Arthur has
13 years ago
run out of tea, and the markets are all closed at this late hour. Someone or something is going to die. [Rated M]
latest #500
13 years ago
totally h-has some tea if you need it-- ;w;
Arthur wonders
13 years ago
why you have tea, but that question will be asked after you make a nice, hot cup of it. B|
13 years ago
w-well, it's cause...I know you like it, and you've been over more, so I've kept it around the house and stuff just in case. Quickly slinks
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off the the kitchen all that tea stuff.
Arthur is
13 years ago
most definitely pleased to hear that, and waits patiently. "...Did you really buy tea for my sake?"
13 years ago
snorts as he places the small bag into his Disney Land cup, dishes clanking and all that as he gets it ready for his English Muffin. "Well,
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course I did! I ain't gonna drink it, an' ya never take coffee when I offer so I figured this would just be easier fer the both of us." u.u
Arthur is
13 years ago
not your English Muffin, petal. B| "...Thank you," he replies, smiling fondly. "That's... rather thoughtful of you. I never expected it..."
13 years ago
ajkdflajlkfdstfu. :I Emerges a bit later with cup in hand and holds it out for the Englishman to take. "You're sayin' you never expected
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me to be thoughtful?" u.u
13 years ago
chuckles, taking the cup with a grateful look. "No, not quite... it's just surprising, alright? And... have you gained a bit of an accent?"
13 years ago
sputters, crossing arms over chest. "N-No, don't be stupid! Maybe you're gaining /my/ accent and that's why you think I'm gettin' yours.
13 years ago
C-Cause. ...We talk similar!" BI
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow, taking a careful sip of the tea. "...Similarly, you mean. And no, we... really don't. What accent is that?"
13 years ago
huffs, puffing out his chest. "It's American! Standard American, if ya wanna get all uppity about it."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "American, ugh. You butchered English to make it... -this-."
13 years ago
"I think you're just jealous and secretly think my accent is cute." =3=
13 years ago
did, but like hell he's going to admit it. "...Don't be ridiculous. It may be more attractive than French, but... still!"
13 years ago
gets nearer to the other's face until he can lightly nuzzle their noses together. "I think you're lyiiiing~ I think you totally dig
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it~" ;w;
13 years ago
reddens slightly, drawing back and clearing his throat. "N-No, that's complete bollocks. Don't flatter yourself like that, idiot!"
13 years ago
stands up straight, hands on his hips. "D'aaah. Ya know, Artie, it's kinda hard to take ya serious when your cheeks look like tomatoes."
13 years ago
twitches, resisting the urge to throw the cup at Alfred. "They do -not-! Really, you need to start respecting me more!"
13 years ago
"You're the one who's gettin' all uptight. I'm jus playin' around, Artie." u.u
13 years ago
narrows his eyes a little. "...You -did- get an accent! What region is that from?"
13 years ago
.....Grumbles. "I've been spendin' a lil' too much time in the south, 'kay?" u.u
13 years ago
smiles, sipping some more tea. "...I like it. It's... charming in its own way."
13 years ago
".......You really think it's charming?" ;//w//;
13 years ago
nods, setting his cup down. "It's pleasant to the ears." He holds his arms out, inviting Alfred to sit with him.
13 years ago
takes that as an invitation to sit on his lap, and does so happily. ;w;
13 years ago
wraps his arms around Alfred's waist. "What did you do while you were in the southern states?"
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hummed, leaning back against him. "Meeeh, nothin' all that interesting. Ate food. Got sunburned. Played videogames while my skin
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peeled. Went to a BBQ. Forgot sunblock. Got burned again." u.u
13 years ago
chuckles, nuzzling against the crook of Alfred's neck. "You could've done that in the northern states, though. Idiot."
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relaxed against the familiar touch, holding the arms wrapped around him. "Not as quickly as I could down south! And I dunno, guess I was
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gettin' kinda fidgety and wanted to see some new stuff. Ya know, not D.C.. They've been keepin' me there for ages." Huff.
13 years ago
"I suppose. I just wish you'd be more careful with your skin. Remember to use sunblock next time, will you?"
13 years ago
laughed and rested his cheek against the side of the other's head. "Yeahyeah,, will do, Artie. At least I got a kinda-tan."
13 years ago
"You're fortunate that you can tan. I just burn..."
13 years ago
"Well ain't that a darn shame. ...Though I can't really see you with a tan, it'd look weird." ;w;
13 years ago
scoffs. "Nor can I see you pale. You're fine like this."
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snickers. "Than obviously ya haven't seen me during the winter months." Turns to plant a warm kiss to cheek. "...An' your fine just like
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this too."
13 years ago
smiles faintly. "...Thank you. And I'll really have to urge you to visit the southern states more often. I could get use to this."
13 years ago
13 years ago
laughs, nuzzling his cheek affectionately. Cause he's a snuggler. Fo sho. "Anythin' fer you~" ;w;
13 years ago
chuckles a bit, kissing Alfred's cheek. "I must've done something right; today is turning out to be marvelous."
13 years ago
snugly wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders, rocking them gently, smile softening. "...Shush, yer gonna make me blush." Ohgod,
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cheesy romance lines in a British accent, Alfred must've done something right too.
13 years ago
"Oh, damn; you figured out my plan." he smiles slightly, shifting a bit to peck Alfred's lips.
13 years ago
laughs and returns the gesture, planting a sloppy kiss to the Englishman's mouth. "Well, you know me, Artie, gotta be on top'a stuff, bein'
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a hero 'n all."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, just slightly amused. "Just when were you on top of anything, love?"
13 years ago
.........flushes, replacing his cheek at the side of Arthur's head to conceal his reddening face. "....Plenty of times...." u///u
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reaches up, carding his fingers through Alfred's hair. "I can't seem to recall a single moment."
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shifts on the Englishman's lap. u/////u "...Shuddup..."
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chuckles, tightening his hold a bit. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I think it's endearing."
13 years ago
ajflka;jfsldf. "W-Who said I was embarrassed! I'm just. Y-Yer. --Wanna watch a movie?"
13 years ago
actually laughs a bit. "You look embarrassed, darling. And alright; which movie?"
13 years ago
shifts again, thankful for the change in subject but not yet ready to pull his face away. "Uh. You. Got any ideas?" Alfred would
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probably just request another horror movie, and he knew how much the Brit hated sitting through those with him.
13 years ago
hums, thinking a bit. "We can watch one of your films. Captain America, I believe it was called?"
13 years ago
ADJFKL;AJFD;L Embarrassment gone, pulls away from Arthur, bouncing on his lap slightly. "DUDE! YES! Yes! We should watch Captain
13 years ago
America, YES!"
