Janlyn is
12 years ago
home at last! lucky thing i dont have to wait till 7pm! :-)
latest #8
♥JC.Ooi ♥ says
12 years ago
wb..y leh?
Janlyn says
12 years ago
mum lz fetch me lor.. but luckily end up she got fetch.. if not wait kel come back from pg at 6sth!
♥JC.Ooi ♥ says
12 years ago
wow u went pg hor?
Janlyn says
12 years ago
no la i went pcf do hair ma.. kel went pg then later he come back sun bian fetch me back..
♥JC.Ooi ♥ says
12 years ago
oooo..i tot ur mom tiao ti go pg fetch u back!
Janlyn says
12 years ago
fuiyo.. go pcf also lz liao sumore go till pg.. LOL
♥JC.Ooi ♥ says
12 years ago
(rofl) dat's y i terkejut..Haha
Janlyn says
12 years ago
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