alextallitsch is
16 years ago
didn't realize people still were plurking
latest #8
Theresa says
16 years ago
OMG...who is that masked man? Haven't seen you for a while...
16 years ago
I miss Alex.
16 years ago
miss you guys too, kind of taking a mental break from social networking outside of the Packers, felt reality slip for awhile.
16 years ago
I totally understand.
Shawn Sullivan says
16 years ago
back at it, then...I need my Packer fix.
MemphisBleak is
16 years ago
still wearing my "the sweatshirt" and still on Plurk. I'm not big on change.
16 years ago
see Sully you should comment on my webpage. You are semi-famous there you know...
Shawn Sullivan says
16 years ago
Geez, call the Rookie of the (LOL)Year by the wrong name, and all hell breaks loose
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