13 years ago
wanted to meet the female America! Where was she...?
latest #115
Amelia was
13 years ago
sneaking up behind him, actually! "Heya, dude!" She said, grabbing his shoulders suddenly.
13 years ago
nearly cried out in surprise. "Bloody hell!" he shouted, turning around immediately. "Who-- o... oh. You're..." He looked carefully. Blonde
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hair, blue eyes... "...America...?"
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flashed a peace sign, smiling brightly. "The one and only! ... Or so I thought. Guess not! Figured you must be England?"
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nodded, looking her over without trying to make it seem like he was checking her out. (That would be rude! He was a gentleman, after
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all!) "I am. Arthur Kirkland, to be more specific. And you are...?"
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would have been oblivious to being checked out, anyways! She ran a hand through her hair and grinned. "Amelia E. Jones! At your service!"
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She cocked her head. "Strange thing to process, this whole 'nother you thing, huh?"
13 years ago
"Ah, yes, well... it certainly isn't a regular occurrence." It was strange, to think that this... Amelia was the female version of
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the Alfred he'd known for so long. She was... endearing, though, in the way that Alfred was. Exuberant, cheerful, energetic. "Have you met
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your counterpart yet?"
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grinned a little bit uneasily. "Well uhh... actually... I totally thought waking up next to him was a dream, so I rolled over, and by the
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time I woke back up he was gone!" She scratched her head. "So no, not really, I guess." She paused. "Maybe I'm still dreaming."
13 years ago
chuckled, shaking his head. "You aren't. He's around here somewhere, though, so I do hope you get a chance to meet him. He should be able
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to take care of you. Speaking of which, none of your things are here, are they?"
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's shoulders slumped. "No." She looked back up at him again. "Say, you're not a total prick like my England, are you?"
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This she said without breaking her smile.
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twitched just faintly. It wasn't -him- she was talking about, but still, he took a bit of offense. Regardless, he shook her head. "I would
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hope not," he replied, just a little stiff. "In any case, if you don't have any of the basics like clothes and whatnot, we can go shop for
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them, if you'd like. Unless you'd rather go with Alfred-- ah, that is... your counterpart."
13 years ago
slapped Arthur's back goodheartedly. "Alright! That's pretty nice of you, dude! I could use some shopping~" She shifted her weight from
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one foot to the other. "Alfred? Sounds like a badass. Like some hero cop or something."
13 years ago
grimaced a little at the slap. Ugh, never mind; she was exactly like Alfred, and he half-regretted offering to go shopping with her. "It's
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Arthur. Not 'dude'. And... he's the furthest from a hero cop, but think what you will."
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looked a little sheepish. "Sorry, Arthur." She smiled faintly. "Really? Can you tell me more about him?" She took his arm
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and moved with a little skip to her step. "Lead the way, sir!"
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began walking, making sure that he stayed on the outer part of the sidewalk to protect Amelia from the traffic. Like a gentleman. "Well...
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he's... difficult to explain, really. He's loud, and gets overly excited about things... plays too many games, is rude, and annoying...
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but..." He pauses, his smile small and fond. "...I suppose... he has his good traits, too. He has good intentions... and he's thoughtful,
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when he tries to be..."
Amelia was
13 years ago
about to comment on the fact that Alfred sounded more fun than annoying and rude, but she stopped upon seeing that little smile on Arthur's
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face. And just like that, she -knew-. Rather than saying anything outwardly, she nudged Arthur's side, winking. "Oh yeah?"
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reddened just slightly, huffing as he just tugged her to walk a little faster. "-Yes-. And that is -all-, so if you'd just quietly follow!"
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giggled inwardly, but sped up the pace anyways. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're totally a grade-A softie.
13 years ago
And what's the rush?! Victoria's Secret just barely opened!"
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nearly blanched at the thought. Right... she was a girl. Which meant... oh God. That would... just be embarrassing. "I-I am not! And I'll...
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just give you my credit card, so use it while I wait outside, alright? Just don't overspend."
13 years ago
did not look amused, and pouted, actually. "Iggy, are you serious? It's not like I'll make you try anything on!" They were nearing said
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store, and she was trying to hide her excitement. "Don't wait outside like a loser! C'mon!" She said, tugging on his arm.
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reddened significantly. Oh God... "But-- it's indecent! There's nothing wrong with you going in by yourself, Amelia...!"
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didn't relent. "It's either that, or you get stuck wondering how one girl can spend hundreds on bras!"
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groaned, looking utterly miserable as he very hesitantly followed her in. He looked very awkward, trying to keep his eyes away from all the
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lingerie everywhere, but... that wasn't really possible, since they were -everywhere-. "Just... hurry up, will you?"
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gave him a quick, tight hug in gratitude. "No worries, just grabbing the basics!" Apparently she had a lot of basics, because she went
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around grabbing underwear of all colors and cuts, along with pajama pants. How could she pick? There was so much she wanted?
13 years ago
(( o.o not supposed to be a ?, a ! ))
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groaned. He was -definitely- making Alfred pay him back after all this...! "...Are you sure you need all those things...?"
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had a good pile in her hands now. "Nope, just going to try these on and see what I like!" She slowly walked over to the fitting rooms,
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closing the door behind her.
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sighed, just following to stand outside the door. Just in case. She might've been America, but she was still a woman. If anyone dared to
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even -try- peeking... well, he might've lost his empire, but he still had a rather mean right hook.
Amelia was
13 years ago
having a blast trying on different bras, although the panties were left alone, of course. "Whoa! Hello, Pam Anderson!" She blurted, checking
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herself out. Maybe it was too much? She briefly considered asking Arthur for his opinion, but decided she didn't want to deal with a heart
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attack. So she settled for asking through the door. "Hey, this one is $50, is that okay? It makes my boobs look like deadly weapons!"