Arthur is
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slightly amused at Alfred's reaction. "I heard that the love interest is English."
13 years ago
...Ohgod, he wouldn't hear the end of that one. "So how about Cowboys vs Aliens." :'D
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Absolutely not; that sounds stupid. I want to watch Captain America."
13 years ago
huffs, pouting. "It ain't stupid, it's got Harrison Ford in it, and flying saucers and cowboys, how is that stupid!" :-<
13 years ago
13 years ago
* >:
13 years ago
"That's stupid in every way imaginable. If we don't watch Captain America, we're watching one of my films."
13 years ago
"Well okay, Mr. Cinematic Friggen Genius, show me what you got." =n=
13 years ago
hummed. "Harry Potter, The Inbetweeners..."
13 years ago
quirked an eyebrow. "The Inbetweeners, what the hell is that? Some sorta. Interdenominational...traveling...thing?"
13 years ago
chuckled. "No, it's a comedy film. I still say we watch Captain America, though. I'd like to see your take on my women during World War II."
13 years ago
grumbled, sliding off the Englishman's lap with a huff. "...Alright, alright, but don't be shocked to find she totally goes ga-ga over the
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hero, has huge boobs, perfect make-up, and somehow also kicks ass, cause that's just how all the women in our movies roll." =x=
13 years ago
rolls his eyes and stands up. "I was under the impression that the women in your film were all helpless damsels."
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shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, the flip side. It's like. We make 'em bad ass, so that girls don't get all pissy when they end up getting
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captured and stuff in the end." =3=
13 years ago
"...Right. Well, get your things, we're going to the theatre."
13 years ago
"Jolly good then", replies with a cheeky grin, shuffling off to grab a sweater and some money. ;w;
13 years ago
didn't look too pleased with that. "Don't make fun of my slang, you twit."
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emerged a few minutes later, laughing softly. "Aw, c'mon, Artie, don't be such a stiff, take a joke, will ya? If it makes you feel any
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better, you can make fun of some of my slang."
13 years ago
headed towards the door, eager to get out and watch the movie. "It's -Arthur-. And like what? Your slang is just... beyond ridiculous.
13 years ago
Like... 'homie'? 'Dude'?"
13 years ago
snickered, winding his arm around the Englishman's. "It sounds pretty ridiculous when you say it. An' I thought you didn't mind when I
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called you Artie!" D:
13 years ago
sighed, trying to tug his arm away when they stepped out of the door. PDA and all that. "...Ugh, fine. Just no 'English Muffin'."
13 years ago
blinked and pouted, withdrawing his arm from the other's. "...Alright, alright, I'll save that one for home-usage only.
13 years ago
13 years ago
"No, Alfred, you won't -ever- use that, unless you want to be called petal."
13 years ago
"....But English Muffin is so cute." >:
13 years ago
huffed, waiting for Alfred to lead the way to the theatre. "It most definitely is not. It sounds stupid."
13 years ago
strides forward, kicking a rock from his path. "I think you're just angry you can't come up with an equally awesome nickname for me." u.u
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow, following after him. "I thought petal was good enough." =3=
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Nope. English Muffin is so much more creative. Plus, it's effing adorable. Petal is, like ya said, like me calling you
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babe." |<
13 years ago
sighed. "Fine. If you call me English Muffin, I'll call you pet."
13 years ago
eyes the Englishman with a quirked, blond eyebrow. "...Pet? Like. A dog er fish er something?" u.u
13 years ago
chuckled slightly. "No, no; like, ah... thank you for taking me out today, pet. That... sort of thing."
13 years ago
continued looking just as bewildered as before. "...Is this some sorta slave and master, guy with whip thing?" :I English people were
13 years ago
13 years ago
reddened almost immediately. "W-Wha-- n-no! Of course not! What sort of pervert do you take me as?!"
13 years ago
laughed at how quickly the color returned to Arthur's face. "Well sorry dude! I dunno! Cultural misinterpretation, hahaha!" He patted the
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Brit on the back. "...Well, it ain't as girly as petal, so sure, I think it's a good trade off, English Muffin." ;w;
13 years ago
twitched at the nickname. "Alfred! Would you just get rid of that atrocious nickname?!"
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shrank a little, watching him, the Englishman obviously not in the mood for playing around anymore. "Y-Yeah, alright, okay, Arthur..." ;_;
13 years ago
sighed, feeling a little guilty. "...Just... in public, at least," he grumbled, hesitantly reaching for Alfred's hand.
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Almost instantly, Alfred perked up, baby blues glistening happily as he curled his fingers around the other's, stepping closer,
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grinning. "You got it! Won't even cross my mind." ;w;
Arthur will
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resist Alfred's sad look one day... "It better not," he replied, smiling faintly as he gently squeezed Alfred's hand. "Ah, your hand grew
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so much... I still remember when it was tiny."
13 years ago
doubts it. >w> Looks down at their hands, recalling such a day as well. Offers a crooked smile at the memories. "...'S a long time ago,
13 years ago
13 years ago
nodded. "But I'm... glad that things turned out this way. I wasn't expecting it to, but... still."
13 years ago
laughs and gently knocks the sides of their heads together. "Can't say I was really expectin' things ta end up like this either. Sure am
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glad they did." .u.
13 years ago
smiles slightly, and gives Alfred's hand a light squeeze. "That's... very nice to know, love. I'm glad you're happy with these current
13 years ago
13 years ago
snickers and scuffs the pavement with the bottom of his sneakers. Adjasjdfkl "I like it when you call me love." ;w;
13 years ago
blinks, a little surprised, but ends up smiling fondly up at the other. "Then I suppose that'll be the one I use for you the most. It's the
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most accurate, too."
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flushes a light pink, looking away and swinging their hands. "Mm, w-well good, cause...I...l-love you too."
13 years ago
chuckles, finding Alfred absolutely adorable when he's like this. "Good. Now let's go get those tickets, shall we? Unless you'd like to
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lounge around the park instead."
13 years ago
hums, considering his options. He'd already seen Captain America like five times. And...he didn't really know the next time Arthur'd have
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to up 'n leave, so maybe a walk in the park wasn't all that bad of an idea. Turns back to Artie with a big, Hollywood grin. "Park sounds
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nice. Pro'ly really crowded at the theater anyway."
13 years ago
nods, turning left to head to the park nearby. "I'm going to guess you want to be pushed on the swings?"
13 years ago
blinked at the Brit's offer...or question, really, but he took it as an offer either way. Stares. ;U; "Y-You'd do that?"
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chuckles, heading right for the swings. "If you insist. Really, you're such a child." His tone is fond as he says it, meaning it in a
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completely affectionate way.
