come to play with their hair.
13 years ago
If it was physically possible, his jaw would have dropped to the floor at the sight of the /u-unicorn/! A childish - ironic - glee fills
13 years ago
him up and a gigantic smile nearly splits his face in half. His fingers itching to pat it, he looks to England for permission...
13 years ago
nods, giving permission as he holds his hands out for his flying mint bunny. "He lets you ride him, if he likes you enough."
13 years ago
As soon as those words are said, he attaches himself to the horse-with-a-horn, ignoring the broken cry of his dignity as he ran a hand
13 years ago
through the white fur. "We will be friends." His tone is firm - he means business.
13 years ago
chuckles as the unicorn neighs, nudging against the Russian with its nose. "His name is Appleseed."
13 years ago
can't help but smile as the unic-Appleseed nudge him, and lets out a small giggle. "They have weird names, da!"
13 years ago
pets his little rabbit, pleased to finally have someone else who could see his friends. "Yes, well... I named them when I was young. I
13 years ago
hadn't the heart to change it ever since."
13 years ago
really doesn't understand why he's so happy playing with your friends - he's just going to take it as a quirk of being a child again. "That
13 years ago
must have been a long time ago, nyet?"
13 years ago
nods, and reaches for his juice. "It was in the BC years - before Rome came." He looks at Ivan curiously. "Did you not have any such friends
13 years ago
when you were younger?"
Ivan feels
13 years ago
his spirits drop at the mention of his childhood, his arms dropping uselessly to his side. "N-not really...not a lot of people - or
13 years ago
animals - wanted to befriend a country that was so cold... It was a lonely time for me."
Arthur feels
13 years ago
guilty almost immediately. "Ah... well..." He lets the rabbit go and stands up, waddling over to Ivan and holding out a hand for him to
13 years ago
shake. "You can replace those memories with ones you make now."
13 years ago
blinks at Arthur's outstretched hand, a bright smile emerging on his face as he grasps said hand and shakes it. "Mm!"
13 years ago
smiles. "And let me introduce you to my other friends. You've met Appleseed, Bluebell, and Snowdrop. These," he gestures to the other
13 years ago
fairies, "Are Honeydew, Rose, Violet, and Rainshower."
13 years ago
‘s eyes follow the Brit’s hand as he points out each individual fairy, giving everyone a small wave. "The names are getting weirder~"
13 years ago
But his gaze is directed back to the rabbit that Arthur was patting before. “And what’s his name?”
13 years ago
picks up the rabbit, and holds it out for Ivan to take. "Minty," he replies. "He's the only one of her kind that I've seen."
13 years ago
reaches out with shaking hands to hold the rabbit. She just blinks at him, and he just blinks back. "Minty..." he repeats, cracking a smile.
13 years ago
[ *She, oops ]
Arthur is
13 years ago
rather pleased with the sight. If only he were older, he'd baby Russia like no other. "She's a shy little thing at first, but she warms up
13 years ago
to you quickly... and never leaves you alone afterwards."
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that he would like it very much if Arthur babied him. It may curb his constant need for attention... "She's very cute."
13 years ago
would very much love to baby him, if he could. ;; "Isn't she?" The rabbit flew out of Ivan's hands, staring at him for a bit before settling
13 years ago
atop his head.
13 years ago
watches Minty fly towards Arthur with a small content smile. When he returns to normal, he's going to go out and befriend a rabbit! He also
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that Arthur'd do a pretty good job of baby-ing him, even if they both return back to being adults...just a little awkward.
13 years ago
would indeed be a little awkward with Ivan when they grew back, but... well, there was nothing wrong with enjoying what he had now. "Do you
13 years ago
want to help me make something to eat, Ivan?"
Ivan wants
13 years ago
to enjoy this as it is now as well, and nods. "Da, I would love to help. What will we be making?"
13 years ago
hums, heading over to the kitchen and gesturing for Ivan to follow. "Something simple will have to do, I suppose. Perhaps some sandwiches?"
Ivan is
13 years ago
quick to follow behind him, wondering just how on Earth they would make sandwiches when one piece of bread is the same size as his face...
13 years ago
"What type of sandwiches?"
Arthur is
13 years ago
struggling to open the fridge. "Whatever you'd like, with what I have," he replies, face turning a little red with all the effort he's
13 years ago
13 years ago
immediately helps you, grasping the handle with both hands and pulling hard. After a long struggle, the door eventually gives way, showing
13 years ago
to him the contents of Arthur's fridge...colour him surprised, because there is alot of variety in there...