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reddened immediately, urging himself to keep calm. "...The price doesn't matter, but-- perhaps you could... go for something more...
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conservative? I'll have to hope that no one will ever -see- those bras, other than yourself, so it shouldn't matter."
13 years ago
resisted the urge to keep pushing his buttons just because. "I've got a couple of normal ones too, don't worry, DAD." She quickly
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re-dressed and headed out, the pile now just a couple of items draped on her arm. "I'm good," she said, smiling.
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huffed, glancing quickly over her choices. "...Are all those really necessary? And shouldn't you... cover yourself up more? If someone tries
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to make passes at you..."
13 years ago
looked at her choices. "It's only like ten things. Sheesh, I gotta wear underwear." She looked down at her attire, the usual mini-skirt and
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cropped top. "And hey! What's wrong with my clothes? Plus, if someone oversteps their boundaries I can totally kick their ass!"
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sighed, shaking his head. "...Just... be a little more modest, will you? I don't want anyone looking at you like a piece of meat."
13 years ago
smiled widely and drew Arthur into a big ole hug, bras and everything. "Aww, Iggy, you're so nice! You're a total sweetie!"
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blushed darkly, and immediately tried to pull away. "I-- th-that's... let me go!"
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just gave him a quick kiss to the cheek in response. "No wonder boy me really likes you!" She finally pulled away, setting the things
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down on the counter.
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huffed, rubbing at his cheek a little in embarrassment. "Th-That's... unrelated to this situation!" he insisted, taking out his card to
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pay for the lingerie.
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waited for the transaction to finish before grabbing the bag and heading out the door. Her eyes suddenly lit up as she took Arthur's
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arm again. "Say... is boy me packin' down there?"
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spluttered, eyes wide and cheeks red. "I-- w-- w-what?! What kind of-- Amelia!"
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just kept smiling, her eyes wide.
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just tugs her along faster. "I... I wouldn't know!"
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's eyes widened even further as she headed towards Forever 21. "What?! Nuh uh! Don't tell me you haven't-!"
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just turned an even darker shade of red. "-Amelia-, that is enough! This is not an appropriate topic of conversation!"
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rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright! So uptight," she huffed. She was leading the way, now distracted by the promise of clothes.
Arthur was
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glad that -that- particular conversation had dropped! "Really, you're so shameless..."
Amelia was
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in a trance now, looking through racks of miniskirts. "Shame is the number 1 deterrent of fun," she mused, grabbing a couple of
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different ones and heading for the tops.
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sighed, glancing at the skirts. They were... so short...! "Amelia, aren't those... too short?"
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looked at him quizzically. She put one of them against her hips, shrugging. "Looks fine to me. Besides, they all come in that length!"
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"Well... what about jeans? Something that leaves more to the imagination...?"
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felt like it was Christmas! "Duh, of course! I can get jeans too! But I have to get Levi's. I can't wear anything else." She grabbed a few
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more tops and paused to think. "Okay, this should be more than enough for now."
Arthur was
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definitely making Alfred pay for everything. "...Right..."
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didn't need to try anything on, thankfully. She was always the same size at this store. "By the way, thank you so much for this! I
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can't imagine wearing this for God knows how long."
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nodded. "You're welcome. But... really, Amelia, perhaps you should choose some longer skirts..."
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pouted slightly. "Can I take a raincheck on that? Long skirts are totally not in until the fall." Really, she didn't see anything
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wrong with her picks!
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sighed, not too certain. "...At least wear something underneath, then."
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blinked, not completely understanding. "Well yeah, that's why I got underwear."
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groaned. "No, I meant-- like... stockings, or whatever you call it!"
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nodded. "Oh. Yeah, sure. Let's get out of here!" She set those things down at the register and sighed. "How is Maddie doing,
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by the way? Is she here too?"
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paid for the clothes, too. "Maddie? Madeleine, you mean? Ah... she was doing fine, the last time I saw her."
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had one last stop for jeans! She carried all of her bags, already feeling accomplished. "Guess that means you'll meet my England soon,
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then?" She paused. "Oh, she dresses modest, alright." And by that, Amelia meant: no fashion sense.
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nodded. "I hope so. I'm rather curious. And here, let me carry those," he said, taking the bags. Christ, they were kind of heavy.
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smiled appreciatively. "Aww, you're such a gentleman! I'll have to make it up to you somehow." She kept ahold of one bag, at
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least, not wanting to be a TOTAL mooch. She headed into Levi's on a mission: 2 pairs.
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shook his head, just following her. "It's fine. It'd be rude of me to make you carry everything."
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didn't take long at all here. She grabbed the exact two pairs of jeans that were her favorites back home, bringing them back to the
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counter. "All done. And you survived."
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sighed, buying those as well. Christ, he felt poor now. "Somehow... You'll have to go to Alfred for the rest of the essentials."
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grinned, carrying that bag too. "No problemo! This should hold me over until I get settled in." She held the door for
13 years ago
Arthur, since he was holding all those bags...
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"Ah-- thank you. Though, you should've let me hold it open," he said, stepping out. "I'm surprised you haven't started complaining
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about wanting ice cream or anything, yet."
13 years ago
licked her lips now. That did sound good. "I could totally go for some ice cream, but you should let me pay. I've got
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like 10 bucks in my backpocket."
13 years ago
shook his head. "...If you only have ten dollars, you should save it for emergencies."
13 years ago
(( it's my bedtime. ;3; thanks for playing with Ame, see you later! C: ))
13 years ago
[ <333 Goodnight! ]
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