DerekD says
13 years ago
I am home from Mexico.
latest #26
DerekD says
13 years ago
I am on clear fluids for the first week.
DerekD says
13 years ago
DerekD says
13 years ago
I'm going to kick your ass in weight loss Sean.
DerekD says
13 years ago
I'll bet I lose 20-30lbs in the first month.
13 years ago
You have a cyborg upgrade so it's like cheating.
DerekD says
13 years ago
I don't have any mechanical parts, I just got part of my stomach removed.
13 years ago
You can word it anyway you want cyborg.
Gunther says
13 years ago
DerekD says
13 years ago
I got to see the inside of a hospital in Mexico.
13 years ago
And the hospital got to see the inside of you.
Gunther says
13 years ago
so do you feel full quicker or constantly starving?
DerekD says
13 years ago
I feel constantly full.
DerekD says
13 years ago
All it takes is 4-6oz of fluid.
MrJoeJon says
13 years ago
Gunther says
13 years ago
When will we have a stomach upgrade that can just process foods in a way where we can eat whatever we want and not gain a pound?
DerekD says
13 years ago
It's called olestra.
DerekD says
13 years ago
The side effects are violent gas and anal leakage.
Gunther says
13 years ago
I don't want any side-effects.
DerekD says
13 years ago
Nobody does.
DerekD says
13 years ago
I eat chicken broth.
I can only eat clear fluids.
I want to eat food.
DerekD says
13 years ago
A Haiku to test the new line break feature.
Gunther says
13 years ago
isn't that 8 for the middle?
DerekD says
13 years ago
I fucked up.
DerekD says
13 years ago
It's all these pain-killing drugs they have me on. I can normally haiku like a motherfucker.
Gunther says
13 years ago
sure... it
Gunther says
13 years ago
's all the drugs fault.
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