13 years ago
latest #35
Veneziano thinks
13 years ago
that's a great idea and they should start taking their siestas together!!
13 years ago
can TOTALLY teach Germany how to make time for siestas, yep yep.
13 years ago
supposes he wouldn't be... averse to trying, but doesn't hold very high hopes in anything coming from it.
13 years ago
"But Ludwig!" Shocked face is shocked. "Siestas are the nicest thing in the whole world!" Pause. "Except for pasta and pizza and cute girls
13 years ago
and you, but still!"
13 years ago
And... him? Veneziano you say some of the strangest things. "I only mean that I don't know if I'd actually be able to fall asleep."
13 years ago
"Well, I can help you fall asleep!" Bright smile! Because he knows lots of ways to help people sleep.
13 years ago
"... All right." He guesses it wouldn't hurt to try. ... Right?
13 years ago
"Ve~! Let's practive right now!" Goes to give Germany a shoulder rub. "You have to be relaxed!"
13 years ago
"I-I'll try..." Puts on a very serious face as he tries to concentrate on relaxing. That's how you relax, right? By trying very hard.
13 years ago
Rub rub rub. "Take deep breaths and just listen to me." Starts humming a lullaby.
13 years ago
"Hmm..." Maybe this wasn't so bad. The shoulder rubs did feel pretty nice at least. He doesn't feel himself getting terribly sleepy however.
13 years ago
keeps going, and after a minute he stops humming. "How do you feel?" His voice is quiet and he sounds a little sleepy himself.
13 years ago
"Relaxed." Not sleepy, but it was a start, at least? "You're starting to sound tired."
13 years ago
rests his forehead against Germany's back. "Ve... I am... it's siesta time..." Hugs the larger man from behind.
13 years ago
awkwardly turns to give Veneziano an awkward pat on the head. "Maybe you should take your nap, then."
13 years ago
clings tighter as Germany turns around. "I don't want to. Not without you." Germany's warm. And his muscles are so big and strong.
Deutschland is
13 years ago
like a buffet of manlieness. Manliness and awkward. "Ja, ja, I'll come with you," he replies with a small sigh.
13 years ago
"Yaaay!" A tired yay, but a yay all the same. Grabs Germany's shirt and tugs him towards a bed!
13 years ago
had no trouble keeping up, what's with all this tugging going on? B| He lets Veneziano crawl into bed first - he obviously needs it more.
13 years ago
snuggles into the bed, then kicks his pants off. Can't siesta with them on. ;A; Then grabs for Germany. "Veee." Silly noises, go.
13 years ago
"Was... that necessary?" He asks, in regards to the pants. A silly question, since he knows what the answer will be already. Carefully, he
13 years ago
climbs into the bed as well.
13 years ago
snuggles up to Germany the moment he's in the bed. "Si~! I can't sleep with them on." Huuug.
13 years ago
"If you say so..." awkwardly puts his arm around Veneziano and tries to go back to relaxing.
13 years ago
"Ludwig..." Sleepy voice, followed by a yawn. "You should sleep. Sleeping's good for you. It makes you happy." Snuggle. Starting to slowly
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Ja, I'm... trying," he quiets his voice down, not wanting to disturb the Italian. Despite his most valiant efforts,
13 years ago
he's having trouble falling asleep as fast as Veneziano can.
13 years ago
nuzzles him gently. "Good.. keep trying..." And zonk. He's out.
13 years ago
And try he does. His mind is so busy thinking about all the things he *could* be doing right now, that it takes him quite a long time to
13 years ago
quiet it down enough to the point where he can begin to doze off.
13 years ago
And it's not very long after that that Veneziano starts to toss a little as he starts to wake up. "Nnn..."
13 years ago
Naturally, that would be enough of a disturbance to wake Ludwig from his half-sleep. "A-... ah..."
13 years ago
snuggles closer as he starts to fully wake up. "Veee... you're so warm, Ludwig..."
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