13 years ago
Adjsfklajdsl Runs towards the swings, eyes lit up like the Forth of July. Hops into one and settles. ;w; "Go, Artie, go!"
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smiles, shaking his head as he stands behind Alfred. "Ready?" he asks, and begins pushing, first gently, then harder, making Alfred swing
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higher and higher.
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holds onto the chains tightly, laughing like a kid on effing Christmas morning, cause he was probably just as happy. "Faster faster!" ;w; He
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had always enjoyed swinging-- it made you feel like you were flying, especially when you looked at the sky.
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steps back once Alfred is going high enough, smiling a bit at how happy the other looks. "Be careful, Alfred; hold on tightly, you don't
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want to fall."
13 years ago
laughs, enjoying the surge of butterflies at each down swing. "I ain't gonna fall! Unless I jumped, which holy cow, couldja imagine the
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air I'd get on this?" ;w;
13 years ago
blanches. "No, Alfred! Don't you dare jump!" Because the likelihood of Alfred getting hurt is way too high, and the last things Arthur wants
Arthur is
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for his lover to injure himself.
13 years ago
had made his choice long before the statement left his own mouth. So, about half-way through the Brit's exclamation, he re-positioned his
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hands and totally jumped. And he did fly. For like a few seconds, before face planting into the ground and rolling onto his back, laughing
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his ass off.
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wasn't amused. "Alfred!" he cried out in alarm, immediately rushing over. "Are y-- i-idiot! I told you not to do that, you moronic wanker!
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You could've seriously gotten hurt!"
13 years ago
continued laughing. He really couldn't help it. It was fun, and Britain always had a tendency to freak out over stuff like that. He wiped
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the laughter-induced tears from his eyes as he looked up at Arthur. "C-C'mon, Artie, I'm fine, see look, all in one piece!" He grinned up
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at him.
13 years ago
huffed, grabbing Alfred's wrist and hoisting him up. "Even when I told you not to do that, you still do it! Really, Alfred, must you be so
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bloody reckless all the time?" he grumbled, dusting the other nation off.
13 years ago
snorted, holding his arms up to allow ease of dusting. "Maybe this was some sort of elaborate and well-thought-out plan to get you to
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touch my ass." ;w;
13 years ago
reddened almost immediately, briefly glancing down at Alfred's dust-covered bottom. "...That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard," he
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huffed, reaching down to dust it off before pinching Alfred's ass. "You could've just asked."
13 years ago
flushed, laughing playfully before leaning forward to steal a quick kiss. "M'kay, I'll just do that next time then. Not as much effort."
13 years ago
13 years ago
chuckled, allowing it only because no one was around to see. "You're being awfully endearing today. What do you want?"
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snorted and stood back, placing his hands on his hips. "What makes ya think I want anything! Maybe I just love you and think I've
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been an ass ta to lately a-and wanna make it up." ;x;
13 years ago
stared at Alfred carefully, wondering if he was telling the truth. "...Yes, well... I'm used to it by now, love. You needn't worry
13 years ago
about such silly things. Now, shall we get some ice cream and stroll around the park?"
13 years ago
huffed. But...he called him love again with a British accent, so it made it okay. "Yeah we should! Got one helluva sweet tooth." He
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wound his arm about the other's again, going for attempt number two, and started for the nearest ice cream stand. =w=
13 years ago
shook his head, chuckling quietly as he followed. "Limit yourself to three scoops, will you? Too much will give you a stomach ache...
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not to mention that nothing is good in excess."
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ajfklaf. "But I've got the digestive system of a champion." u.u
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sighed. "Which is why I'm allowing you three scoops rather than two. I'll make you dinner when we get back home."
13 years ago
"U-Uh, nah, that's okay, I'll make YOU dinner! Ya know. Cause...I'm being endearing." ;w;
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "...Oh? Alright. As long as it isn't hamburgers..."
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nods happily as they approach the ice cream stand. "You got it! No burgers." =w=
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"Or hotdogs, or anything like that. Now get yourself a cone; this will be my treat."
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ajsfdlkajf. "I-I can pay, Artie, you don't have to!" Cause he totally has enough. No economic troubles, no sir. ...Nope.
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smiled slightly. "It's fine, really. Get a cone, love; let me coddle you while I can, hm?"
13 years ago
Goddamn, bringin' out the whole 'love' thing again. Alfred was pretty sure this was getting back at him for using that pout he could wear
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so well. "...Okay, okay. Uh." Looks to the man prepared to take their order. "I'll...take a vanilla cone with sprinkles, two scoops, and
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uh-- Hey, you gettin' anything?"
13 years ago
thought for a second. "I'll have a scoop of strawberry." He took out his wallet and paid for the ice cream, receiving his cone not too
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long afterward. "I thought you were going to get three scoops."
13 years ago
shrugged as he took hold of the frozen dairy treat, immediately dragging his tongue across that sweet, sprinkly goodness. "Changed my
13 years ago
mind I guess, didn't wanna ruin my appetite." Or clean out your wallet. u.u
13 years ago
watched Alfred for a moment, distracted, before nodding. "...Come on, then. I believe you agreed to a stroll." And maybe more, because
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-damn- his stupid boyfriend for getting vanilla, which tended to look suggestive when eaten messily... which Alfred typically did.
13 years ago
LOL. -Shotfornoteventhinkingthat.- ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
nodded, happy to get off the hook and move their little date along. "Mhmmm, that I did", he replied, quickly lapping up some of the poor,
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melting droplets from the edge of his cone as they began walking again.
13 years ago
13 years ago
[ GODDAMN LMAO Omg why do you torture Arthur like this ]
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glanced over at Alfred, unable to get his gaze off that little pink tongue. He reddened slightly, swallowing thickly as he barely
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remembered to start on his own cone. "...Don't eat so messily, Alfred."
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"Mm?" He hummed as he looked over at the Englishman. "I ain't! I didn't want...that to happen." Alfred exhaled a frustrated grunt as
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a nice drop of ice cream ran onto the front of his shirt, swapping the cone to his other hand in an effort to lick his sticky fingers clean.
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--C-Cause it's fun. //Shotsomanytimes. ))
13 years ago
wondered just what he'd done wrong that day to deserve such treatment. He cleared his throat, going off the main path to head to the
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picnic tables surrounded by several bushes and trees. Fortunately, no one was there. Christ, it was so tempting... "D-Don't lick your
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fingers, either... use a napkin...!"
13 years ago
quirked a blond eyebrow, both at the abrupt direction change and that utterly flustered look on his Englishman's face. Why would he-- Oooh,
13 years ago
and suddenly oblivious America wasn't so oblivious. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "Psh, why wouldya wanna wipe it off? It's
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such a waste, dude." Yeah. This was fun. A lot of fun.
