朋友說橫山裕太害羞所以沒接北七的電話 北七的熱情大概嚇到他了
latest #6
And Jang ask him to go out with him near future.
But it is quite difficult for him.
Because he is too shy shy boy I have never seen......
(He is opposite of Jang.........)
That's why he didn't get the call, I think he is hesitate.....
Jang said 'I saw you-chan(his name is Yokoyama you) on TV right now! and go out for dinner sometimes!'
Your prince is really friendly and kind!!!
He is so connected to his family&kanjani8 indeed.
I hope Jang will be his friend!
聽說橫山裕的爸爸早逝 繼父後來也去去了 更可憐的是 他媽媽去年也走了 他要兄代父母職照顧2個小弟 好心酸啊
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