Kalle C.
13 years ago
so, you blogoholics. Where can you go and see/buy mesh items/clothes?
latest #13
13 years ago
JANE and SLink :-)
Kalle C.
13 years ago
yay thanks!
Kalle C.
13 years ago
curious kitties mesh cafe has some kimonos and stuff in mesh it seems
13 years ago
oh nice! going there tonight when i get home. mesh kimonos MUST be really cute!
13 years ago
ty for the tip! (K)
13 years ago
[Random Crap] also has mesh clothing templates :-)
Kalle C.
13 years ago
Thanks Damien
Kalle C.
13 years ago
they are popping up now
Kalle C.
13 years ago
and.... well. *coughs. think its a guy who made this one.. https://marketplace.seco...
Kalle C.
13 years ago
curoius kitties seem to have released a full line of stuff now, https://marketplace.seco...
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