Maybe I should do that picture thing too.
What picture thing? The emoticons?
I know! Now I gotta do all this grinding to level it up and stuff.
...dude, I know the internet's exciting and all but you shouldn't grind on your computer.
There are.... body pillows for that kinda thing.
Hey, you brought up the grinding.
I'm just being considerate.
OH MY GOD This is what I get for friending random people on the internet!!
...Are you sure you're not 14?
Ok kid, I think you need to lay off on the playboy and cherry coke.
Hey I'm not the one making stupid jokes about grinding!! It's a legitimate term!
And if anyone from the internet invites you to meet them you say no, ok?
Oh my god I think I hate you so much
Even if they're your "girlfriend". It's probably a creepy old man.
For your information I already have the most awesome girlfriend ever. She's America.
America is a country, bro.
She's a 50-year-old man. The sooner you accept that the sooner you can meet other kids your age and hold hands in the dark or whatever it is
And I think I've been fighting her evil ex-boyfriends for long enough to know that she is not, in fact, a 50-year-old man!!
Yeah that's right. You call me when YOU've headbutted a vegan so hard he exploded for YOUR girlfriend.
this is your sanity on the phone, I think you've lost me.
I mean dude, you beat up a vegan? That's just mean. It's like kicking a runty puppy.
You could have just said no in a really stern voice and he'd probably pass out.
You didn't see this vegan!! He was like six-foot-twenty and buffer than Superman!
And he had psychic vegan powers! One of like the first things he did was force-choke me!
Yeah, sure. And then his girlfriend left him for a crazy fourteen-year-old.
No, she left him 'cause she found out he was cheating with their drummer.
Hang on, you might even know him. Their band was kind of popular I guess? I'll look up a picture on the Googles.
He looks like a Super Tool to me.
That's because he is.
And he can't even play bass
*that* well!!! (yes he can)