Iris Seale says
13 years ago
the amazing amount of screwed we're getting from the house we rented in june is amazing.
latest #16
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
first- central air goes up immediately after moving in and still not fixed.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
second: the bathroom we were promised would be totally overhauled has not been.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
third: you know how you don't realize how crappy something is until you're in it for a few weeks? that x3.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
fourth: there was a wolf spider in my sink. not the landlord's fault, but still.
Gogo ♔ says
13 years ago
when is your lease up
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
fifth: the landlord and wife are getting divorced. she wants the house. has threatened to take all our appliances.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
Nov. 1, but i think we're just going to stop paying rent and move next month, as our first and last are paid.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
but i don't think they can afford to pay our security deposit back, so we're out 600 bucks plus the 400 we put into it.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
the landlord is coming by after work and i think we're going to have a come to jesus chat.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
i feel bad for him and his family, but this is ridiculous.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
i should also add: nothing was ever fixed because they couldn't 'afford' it. why rent out a house you can't afford?
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
oh, also, the wife put it on the market. so there's that, too.
Iris Seale says
13 years ago
sorry, venting.
13 years ago
I have little sympathy for landlord types. You become a landlord and you accept certain responsibilities. You can research tenant's...
13 years ago
rights, but it's so close to your lease, you should just get the hell out.
13 years ago
but leave the spiders behind :-)
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