hates when being asked " can you read?"
latest #6
" do u speak japanese?" nope. " oh I thought you are Japanese. " shake my heads and still trying to help him fiind the time of the next trai
train. "korean?" nope. quickly give him the answer as he " wanted". "must be Chinese then" he murmured.
不爽。首先因為你唔係真的需要幫忙,唔好扮可憐=.= 然後我不爽又做左stereotype victim. 仲要唔係自己的種族的stereotype. 我知道普遍日本妹同一部分韓國妹英文都唔好,但都唔係見到Asian 就對號入座吧。
仲有,係,的確日本妹出名崇洋,你幾樣衰幾老只要係白人就一個頭中埋去,甘心情願比人玩。但請你分清楚邊d係邊d. 頂你,著條短褲就日本妹咩
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