Akelaa is
16 years ago
at the Social gaming Summit, eating yummy things
latest #115
MaggieConv asks
16 years ago
what kind of yummy things?
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
noms on Akelaa NOM NOM NOM NOM....NOM NOM NOM!
Tenebrous says
16 years ago
Bad Codie! Spit him out now!
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
with a mouthful "but ah dun wannah!!! he has flavor!!"
MaggieConv wants
16 years ago
codie to be nice and share akelaa with everyone
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
okaaaaaay... you can nom it too maggieconv i is gonna share since u is kyoot! XD
Akelaa says
16 years ago
This is what Web 2.0 is all about, the noms!
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
NOMS MOAR! XD <3<3<3<3
[Codie ~]# loves
16 years ago
Akelaa very very very much
16 years ago
Akelaa thinks
16 years ago
Codie is nommy
[Codie ~]#
16 years ago
noms maggieconv while im there because shes just so nommable! NOM NOM.. NHAAAM!
Akelaa wants
16 years ago
you all to know about omnomnomnom.com
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
Akelaa is my most nommable puppy evah!
Danacea is
16 years ago
very happy to see akelaa back in the web with the rest of us :-P
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
hahaha i didnt know but this will become my fav time-loosing side evah!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Hi Danie! Missed you!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
I just overheard someone say wonderingly "People love puppies."
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
we sure do! especially you mah sweet pup! <3
MaggieConv loves
16 years ago
[Codie ~]# loves
16 years ago
everyone in this thread XD
Akelaa loves
16 years ago
maggieconv with all his little black heart
Akelaa loves
16 years ago
codie like a muthafu&$^n riot!
16 years ago
Snuggs everyone~
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Wow, I've missed this so much
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
and we fucking missed you, mate! you have no idea how much i was worried about you <3<3<3
16 years ago
and we're SO SO GLAD youre back :-D
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
Akela is probably one of the most funny, sweet and entertaining people i met through Twitter. especially when he turned into....
16 years ago
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
a mini sloth or a fruit bat.. that was SO KYOOOT i did a cute overload
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Aww, you guys are making me all weepy
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
yeah okay tenebrous is my second favourite puppy XD
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
we just love you Akelaa! you deserve the praises for your utter sweetness <3
MaggieConv loves
16 years ago
when akelaa turned into a baby hippo!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
You guys keep me smiling when the rest of the world makes me so sad
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
oh yes that was so cute too
MaggieConv loves
16 years ago
all the baby animals that akelaa becomes!
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
thats what friends are for. you know Akela, some people like you always made me keep faith in humanity. or animal kingdom. whatever XD
Danacea is
16 years ago
chuckling at the love overload. I'm British dammit, I can't behave like this!!!!!!!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Danacea shares
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
faith in... existence?
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
yes. word replacement accepted XD
Akelaa says
16 years ago
We love you too Dani!
MaggieConv is
16 years ago
usually not so lovey either but is so glad that akelaa is back
Danacea feels
16 years ago
*blush* ;-)
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
pffft maggieconv your adorable if not lovey! *giggles
Madame Maracas says
16 years ago
donkey be sheepish about lub overload! mfrost.typepad.com/cute_...
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
hahahahahaha XD
16 years ago
hahahahahah Love it!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
is that donkey smuggling those li'l guys?
Tenebrous is
16 years ago
proud to be 2nd to Akelaa's 1st place :-D
Madame Maracas says
16 years ago
it's originally from Cuteoverload.com dunno the reference, i think just helping the younguns stay w/the flock. Very cute though
Akelaa says
16 years ago
you can share the platform with me!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
I haz a Plurky question
Akelaa says
16 years ago
When I look at someone else's plurks, how do I get back to the main timeline?
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
awwww i love Tenebrous XD
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
click My Profile
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
or use the sidebar selector to re-select friends and my plurks
Tenebrous thinks
16 years ago
Akelaa deserves the platform to himself :-D
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
oh, or press V
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
V is View all plurks
Tenebrous says
16 years ago
I always just click the My Profile link top-left
16 years ago
really? I didn't know that
16 years ago
also clicks my profile
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
M is Marl all read
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
MARK all read
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Power user tips!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Tene wins the Lovecraftian Award for Greatest Name
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
U updates the current plurks too
Tenebrous says
16 years ago
wow... spreading the loves AND learning something at the same time! (s_cozy)
MaggieConv is
16 years ago
pleased to acquire this knowledge
Akelaa says
16 years ago
You know what's yummy that I've just rediscovered? Snickers
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
I eat the nougat part first, then the peanutty part
16 years ago
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
oooooooh yum!
Akelaa says
16 years ago
and yet, I don't like 3 Musketeers bars, even though they're mostly nougat
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
I prefer milky ways to snickers
Akelaa says
16 years ago
What's in a Milky Way, again?
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
i love 3 musketeers tho. but i LOVE crunchies
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
Its the same I think just without the peanuts
Madame Maracas says
16 years ago
milk chocolate around fluffy nougat YUMMERS ... www.oregonl5.org/mist/im...
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
and we're back to the noms!
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
That guy looks hungry and spazzy!
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
he probably is! haha
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
"Me now! Mine now! Gimmegimmegimme! Me faster, me better, me more!"
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
hahahahaha i love you people XD
Akelaa says
16 years ago
You brought enough for the whole class!
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
Madame Maracas is
16 years ago
nothing if not generous
Akelaa says
16 years ago
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
hahaahhaha ROTFL <3<3<3
Akelaa says
16 years ago
those li'l hearts are tasty too!
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
this is the most delicious plurk thread ever
Akelaa says
16 years ago
hahahahahaha *sqwueeze*
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
i think so too Maggie, i just want to nom you all! nommies! NHAM NHAM!
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
Akelaa says
16 years ago
Phnom Penh?
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
Madame Maracas is
16 years ago
here's a candy bar cake to hold you over while I run to the store img.timeinc.net/recipes/...
Akelaa says
16 years ago
that's a candy bar?
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
a friggin huge one!
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
its a candy bar cake! OMGZ!
MaggieConv says
16 years ago
it looks like a cake
Akelaa says
16 years ago
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
WOAH! *drools a puddle
Madame Maracas says
16 years ago
original link and recipe here find.myrecipes.com/recip...
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