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grit his teeth, trying and failing to take deep, calming breaths. "Because...! That's..." Oh, fuck it. No one was in the vicinity anyway. He
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grabbed Alfred's wrist, bringing his hand close so he could start licking off the cream residue of the ice cream. He kept his gaze sharp
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and trained on Alfred's as he licked, curling his tongue around the lightly callous digits before taking them into his mouth to suck.
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squirmed slightly beneath that gaze, lips trembling slightly as the heat enveloped his fingers. Fuck. So warm. Fuck. So public--Wait,
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wow, Artie was goin' for it in public? Nice... Alfred wasn't about to complain. He gently bit on his own bottom lip, laughing
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softly. "H-Hey, Artie, sit on the bench, will ya?"
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sucked one more time before withdrawing, licking his lips afterward. He sat on the bench, the ice cream he held in his hand completely
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forgotten as he gazed at Alfred with a look that couldn't have screamed 'come hither' more than it already did.
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bit off the largest chunk of ice cream he could before allowing the cone to slip from his fingers, quickly making his way to the Englishman
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, blue hues flickering playfully. He took to his knees, glancing with paranoia over his shoulder before leaning forward and pressing
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hot lips to the man's clothed arousal. Baby blues flickered up to note his reaction.
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gasped softly, dropping his own cone on the tabletop. Well, he'd be one hell of a liar if he denied that the thrill was part of why this was
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so damn arousing. (Alfred being on his knees was a huge plus, too.) He reached down, unbuttoning and nipping his trousers before tugging
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his pants and boxers down just enough. "Don't tease," he warned, running a hand through Alfred's golden hair. "Suck." It was a command more
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than a request, as the Englishman rarely -requested- when dealing with things of sexual nature.
13 years ago
felt his cheeks burn a bright rose hue, warmth trickling through his arms and legs and fingers and toes in tingling waves at the Brit's
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rather...forceful statement. What could he say, there was something about the man's aggressive side that just did it for him. Maybe it
Alfred was
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the image of him dawning good ol' fashioned pirate gear, or maybe it was the accent (everything sounded better in that accent). Whatever
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it was, the American couldn't get enough. He laughed breathily over the man's heat, sliding his slick tongue against the organ's
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tip. Alfred? Listen to Arthur the first time through? Nah, he loved pushing buttons too much. Blue eyes latched unwaveringly to emerald.
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hissed softly, feeling a low hum of pleasure ripple briefly through him. Not enough; never enough. He narrowed his eyes just slightly,
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warning Alfred to listen. (But when did that ever happen?) "Alfred, I promise you, if you don't carry on as I've told you to, you -will-
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regret it later." As an encouragement, he moved his hips just slightly, pressing his cock more firmly against Alfred's lips.
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shivered as yet another wave of adrenaline pulsated through his system, lips trembling as they curled into a smirk. "Mmm, if you think ya
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got what it takes to make me /regret/ it later...", he hummed teasingly, placing several open-mouthed kisses to the Brit's warm
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arousal. Fuck. This was so much better than Captain America. And that was saying something.
13 years ago
's smirk grew. "...You asked for it, love. I'll have you begging for mercy once we return. But for now..." He gently, but firmly, grasped
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Alfred's hair, moving his head so that his lips were pressed right on the tip of his cock. "Nn... for now, suck. You wouldn't want me
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to ask you a third time."
13 years ago
decided that he'd made the Englishman suffer enough (although he couldn't help but be a little interested what would happen after the third
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time), and finally wrapped his lips around the other's needy erection, establishing a slow but steady rhythm of drawing his head forward
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and back, forward and back, cheeks flustered and glasses fogging as his hot breath clashed with the nighttime air. "Hnnnnn~"
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moaned softly, both at the sensation of Alfred's hot mouth finally around him, and at the sight of Alfred sucking him off. "Good lad," he
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murmured. "Nn, that's it, keep going... I'll reward you, if you do a good job."
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hummed a soft chuckle in the back of his throat, a little uncertain if he would be getting punished or rewarded once they arrived
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home. Maybe America was so talented, he'd just totally wiped the other's thoughts of 'regret' clean. Yeah. He shifted himself nearer,
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grasping the Brit's knees, eyes fluttering to a close as he slid the other farther and farther into his mouth, constricting his cheeks and
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tongue around it tighter...tighter... "Unh~"
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moaned a little louder, though he made sure to control himself in case anyone was passing by. (Though, in this hour? He doubted it.) "Hnn,
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-Alfred-, yes..." he gasped, thrusting a little into his lover's mouth. His fingers twisted a few locks of golden hair, urging him on to go
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faster. "A-Ah..."
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obliged, working his rhythmic bobbing into a much brisker pace. Each little sound, every breath churned the molten lust in the pit of his
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stomach; a yearning to please gnawed at his insides-- the same lust and affection he felt towards the Brit manifesting in a way so similar,
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and yet, so different than that of which he normally felt. It was strange. And it filled him to the brim, driving him onward. He dug his
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nails into Arthur's clothed legs, humming loudly, slipping the tip of that warm organ all the way to the back of his throat, eyes
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watering softly and teeth gently scraping the soft tissue.
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thought that out of the many, many things he'd seen in his lifetime, this was perhaps one of the most arousing scenes he'd laid eyes on. His
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breath came in short, ragged gasps as he struggled to keep his voice down, but damn if it wasn't difficult. Alfred's mouth was hot and
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just so utterly perfect, he couldn't help but let a low moan of, "O-Oh, -fuck- Alfred...!" when he felt the American take his entire cock
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in. He'd definitely have to reward Alfred later. His grip on Alfred's hair tightened, desperate for more of the delicious sensations. "Nngh,
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-yes-!" Arthur willed his eyes to stay at least half open, wanting to see every second of Alfred servicing him.
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groaned heavily, his breath falling into pace with the Englishman's, fingers and toes and lips tingling in a numb heat. Fuck. He couldn't
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describe it-- the sheer rush he got as that heat filled more and more and more of him. It made his mind hazy. It made his heart
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pound. He was the one--/he/-- Alfred, made Arthur feel this way. He brought him to this pleasure. And shit, did it feel good. Toes
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curled, breath hitched as the slick organ was pulled back and repeatedly slammed into the back of his throat. Fingers relocated to the base
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of Arthur's cock, massaging the skin softly and holding it steady.
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actually had to raise a hand to muffle a particularly loud cry. He was lost in a hazy sea of pleasure where all that existed was Alfred -
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Alfred's mouth, Alfred's eyes, Alfred's fingers... just Alfred. It didn't take him much longer to feel the familiar pleasure build up in
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his abdomen, threatening to burst and send him over. When he finally came, sudden and hard in Alfred's mouth, he let out a strangled cry,
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just barely able to keep himself from screaming Alfred's name. He panted softly, a little disoriented from his orgasm, but didn't take his
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gaze off his lover. "Swallow everything," he commanded, trying to catch his breath. "A single wasted drop will cost you, love."
