I do enjoy coffee. I've never had it before.
That is an outrage! The coffee on the island is *shit*. If only I could give you a proper blend.
I'd say it's far better than a lot of the drinks at the Hanged Man. The alcohol there probably does contain something that questionable
So are you still speaking with me or do you hate me?
I would like to know these things, gray areas are not so simple.
I don't hate you, Francis.
Oh! Magnifique.
Then all is well.
You are so like Angleterre...
Is he someone else you were trying to sleep with?
... Don't speak of Angleterre that way.
He is a scruffy bastard and I helped raise him.
Besides, he can't even keep his hands to himself. I'm sure he's got lovers in every city.
If you are so bent on acting like a jealous child, perhaps you shouldn't have rejected me.
And anyway, why would it matter if I rejected you?
I'm sure you'll just chase after someone else
Then stop acting this way! It's irritating.
It isn't like it was anything special to you, is it?
Eh? Is that what this is really about?
Out with it, Mage, you're testing my patience.
eh, fine, believe whatever you want to.
He's the one who's the problem
But I'm starting to wonder if it's too much to ask that someone who claims to be a nation tries to understand how us humans work
Of course I understand you. I think I understand this now.
Well you've just proven that you don't understand something.
And what about that 'humans are so confusing' bit from yesterday?
Live as long as I have and then come back to me, mon cheri