Coco Loco says
13 years ago
Shop owners: I'm going to be opening a store, first on xstreet and then in world. How many products should I open with? Help!
latest #11
13 years ago
As many as you want. The more the better really
13 years ago
but I didn't start with many at all
Coco Loco says
13 years ago
well I'm going to be sharing shapes. I was thinkin of perhaps making 4 and one freebie/sample then announcing the "grand opening" on xstreet
13 years ago
that'll be ok for marketplace, but until you have 10 or so you might not be able to justify renting store space. If you have space go for it
13 years ago
agrees. I wish you all the best!
Coco Loco says
13 years ago
That's what I was thinking, start small with the xstreet to gain enough funding behind me for an in world store! Thanks ladies :-))
13 years ago
I started with 3 poses lol then got land with a dozen sets ... I've always kept a rule of thumb: you should earn 2x rent each month
13 years ago
1 month pay and one to keep as a nest egg if anything ever happens
Coco Loco says
13 years ago
That's a really good idea adds it to imaginary business plan. Thats why I think Xstreet is so handy as you can start to earn money before
Coco Loco says
13 years ago
you actually start the business, so to speak, so you can clear overheads without having to purchase any linden or something.
13 years ago
mhm :-)
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