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felt the rippling effects of the male's climax quiver through his lips, down his spine, curl around his stomach in dizzying
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constrictions of heat. Sweat beaded down his neck. Baby blues flickered open, captured in seas of emerald as his throat and mouth and
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lips were coated in the thick, sticky liquid. He hummed lowly. Fuck. It shouldn't have felt as good as it did trickling down
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his throat. "Hnnnn." Brows creased with concentration as he attempted to catch every last drop. But he was a messy eater. Droplets of
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the back of his throat. Brows creased in concentration has he attempted to do as he was told. But he was a messy eater. Droplets of
13 years ago
.....ajflakjf;afd fu plurk ))
13 years ago
ignore second post u.u ))
13 years ago
white followed that of the ice cream previously, curling around the corners of his mouth and trickling down his chin. He caught what
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he could in his palms, slowly retracting his head, cleaning Arthur to the best of his ability. "Oops~"
13 years ago
[ Okie, don't worry XD ]
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chuckled, remaining still for a moment to remain his energy. He reached out, hooking a slender finger under Alfred's chin to raise his
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head. "Ah... bad boy, Alfred," he murmured, smirking. "I suppose I'll have to punish you after all, hmm?" He gently pushed Alfred back a
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little and pulled his pants up, deftly pulling the zipper up and slipping the button through the hole. As he did so, he stretched out his
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leg, pressing his shoe up against Alfred's crotch. He began rubbing the bulge, applying varying levels of pleasure intermittently. "I'll
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make good on my promise from earlier, love. You really ought to have listened and tried a little harder..."
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"Mm..." The pressure sent shock-waves of sensation shooting down the small of his back, and he impatiently ground his hips against
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it. Alfred choked out a shaky laugh as he licked the stray seed from around his lips. "W-Whatever you say, dude, I still ain't
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convinced..." But shit he needed more than that friggen shoe. He leaned his head forward slightly to nip the Brit's clothed thigh with
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a devious smile, wiggling his toes in his shoes.
13 years ago
"So eager," Arthur chuckled, standing. "Take your pants off and lie down in the table. I've not enough patience to wait until we go back
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home." He loosened the tie around his neck, eyes glinting deviously.
13 years ago
felt his stomach flip at the Brit's words, glancing over his shoulder, yet again, half-expecting there to be a couple of innocent
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bystanders watching in horror at the events taking place. The American flushed and shakily got to his feet. "--H-Hey, at least you
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could play it off like I was tying your shoe or something! And what about splinters, I ain't gonna deal with that shit." =//3//=;
13 years ago
took hold of Alfred's wrist, gently tugging him up. "Well then," he said, leaning in to nip Alfred's lower lip, "You'll just have to be
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quiet so you don't attract any attention." He then kissed Alfred, hot and demanding, sucking his lip teasingly before sliding his tongue
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past them. His hands, meanwhile, easily unzipped Alfred's jeans and undid the button, brushing by his crotch before tugging both pants
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and boxers off. Arthur pulled back before Alfred could fully enjoy the kiss, smirking as he quickly shed his coat and threw it on the
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table, just barely missing the strawberry ice cream he'd dropped there earlier. "Lie down," he ordered, his breath warm against Alfred's
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Hnnnn", he groaned with a light pout, any retorts he had to the Englishman's statement silenced beneath the heat of that kiss. Lips
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parted. He allowed the Englishman in, limbs vibrating with anticipation as both his pants and boxers were quickly discarded, exposing
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all of the south to the chilly night air. He shuddered. He moaned and pressed his hips against the other's, closing his eyes against
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the passion of the connection before it was totally broken and he was ordered elsewhere. Ajakldjafuckingjacket. The blond shot a
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scowl at the Englishman before begrudgingly sliding onto the surface of the table, scooting until the backs of his knees came into contact
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with the edge of the picnic table, feet dangling. Cheeks reddened further at the...openness of it all. "F-Fuck, somebody's gonna come and
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flip out er somethin' er take pictures and I'm gonna have to explain them to my boss and he ain't gonna take me seriously, cause they'll
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probably end up the laughing stock of facebook--" He could continue rambling on with this scenario, really, Alfred just talked when he was
13 years ago
13 years ago
just shook his head, spreading Alfred's legs and leaning in to lick up his cock. "Hush," he murmured, grasping the base of the American's
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erection before taking in only the very tip into his mouth. He sucked lightly as his tongue kneaded down on the slit, humming teasingly to
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create vibrations. His eyes remained locked on Alfred's face, watching that beautiful blush and those gorgeous eyes with nothing short
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of a predatory gaze.
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"A-Ah--" Lips parted, train of thought brought to an abrupt halt as his punishment began. The touch left his spine tingling, pleasant
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sensations drifting along his thighs, but it wasn't enough-- not nearly enough. That said, so far, so good. He was impatient, yeah. Was
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he gonna get frustrated? Yeah. Was his face the shade of a fire truck, being out in the open like this? You bet. But it wasn't /that/
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bad. "Sh...Shit..." Fingers captured a few strands of the Brit's hair, and he relocated his heels to rest on the edge of the table. Head
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rested flat against the table as lust-glazed baby blues fixated on the stars.
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smirked, drawing back as soon as it became clear that Alfred was enjoying this. "You know, love, I never had the chance to finish my ice
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cream," he said, kissing along Alfred's thigh as he reached over to dip his fingers in the discarded cone, covering them in melted
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strawberry ice cream. "Which is quite a shame, because I was looking forward to it." He circled the fingers around Alfred's entrance,
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teasing and slow. "Unfortunately, it doesn't look too appetizing in that soggy little cone." He slipped a finger in, smirking
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as he pressed it in knuckle-deep. "So be a good lad and act as a substitute, hm?" He then slipped in another finger, curling them both once
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they were fully inside, searching around for Alfred's prostrate. "But remember to keep quiet, love."
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fidgeted in frustration the moment he felt those warm lips retract, gaze snapping down to watch in disbelief. What, was he gonna eat
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fucked melted ice cream while the Yankee over here suffered, treat-less and with a near painful erection? That was just sick. His fears
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were rather quickly quelled-- if not the kisses to his inner thigh, the digits probing about entrance. "Hah-Huh~!" Shocks of molten
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electricity rattled his spine, heels slamming against the wooden surface beneath him as the digit slipped inside, his unprepared body
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tightening around it. "A-Ahn, sh-- Shit! Shit--" Face glowed with color. Eyes fluttered to a close, the small of his back lifting
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slightly from the table as he squirmed. Then came another. He whined, tossing his hands over his mouth in a desperate attempt to silence
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the yelp easing from his throat. It stung so good. Hurt so deliciously...nice. "F-Fuckin--Holy, sh...God--", he managed to groan through
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his fingers and through his gasps. On a different note, he had never thought of using ice cream this way.