13 years ago
"Thank you," he says, pushing the fridge door further open and peering up at all his ingredients. Welp, this would be... difficult. "...What
13 years ago
would you like in your sandwich? Ham, cheese, watercress, lettuce, olives, tomatoes..."
13 years ago
tries to peer at all the levels within the fridge but finds himself unable to the top level. "Anything is fine; I'm not picky."
13 years ago
nods, and reaches for the ingredients. He sets them off to the side, though he has a bit of trouble reaching the mayo and mustard. Stubborn
13 years ago
and unwilling to ask for help, he keeps trying to reach for it, even climbing on some parts of the fridge to grab the two bottles.
13 years ago
Quite naturally, he'd slip and fall right on top of Russia when his little fingers wrapped around the mustard.
13 years ago
lets out a loud squeal when he sees and literally feels you fall on top of him. Squirming under the weight, he quickly scrambles back onto
13 years ago
his feet, helping you up as well - he supposed you were his friend now. "Next time, be careful, da!"
13 years ago
grimaced, accepting Ivan's help in standing. He wasn't going to cry, nope; it didn't hurt. He could handle it. "Y-Yes, my apologies," he
13 years ago
muttered, embarrassed. "...I got all the ingredients, though."
13 years ago
could only smile at your embarrassment, picking up the stray mayonnaise bottle that fell along with you. "That you did. Shall we start?"
13 years ago
nodded, closing the refrigerator door. Bluebell and Snowdrop came in to bring them little dishes, which the poor things carried with slight
13 years ago
difficulty. "Thank you," he said, smiling at the fairies before giving Ivan two slices of bread.
13 years ago
echoes his thanks to Arthur and the fairies, suddenly distracted by the glistening of their wings.
13 years ago
took two slices of bread for himself, and busied himself with making a sandwich while Bluebell tapped on Russia's nose with a teasing smile.
13 years ago
blinks as a the fairy from before settles on the tip of his nose, the fluttering of the wings tickling it. He could feel a sneeze coming on,
13 years ago
and hastily turns away.
13 years ago
The fairy was persistent, though, and followed him, laughing quietly as her wings continued to tickle the Russian's nose. Snowdrop settled
13 years ago
on top of Ivan's shoulder, watching with some amusement.
Ivan is
13 years ago
madly trying to fend off the tickle-assault that Bluebell is determined to give him, his face going slightly red with the effort to not
13 years ago
sneeze...but it all ends in vain when he quickly covers his mouth and nose, and sneezes. The force of it sends him two steps back.
13 years ago
looked up, a little surprised by the noise. (But damn if it wasn't cute. Again, why couldn't he have stayed an adult? He missed children...)
13 years ago
"Bless you," he offered. "Bluebell, leave him alone!"
13 years ago
rubs his nose, himself surprised at the magnitude of the sneeze. "A-ah, thank you..."
13 years ago
Bluehell huffed a little bit but resigned to sitting on Russia's other shoulder. Clearly, they took a liking to him.
13 years ago
now has two fairies sitting on him, and it makes him nervous to move, because he doesn't want to disturb them...
13 years ago
The fairies don't mind at all, though, and wait for him to make his sandwich. Meanwhile, Arthur finally finishes. "I'm done," he says rather
13 years ago
proudly. "...Ivan? What's wrong? You haven't made your sandwich yet."
Ivan is
13 years ago
still frozen solid. "I-I can't move..."
13 years ago
( BAWWW. this event is too cute-- )
13 years ago
(IT IS. <3)
13 years ago
[ IVAN IS THE CUTEST THING can I just. Keep him ffff ;3; ]
13 years ago
blinked, confused. "...Why not?"
13 years ago
(WTFNO. He's mine. <3)
13 years ago
(I mean, /I'm/ mine... o3o)
13 years ago
tries to use his head to point towards the fairies sitting on his shoulders. "I don't want to startle them..."
13 years ago
[ ...Well I'm kidnappin' you. c: ]
13 years ago
stared in disbelief, before laughing. "Don't worry, they won't be startled. You're free to move around as you please, so long as you don't
13 years ago
jump around."
13 years ago
(I dare you. >=D)
13 years ago
blinks at you, a skeptic look in his eyes. "Really? Are you sure?"
