you have little tortugas next to your name!
How early do you normally wake?
... they are not-- I will change this.
I normally wake just before noon
I can feel your disapproval from here, ami.
Ah, it is not disapproval.
I am merely...learning more about everyone through this.
I will have to remember this...In case anyone is to come stay at my house the future.
I wouldn't want to disturb anyone's rest.
always so polite, Japon

It is only normal... waste that much of the day?
My day is not wasted! Sometimes my boss will have me up at this hour. Then it is paperwork and conferences and protests!
the strikes, mon ami. If there is discontent I will help my citizens voice it
It must be nice to be able to sleep in that much.
Some of us have a little too much work for that sort of thing.
F-France-san works very late at night though... right?
Excusez-moi, Mage, when you have run your land this long a few days of sleeping in are well-deserved.
oui, I love working at night
... even if it is to finish paperwork.

...Isn't that what working late is for?
I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you what he'd *rather* be doing late at night
I'm afraid I choose not to understand such things.
....Yes, as I said, I choose not to understand.
Or made love, I suppose if you think of it that way.
They're not always the same thine
Well... it's enjoyable, for one thing.

No! The body must remain pure!
How can you ask such a thing?!
Oh, have you taken a vow of celibacy?
It's not like most people don't talk about it often
...some of them a little too often
Ah, my dog needs to be let out. Please excuse me.
... I am sorry, Anders, Japon is like that.
He is more alike myself than you would think
but of course he would never admit this
Japón really likes perverted things!
and awww you got rid of the tortugas.....
merci for that
what about all that racy media you export?