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"Shh," Arthur cooed, his tone sickening sweet and contrasting with the ravenous smirk on his lips. "I don't want anyone else seeing
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you like this. This sight is for me, and me alone." He leaned in, teasingly pillowing his lips over Alfred's cocky as he thrust his
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fingers in and out, in and out, going as deep as they could before he slid them out completely. He coated three fingers with ice cream
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this time and slipped them in without warning, fingerfucking Alfred as he peppered his lover's erection with kisses and licks.
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really wished he could shut himself up. He really wished he could silence the unrelenting sighs and groans that all too easily rushed past
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the seam of his lips and flowed into the open air. He also really wished he could understand just what made this so breathtakingly
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delicious and mildly painful all at the same time. But he couldn't. "A-Ah~ Artie. Uh~! F...Fuck--" He could just lay there, dwelling
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in that fucking amazing way the heat of the Englishman's fingers shifted him, stretched him. Coupled with the attention to his needy
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erection, he was quickly losing his head-- quickly losing himself in the heat and the pressure. Arthur. He was all there was. Just
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Arthur. Just this moment. Just the blood pounding in his ears, the breath tearing at his lungs. Just them. Fingers grasped at the collar
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of his shirt, suddenly feeling smothered by its weight. Brows quivered. "S-Shit-- Artie-- That...feels so...fucking...good--"
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hummed, kissing Alfred's cock one more time before drawing his lips back. "It does, doesn't it?" he asked, smirking just slightly as he drew
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his fingers out as well. Rather than reaching for the ice cream again, he removed his tie, smirking up at Alfred before tying it around
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the base of his cock. "...So let's see how long you can enjoy it before you beg me for mercy." He dipped four fingers in ice cream this
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time, before easing them back into Alfred gently until they were all in. His thumb pressed against the American's sac teasingly as he began
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thrusting his fingers in and out again, driving them in hard but not nearly fast enough.
13 years ago
...God, fuck 5:30 a.m. ;A; -Shuffles off to bed before he keels over at the computer, stealing fast snuggle.-I'll ttyl, EnglishMuffin ;w; ))
13 years ago
[ Sleep tight, petal. <3333 ]
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writhed, whimpering softly as the fingers were yet again retracted-- just as he was getting comfortable, just as a much desired rhythm was
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established. Ow. It wasn't so much the movement of those slender digits once inside that made him cringe, made him squirm. It was more
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of the entering. The exiting. And of course, the adding of yet another finger when the American had hardly believed he could take
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two...three...four. Baby blues glistened with a flicker of horrified desperation at that enticingly soft pressure around his
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throbbing manhood. Palms slammed onto the picnic table, thighs trembling, wacking the back of his head against the hard
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surface. "Ah--O-Ow! OwowOW-- You-- F...Fucking I... I won't...fuc--king... Beg f--or you--!" Alfred was dangerously teetering on the edge
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of pleasure and pain at this point, quite certain he'd be ripped in half at the rate this was going. His insides burned with need, stung
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and throbbed in wave after wave of molten lust. Knees pulled closer to his chest, and he pressed his palms onto his forehead as though
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doing so would stop his eyes from watering. "Nnnnh~! Fuck!" But America didn't beg. He wouldn't beg.
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chuckled, lowering his lips to suck on a certain section of Alfred' cock, never once stopping the movement of his fingers. He pulled them
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out until only his fingertips remained inside, before plunging them back in all the way, knuckle-deep, before repeating the process. "Come
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on, love," he purred, eyes glinting. "I know you can do it well. Beg for more, sweetheart. I know this isn't enough for you."
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gasped, he moaned, his body vibrant with the need rolling through it. Artie was right. It wasn't enough. Those lips felt so damn
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good on his erection, sending fleeting tendrils of pleasure spiraling up his spine. But it wasn't enough. Toes curled, chest heaved, baby
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blues remained squeezed shut. "Hmmm! Uhh~!" NO YOU DON'T, ALFRED F. JONES, YOU WON'T FUCKING BEG. You won't. Beg. America was too
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proud, right? He frantically shook his blond head, bangs sticking to his forehead. "N-No no no /no/--!" His nonsensical mutterings
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continued, almost distracting him. Almost. Not really.
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licked slowly along the underside of Alfred's cock, starting just above where the tie was, and ending at the very tip. His fingers curled
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and stretched, driving in deeper and deeper, thrusting in fast for a few blissful seconds before resuming their achingly slow pace. "Let's
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hear it, Alfred. Beg." He sucked on the head of Alfred's cock lightly, tongue swiping off the precum eagerly. "Mm..."
13 years ago
That's it. Alfred was done. All it took was a taste of that pace, those fingers diving just a little deeper, Artie's tongue dragging oh-so
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delicately against his painfully throbbing erection, for euphoria to sweep him away. For now, dignity could go fuck itself. Body jolted
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and he buried his face in his hands, crying out in desperate frustration. "O-OKAY--! O..kay~! Sh...Shit...! A-Artie--
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Arthur..." God, this was harder than he thought. Cheeks flared a bright red. "P...Please. Artie. Please. Faster, please, harder, I-I
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can't...f-fucking take it anymore, please just---please--!" Never gonna live that down, no sir.
13 years ago
smirked, easily picking up his pace, pounding his fingers into his lover until his palm was slapping loudly against him. "There's a good
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lad," he cooed, chuckling. His breath was hot on Alfred's cock, lips brushing along the skin but never quite touching it anymore. "Keep it
13 years ago
up, and I may consider letting you cum..."
13 years ago
"G-God... Shit... F-Fuck, Artie, don't...fucking stop", he moaned through trembling lips, feeling as though his mind was floating
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somewhere far above his body. He fisted his own sweaty, golden locks. It was a peculiar thing, giving another so much power over
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him. Kinda scary. Kinda hot, too, though at the given moment he wouldn't be willing to admit that. The American's gasps tore the still
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of the nighttime air, the pressure and pleasure expanding and swirling in his stomach until his hips frantically buckled against the heat of
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those lips. "Nnh~ Nnh! Whaddya...m-mean, might, y-you--a-ah...dick." Not cum after THIS? Unheard of. Unbelievable. Alfred would
13 years ago
probably die.