13 years ago
[ ...sob ;3; /reeaacchh ]
13 years ago
nodded, taking a bite of his sandwich. Christ, it was -huge-. "They'll just fly off if they don't like it. Don't worry."
13 years ago
(pokes you in the eye Go away. :3)
13 years ago
still thinks it’s impolite to do so, but you’ve known the fairies for (heaps) longer than he has, so he is inclined to believe you. “Okay.”
13 years ago
Reaching out to grab a piece of lettuce, he finds that he can’t quite reach, and has to heave himself onto the table to retrieve it...
13 years ago
[ Q A Q NOO you will be happier with mere /grabby hands ]
13 years ago
smiled a little as Snowdrop flew up, dragging the lettuce (with some difficulty) and bringing it over to Ivan's hands.
13 years ago
(Nyet, I will be happier in a place filled with sunflowers. <3)
13 years ago
politely thanks the fairy, taking the lettuce and placing it on top of his sandwich. He also wants the mustard (which is on the opposite
13 years ago
side of the table) but doesn’t want to cause anymore fuss, so he’ll just go without. He puts the other piece of bread on, to complete his
13 years ago
sandwich; and for some weird reason, he’s extremely proud of it. A meek smile.
13 years ago
took another bite of his sandwich before putting it down on his plate. He toddled over to the living room again to grab their juice cups,
13 years ago
and then returned to the kitchen before handing Ivan his cup. "Here."
13 years ago
accepts the cup with a soft, “Thank you” and takes a small sip. He tries to bite into his sandwich – a sandwich which doesn’t quite fit into
13 years ago
his mouth – and did not pout when he couldn’t. He looks up at you with a distressed look. “…do you have a knife?”
13 years ago
[ ...oh my God that is the cutest image ;; ]
13 years ago
tried his best not to laugh. And though he managed not to, damn - that was pretty cute. "Yes, but... it's a little too high up to reach.
13 years ago
Bluebell, Snowdrop, will you--" he paused, frowning a little when the two fairies shook their heads, saying it was too dangerous. "...But
13 years ago
Ivan can't eat his sandwich..."
13 years ago
( actually trying not to be cute...DX;; Obviously, it's not working...)
13 years ago
[ you are failing. So very, very hard. ]
13 years ago
tries not to pout - he's a man (okay, boy) and he should take it like one! So he swallows the childish expression, and glares determinedly
13 years ago
at the sandwich in front of me. "It's alright. I have a plan." And a plan he has; he could almost laugh at the genius-ness of it! Bringing
13 years ago
the sandwich back up to his mouth, he starts to nibble on it, from the edge inwards.
13 years ago
(...;; /doesn't want to fail)
13 years ago
[ ...fffuu CUTIE ]
13 years ago
smiled as he watched Ivan eat, and continued eating himself. "...If you squish it together, it's easier to get it all in one bite."
13 years ago
(LIES. D:-)
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that, at that moment, you are a genius and squishes at the corner. But he underestimates his childish strength, squishes too hard, and
13 years ago
watches as the sandwich filling is pushed out the other side. He stares at the mess in horror...
13 years ago
(Fail emoticon is fail, dude... /stabs it to death)
13 years ago
[ NOT LIES. <3 ]
13 years ago
laughs a little, waddling over and holding out his own sandwich, already squished and ready to eat. "Here."
13 years ago
(...PSH. /swats)
13 years ago
[ <33 ]
13 years ago
just stares at you in shock, because no one (bar his family) has ever been this nice to him... He gives you a giddish smile before accepting
13 years ago
the sandwich. "Thank you...Arthur."
13 years ago
(D: )
13 years ago
nodded. "You're very welcome." He was a gentleman, after all, and Ivan was his new friend. Why wouldn't he offer his sandwich?
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that you're his new friend too! But he hopes that this new-found relationship can carry it's weight even when they return to normal... He
13 years ago
takes a small bit of your sandwich.
Arthur hopes
13 years ago
so too. "How does it taste?"
Ivan is
13 years ago
thoughtfully still chewing when you ask that question. He waits until he’s finished swallowing – and taking a drink of his juice – before
13 years ago
he says, “It’s very delicious.”
13 years ago
smiles a bit, finally glad to meet someone who appreciates his cooking. (Even though a sandwich doesn't require... actual cooking. But he
13 years ago
made it, and that's all that matters.) "Good! I'm glad you like it!"
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