Why had he agreed to this? Wedding planning was no where near his list of preferred activities.
"If not for Lili, I would have fought for Vegas." He grumbled. "Are you sure it has to be so complicated?" Vash huffed and took a sip of the
The mental image of the woman herself finding out that she hadn't been invited to their wedding was not a pretty picture. "Fine. What do we
((... will delete that since i interrupted you aus, sorry orz)
"My point exactly." Vash sighed. "And imagine all the money we will be forced to spend on this, I still say we go to Vegas and I use these
stupid magazines for target practice. If only it wouldn't disappoint Lillian so much..."
"Francis, Arthur, Ivan, Gilbert, Alfred." He named a few off the top of hit head. "A lot of people should be on that list." It was likely a
pointless effort, they would just crash the event after hearing about it from someone else regardless of any invitation they did or did not
"Unfortunately you are correct. We're practically destined to have a horrible and traumatizing wedding." He glared at one of the magazines
again. At least when it was all over he could enjoy the satisfaction of making them look like swiss cheese, full of bullet holes.
"It's called being realistic." He looked down at the very... expensive looking cake. "Why does it have hot pink musical notes on it?"
(( I just imagined them getting a cake worthy of cake wrecks pffft ))
"I suppose that wouldn't look too atrocious. Maybe on a red background. From a bakery where it wouldn't cost *that*." He pointed to the
price underneath the picture. "We're just going to eat it afterwards anyways. And someone will probably throw something in it before that."
"Not yet. She's still trying to convince me to wear a dress. A very poofy dress." Lili, the only person who could even suggest the idea
without being injured. "Why can't I just find something myself?"
looked away slightly. "Fine." He probably would not be told about the price then. Or the brand. Or very much at all on that topic. "Please
do talk to Lili. She's been asking me about a color scheme too. What's the least gaudy looking combination?"
"Definitely red and white." Roderich had a few good ideas every now and then. "Where are we going to find an unfortunate soul to officiate
this event?" Few churches would have anyone who could deal with the undoubted insanity that would come with their guests.
8D his dress will be better looking than Kate Middleton's and make him look hotter in it than Pippa Middleton did~))
Roddy can has. And a carriage?))
((Roddy can has a pony too. ))
"We'll call up a few places, I'll make a couple of lists." He resisted the urge to say something pessimistic for once. No need to worry his
partner. "It'll work out, I promise."
(( Both could work. I really want America to think he knows them better than he actually does ahaha ))
*Ffffft al gets hammered and decides to give a "speech" ))
Okay he was smiling, good enough. "You're welcome." He glanced down at their list. "What's next on the list?"
(( Yes. Please Amerlillian. YOU ARE MAKING THIS HAPPEN))
"We haven't finalised a deadline either. And we have a color scheme." He pointed out. "As long as it's not all classical, fine." Vash
browsed his mental recipe books for a moment. "Food..." He honestly had no idea.
Francis would insult their 'attempt to imitate his wonderful culinary expertise' and promptly take over the kitchen. His own take on French
cuisine was so much better than the original, regardless of what others thought. "This is why I suggested Vegas." Why did planning have to
"I hate it when you make sense." He paused to consider the option. "Definite possibility." Vash grabbed the pen to jot it down. "Know any
"Well what do you expect?" He huffed, putting down the pen with more force than necessary. "Something will be overlooked no matter how hard
"I suppose we could." His eyes flickered down, then back to the table. Those wedding magazines were staring into his soul.
pushed himself off up off the chair, moving passed Roderich towards the stairs. If only Vegas made more sense...