13 years ago
hummed in response, using his free hand and his teeth to tighten the tie just a bit more. "Mhmm," he replied. "If you don't do as I say, I
13 years ago
may feel inclined to do something like this..." he trailed off, slowing down his fingers again, curling them and pressing them against
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Alfred's prostrate before drawing back, then pushing them in slowly again. "Or this..." he sped up, fingerfucking Alfred rigorously for
13 years ago
a few seconds before slowing down, then repeating the uneven pace until it was sure to drive Alfred mad.
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"So, poppet," Arthur cooed, nipping his thigh. "Let's hear you beg some more. Nicely."
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And drive Alfred mad he did. The tightened tie made the American's blue hues flutter, chin lifting and teeth sinking into his bottom lip
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in a desperate but useless attempt to distract himself from the gnawing lust quivering, burning, searing. His cheeks glowed with
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frustration. "Hm~ Hm~ Hah!" His heart skipped a beat as his pleasure spot was prodded. Alfred threw his fists against the
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table. "Sh-Shit! Fuck! Y-- You...Artie, you..." He could scarcely speak around the ragged breaths tearing at his lungs. His heels dug
13 years ago
into the fabric-covered surface. He moved himself against those fingers, attempting to fill the void. Okay. Nice. He could do
13 years ago
nice. "Nnnh-hn-hn!" He half-sobbed. "Pleeeeease~! You fuc-- N-No! Not f-fucker, y-you-- I... I...I l-love you, p-please--"
13 years ago
smiled, rather pleased with the results, and decided to be merciful by speeding up again, slamming his fingers into Alfred and hearing the
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American's beautiful cries in response. "There's a good lad," he murmured, very slowly loosening the tie until it was fully off. "Here's
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your reward, love." He took Alfred's cock into his mouth again, sucking intermittently and bobbing his head at a messy pace, admittedly
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finding it slightly difficult to suck his lover off and fingerfuck him at the same time.
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The delicious stretch, the shock-waves of pleasure curling around the small of his back, coupled with the long-awaited attention to his
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erection-- hot, wet, constricting-- was enough to send him into a euphoric delirium. His chest heaved. Blood pumped at deafening volumes
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in his ears. Again, he slammed his hands over his mouth in a futile effort to silence the cries that poured from his mouth. "A-Ah! Artie~!"
13 years ago
chuckled, still with Alfred's cock in his mouth, and plunged his fingers in deeper and harder still. Even though the man was trying, Alfred
Arthur was
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failing at being quiet - and Arthur really found that he didn't mind. That just increased the chances of them getting caught, which brought
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more thrill. He drew his head back, licking his lips and concentrated more on striking his lover's prostrate each time. "Shh, sweetheart,
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someone might hear you," he cooed, smirking as he peppered messy kisses along Alfred's length. "The United States of America, writhing
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and wanton, completely at my mercy... my, that hardly sounds like anything your people would be too pleased with."
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squirmed, his entire body falling beneath the spell of Arthur's touch-- hot, rosy, slick with sweat, trembling. A shaky frown caressed
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his lips. He hated being laughed at; he hated being taunted, especially when he knew he hadn't the slightest hope of conjuring up a
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rebuttal. Who could, really, at a point like this? He was so fucking close. So. Fucking close to being done with this torture. Because
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it was torture, the American was pretty confident. Baby blues watered at the delicate kisses to his erection. "Hnnnnn--!! Sh-
13 years ago
Shuddup! Shuddup, shuddup, shuddup, shuddp--" Yep. Alfred was gonna blow up. He was pretty confident, he was going to explode into
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millions of little American bits. But not before he got Arthur back for that comment.
13 years ago
smiled, using his other hand to grasp Alfred's cock and pump him to completion. His pace was fast and just slightly uneven, matching the
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speed of his fingers, as he sucked and nipped and kissed at various areas of Alfred's lovely thighs. "So beautiful, love," he murmured,
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delighting in the taste of his lover's skin. "All mine."
13 years ago
didn't take long after that. Actually, he could have probably counted approximately twenty seconds after that pace was established for
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him to go crashing over the edge. And he came. Hard. Harder than he ever had. It was the wait, it was the thrill of being discovered,
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it was the searing pain mixed with mind-numbing pleasure mixed with affection towards the Englishman mixed with...humiliation? Maybe. If
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it was, he'd never admit it. The American's body quaked. His heart raced, jolting, thoughts wiped clean by the waves of
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climax. "--F-FUCK~! NNAH~! ARTIE~!" Godhewassofuckingloud.
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grimaced just slightly at how loud Alfred was, though he couldn't help but admit that it was pretty damn sexy. He just hoped that no one had
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heard it. He drew his fingers out slowly and used that hand to stroke Alfred's leg, caressing it tenderly as he licked the cum off his other
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hand. "Always so loud, sweetheart," he chuckled, making his way around to the side of the table to press a light kiss to Alfred's lips. "But
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I suppose it was very well worth it. Wouldn't you agree?"
13 years ago
whimpered softly, continuing to shift and squirm as the fleeting muscular contractions of orgasm continued to wrack his system. "...Oh.
13 years ago
Shit...", he half-laughed, half-whined, riding the waves of bliss until the last. He was left spent. Legs lowered back to the table,
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literally vibrating to the core of his very being. The American returned the affectionate gesture and lifted his fingers to gingerly caress
13 years ago
Arthur's cheeks. Blue hues met green, admiring them as they glistened down at him. "...Mm ...Yeah. It was pretty good....", he replied
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with a weary smile.
13 years ago
chuckled, turning his head slightly to kiss Alfred's palm. "You're not getting vanilla next time," he murmured, smiling a little
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teasingly. "This sort of behavior isn't something that I'll condone often."
13 years ago
hummed warmly, thumb gently gliding against the Englishman's soft, pink lips, toying with the seam and tracing his smile. "On the contrary,
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dude, I think vanilla is my new favorite flavor." He smiled deviously, wiggling his toes.
13 years ago
rolled his eyes, finally drawing back. "...I just won't look at you the next time you eat it, then," he huffed. "Now, get dressed, love;
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it's getting rather chilly, and I don't want you getting sick..."
13 years ago
shakily sat up, laughing, his vision swimming and swaying unsteadily. Man. His pants looked so far from where he sat. "...Y-You should get
13 years ago
sighed, though he did oblige and get Alfred's pants. He even helped the lad put it on, slipping his legs through the pants legs and tugging
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them up to his hips. "There. You're such a child, still."
13 years ago
huffed, pouting in a look of protest as he shimmied into them and dropped to the ground to finish the job of securing them. "Well forgive
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me for bein' a little unsteady on my feet, it ain't like I'm used to...that..." =3=; It felt awkward standing, he'd just leave it at that.
13 years ago
chuckled, leaning in to lightly kiss Alfred's lips. "...You're the one who started it, love," he murmured, looking rather pleased. "I'm just
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surprised that no one came running."
