13 years ago
[Event] sits on the bench at the park listening to his iPod.
latest #72
13 years ago
, is his female form, spots the Brit while out on a walk. She glances around before quietly stepping over, sliding hands down his chest from
13 years ago
behind, and kissing his neck.
13 years ago
gasps, going tense. "W-what the hell?!" He started to try and pull away from the body.
13 years ago
giggles a little, nipping his neck before pulling the ear bud from him. "Howdy stranger~" she murmurs against his ear.
13 years ago
makes a sound. "W-what?" He turned quickly when he heard the voice, looking at her, red faced. "Do I know you?"
13 years ago
nibbles earlobe, remembering he wasn't himself at the moment. "...would you like to know me?"
13 years ago
swallows quietly. "M-miss, I don't even know your name.." He shuddered a little, this was familiar...
13 years ago
grins, slipping around to sit overly close beside him, running a hand up his thigh. "I don't mean know me like that~" She wondered how long
13 years ago
she could keep going before Arthur figured it out.
13 years ago
shifts sideways trying to get away from her touch, he was trying to look at her. He quickly placed his hand on her hand. "What do you mean?"
13 years ago
giggles softly, shifting to straddle him so he wouldn't get away. "I think you know~" She smiles, leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips.
13 years ago
gasps in shock, looking at her. "No I don-" He froze, then abruptly pulled back, staring at her face and eyes. "M-Mattie?!"
13 years ago
laughs a bit at the look on his face, pulling back a little and nodding. "Oh, you're good." She smiles.
13 years ago
starts to flush darkly. "Y-y-you.. are.. a girl..." He said dumbstruck.
13 years ago
smiles, looking down at herself. "I know... isn't it weird?"
13 years ago
nods to her. "Very odd..." He looked her over, she was attractive.
13 years ago
nods a little, shifting in his lap. He wouldn't admit he rather liked this form.. "B-but sometimes it makes things better.."
13 years ago
shifts a little placing his hands on her hips lightly. "When did you learn to do this?" He couldn't help but ask her.
13 years ago
flushes a little and smiles, leaning against him. "Ah.. rather recently, really..." And he had only....tried it out once.
13 years ago
nods to her. "Ah, I see.. How did you realize it was me? I hadn't noticed you.." He felt a little bad, but she didn't look te same.
13 years ago
had expected him not to recognize her; though she forgot her eyes weren't exactly common. She shrugs. "Nothing's changed about you since
13 years ago
last time except that you're wearing clothes again."
13 years ago
starts to blush a little. "W-well of course I'm wearing clothes..!" He said that a bit too loud, and blushed worse.
13 years ago
giggles at the outburst, kissing his cheek. "Oh but it was so nice when you weren't~" she teases.
13 years ago
blushes still. "Well, yes... But I can't go out publicly with no kit on. I'd be charged." He felt dumb for the outburst.
13 years ago
laughs softly. "Nahh just drink a little and blame it on the alcohol~" She wasn't serious of course.
13 years ago
shakes his head. " I can't do that...!" He hadn't realized she was joking.
13 years ago
giggles again, kissing his lips. "I did it out here once~" she purrs, leaning in to speak in his ear.
13 years ago
kisses her back, clearing his throat at what she said. "D-did you now..?" He wouldn't admit that he tried to picture that...
13 years ago
nods, smiling naughtily at him. "It was hot." She was blushing at the memory, but it was the truth....
13 years ago
looks at her. "Was it?" he was wondering if she was.. hungry..
13 years ago
nips at his earlobe. "We did it in the gazebo..." she trails off, running hands up his chest lightly. She was always hungry lately, still
13 years ago
too timid to eat enough.
13 years ago
shivers a little, arching into her touch. "Are you hungry now then?" He had to know.
13 years ago
kisses down his neck, smiling a little against his skin. "Mm-hm.."
13 years ago
tilts his head slightly, giving her more access. "Alright.."
13 years ago
arches a brow, a little thrilled that she could convince people to do this, and a little embarrassed at the same time. "Oh~? What if I
13 years ago
wanted to do it right here," she murmurs against his ear, trailing a hand down teasingly grope him through his pants.
13 years ago
tensed slightly, he exhaled quietly, trying not to shiver. "H-here? R-really..?" He was a little shocked at the thought, but it was a kinky
13 years ago
thought in his mind.
13 years ago
hums softly, rubbing him a little. "If that's too much for you, we can go elsewhere~" she offers.
13 years ago
groans a little bit, leaning into her a little. "W-well.. How close is your place?" If it was closer than his they could go there...
13 years ago
had kept his apartment and it was indeed close by. She nips at his ear again. "Not far from here~"
13 years ago
nods at that. "W-would you like to go there, then?" He couldn't bring himself to have sex in public.
13 years ago
giggles a little, kissing at his neck and rubbing him again. "Not here~?" she asks once more, though already shifting to climb off of him.
13 years ago
makes a small noise and jumps slightly. "N-no, not here.. Alright?"
13 years ago
giggles again, grabbing his hand once she's up and pulling him up too. Now that she knew he was up for it, she couldn't help but realize
13 years ago
she was hungry. "Okay, spoilsport~" she teases a little, though she knows it's still embarrassing to do it in public, especially when it's
13 years ago
not the middle of the night like last time.
13 years ago
gets up, flushing a little. "I-I can't help it."
13 years ago
smiles at him, stealing a kiss and nodding. "It's okay~" She starts to lead him back to her apartment.
13 years ago
kisses her back lightly and follows her, a quick shag to help Matthew out was fine. He wondered what her apartment would be like.
13 years ago
lead him to her apartment, letting him inside and closing the door behind her. The apartment was a small one bedroom, nice enough in size
13 years ago
but about as messy as you would expect from a male college kid, especially since he hadn't been actually staying here.
13 years ago
stares at the clutter for a moment. "Wow.." He hadn't been expecting the mess and clutter.
13 years ago
blinks, realizing how he'd left it. "....a-ah sorry, oops. Bedroom's clean I promise..." Well, clean plus clothes on the floor but he
13 years ago
figured that was normal.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No it's fine. I'm just amused." He knew that he acted like an old man already, so he wouldn't chastise Matthew for the
13 years ago
mess. "Well, lead the way then."
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods, taking his hand and leading him through to the bedroom. She smiles, sitting on the bed, beckoning him with
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her finger.
13 years ago
smirks a little and walks over to her and the bed, giving her a kiss.
13 years ago
kisses him back, bringing a hand around to bury in his hair, enjoying even this.
13 years ago
starts to push her back, to make her lay down on the bed.
13 years ago
moans softly, letting herself be pushed back and pulling him with her. She wrapped her leg around him, pulling him against her.
13 years ago
lifts her slightly, getting more onto the bed, not breaking the kiss.
13 years ago
moans, rolling her hips up against him. She nipped at his lips, hoping he'd get a bit rougher with her.
13 years ago
holds her hips a little roughly, breaking the kiss to kiss her jaw bone, and nip at her neck.
13 years ago
gasps with the mouth on her, tilting her head for him. Her hand sneaks its way between them, moving to stroke him through his pants.
13 years ago
groans a little bit, nipping at her flesh again, his hand going between her legs.
13 years ago
moans, rolling her hips against him again. "A-Arthur..." she breathes out.
13 years ago
smirks quietly, nipping more roughly at her neck.
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