syeling is
13 years ago
jz wake up... (:good morning
latest #20
Kin[健仔] says
13 years ago
wa ~ so nice ar !!
ChuaTW says
13 years ago
so late wake up :-o
syeling says
13 years ago
kin: (LOL)nobody wake me up ma
syeling says
13 years ago
chua:yalor... :-))a bit late wake up a...nice dream ma]
good morning
annieling105 says
13 years ago
彬少爺 says
13 years ago
so nice ..don't need work
syeling says
13 years ago
彬少爺 says
13 years ago
so nice
syeling says
13 years ago
(LOL)haha...den u neh??
彬少爺 says
13 years ago
me should need to work la....or ujust student?
syeling says
13 years ago
:-)i still student.....haha
彬少爺 says
13 years ago
awesome need to enjoy when u still a student!!!!
syeling says
13 years ago
:-Dyalor....den u work liao a??
彬少爺 says
13 years ago
sure work liao la..secret ..secret~~~~
syeling says
13 years ago
:-Dhaha..y so secret a??
彬少爺 says
13 years ago
hehe...because old already how can no work la...aiyo
syeling says
13 years ago
:-Du gt old meh???no la...u look so young
彬少爺 says
13 years ago
hehehe.........u din't saw my age meh?? but u really young young than me old? tel me secretly.haha
syeling says
13 years ago
:-))hehe..i c.....u guess la
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