13 years ago
, for once, was being a bit stingy with his kisses. He did, although, return the gesture. Arthur purchased him ice cream after
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all. u.u "...Y-Yeah? Well... What's that s'posed to mean, I wasn't that bad." Yay subject change.
13 years ago
chuckled, grasping Alfred's hand and leading him back to the original trail so they could head on home. "No, but you were loud. I'll admit,
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though, it was very lovely to hear you beg. I wonder why I haven't thought of it before..."
13 years ago
didn't really know how to respond to that. A part of him wanted to swat Arthur. A part of him wanted to yank his hand away, and then swat
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Arthur. Luckily, a more logical part of him realized that the Englishman was largely responsible for the fact that he was standing at that
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given time, so he ignored the other parts. For now. u///u; "...Shut up, I wasn't really begging, I was just doing it to make you
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happy cause I'm a giving person and afjalkfjdlstopwalkingsofast..."
13 years ago
slowed down, an amused smile on his lips. "...Of course, love. Of course. I'll make you dinner when we get back, as compensation. How
13 years ago
does that sound?"
13 years ago
didn't really know how that sounded, but hey, he could put up with Arthur's dinners when he was a kid so he could...maybe do it
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now. Maybe. "Nnn. Y-Yeah, sounds awesome. So does a shower. I feel sticky and nasty a-and..." Felt like he had ice cream in all the
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wrong places? Then again, ice cream anywhere but your mouth was usually just uncomfortable. "...And bundling up with the AC blasting'd
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really hit the spot too." Yeah. This was 'Merica. Where you could cuddle in August.
13 years ago
nodded. "Okay, okay," he chuckled. "Just be patient. You can take a bath while I cook. Is there anything in particular that you want to eat?
13 years ago
Because if not, I'm going to make some roast beef."
13 years ago
hummed, taking to wrapping his arm around the other's again and resting his head on his shoulder as they walked. "Yeah, roast beef sounds
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good. And mashed potatoes. And gravy." His stomach growled with that. ;w;
13 years ago
nodded, allowing this if only because there was hardly anyone around anymore, and... Alfred was acting cute again. (And he couldn't resist.)
13 years ago
"Alright, we'll have all that. And for dessert?"
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smiled, taking a deep breath; it filled his head and lungs with the other's familiar scent. "Mmm. Brownies." ;w; (Yeah. He
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totally has you wrapped around his finger. He knows.)
13 years ago
[ Damn you B| ] "Alright, fine. But you can't have too many, alright? It'll be too fattening, especially with the ice cream you just ate."
13 years ago
puffed out his cheeks. "But I only had, like, a few licks before it ended up as ant food!" u.u
13 years ago
scoffed. "You did not. You took a big bite out of it before you threw it away - which, by the way, is -not- something I told you to do."
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"Well what was I gonna do, hold it between my teeth?! Besides, I-I wasn't gonna eat it after it got all melty!" .n.
13 years ago
tries to resist the cute. Tries very, very hard. "...Still. Only three brownie squares for tonight."
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One can only resist for so long before they crack. Maybe not now. Maybe not tomorrow. "That's okay, I'll sneak 'em when you're sleeping."
13 years ago
But someday soon.
13 years ago
shook his head. "Don't make me bake only three, Alfred - or none at all. This is really all for your health."
13 years ago
hummed, frowning some. "Alright, alright, don't hafta get drastic, I'll stick with three..." >:
13 years ago
nodded in approval. "Good lad-- oh, don't make that face, it's just -brownies-."
13 years ago
gently rubbed his cheek against Arthur's shoulder. "What? No brownie is /just/ a brownie unless it's a Wal-Mart brownie." =n=
13 years ago
led the way back to Alfred's house. "...A brownie is a brownie, Alfred. Now, open the door?"
13 years ago
huffed, keeping his head against the man as he dug for his key. Not wanting to let go, he pulled both of them nearer to the door when he
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withdrew his key and pushed it into the lock, pushing the door open with a lazy shove.
13 years ago
"...M'kay, it's open."
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chuckled, leading Alfred in and closing the door behind them. "Alright, love; go ahead and bathe. I'll be preparing dinner."
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"Alright, Artie, don't light the house while I'm away, yeah?" He teased before planting a quick kiss to the man's cheek and making his way
13 years ago
upstairs to the...bathroom... And suddenly, the stairs looked similar to those of stadium bleachers. "...Asjkldfjlfuck..." Ah well. He'd
13 years ago
get himself there. One step at a time. Bringing himself up to his full height, he put on a hero face, and began ascending the staircase
13 years ago
from hell. "Nnnn..." One. e_e;
13 years ago
scoffed. "Belt up, git. I'm a -fine- cook." He really was! Ignoring Alfred's dread with the staircase, he made his way to the kitchen to
13 years ago
pull out the appropriate ingredients from the refrigerator to start cooking. Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy...
13 years ago
oh, and of course, some salad.
13 years ago
still really had no idea what 'belt up' meant, but that was regardless. Artie was still a sucky cook. But oh well, he had more pressing
13 years ago
issues at hand. Like the stairs-- which, after several minutes, he did manage to clamber up. The American slipped into the bathroom, out
13 years ago
of his clothing, into the tub, and drew a hot bath. Complete with these bubbles that turned the water bright blue, of course.
13 years ago
began to cook. At first, the food smelled absolutely -delicious-. And then it started to smell vaguely like burning things... which
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eventually would lead to a bit of smoke, a plethora of cursing, and 'yes, Snowdrop, I -know- it's a little overcooked!'. (But the far were
13 years ago
precious little things and helped him around the kitchen. The food didn't turn out -too- terribly...)
13 years ago
((....XD Snowdrop, ohmygod... ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
scrubbed himself thoroughly, making certain to get every drop off ice cream and sweat off his skin and...otherwise. Plus he used this
13 years ago
shampoo that smelled like watermelons, cause watermelons remind him of the Fourth of July.... u.u He'd soak for as long as he could
13 years ago
before Britain called him to dinner. Alfred loved baths.
13 years ago
eventually finished the food. "Alfred, come down!" he called as he began setting the table, making sure to prepare some tea for himself, and
13 years ago
setting out some coke for Alfred.
13 years ago
"Alriiiight! Jus a sec!" Welp, time to wrap it up. He drained the bathwater and toweled off, feeling one-hundred times better after
13 years ago
that bath-- muscles relaxed, soreness eased, and less sticky. The American threw on his pajamas and made his way into the kitchen a few
13 years ago
minutes later. ;w;
13 years ago
poured himself some tea before sitting down. "In your nightwear already?" he asked, chuckling. "Well, just take care not to spill."
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