woa how come it says that you can replurk it?????
LOL tell me what happens then
LOL did anything happen??? it only added a green thingie next to your name in the plurk OTL
LOL so is that all it does?????
o A o I think it's because you reached 500 plurks or something like you said yesterday
I know right? same with me ; n ;
OTL so far away
on Mintilipop I have only
I can replurk Moonsie's plurks too
I think it's all public plurks
oAo But I can't seem to replurk any of yours
Moonsie's are all public :'D cuz she doesn't care about safety
if everyone can see it, you can replurk
if only friends can see it, you cant = v =
I'm talking like you aren't I? :'D
