13 years ago
[AU] Fidgeting nervously, the Prussian began to bounce his leg - a terrible habit he had picked up from a friend. He glanced at the male on
latest #62
13 years ago
his right, feeling a warmth bloom on his cheeks as the blond bit his lip. Gil wasn't normally like this. He was flirtatious and didn't mind
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making a fool out of himself. However, that's only how he acted when he's met someone mildly attractive. When it came to people he truly
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cared for, he was shy as a mouse. Lacking the brain power to think of something to say, he did what cheesy cliches men did in movies. He
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faked a yawn and stretched his arms, lightly placing his arm around the other's shoulders.' Reaaaaaaal smooth Gil, real smooth,' he thought
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to himself.
13 years ago
[For MattyMcPancakes <3897359875]
13 years ago
Matthew had been lost in his own little world next to the the other, looking resolutely away from him and trying not to blush too hard. This
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date was turning out less sucessfully than he'd planned - Gilbert had been fidgeting for the past half hour, and they'd fallen into an
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uncomfortable silence. Matt had just reconciled himself to the fact that the Prussian had obviously lost interest in him - not that he could
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blame him - when an arm landed on his shoulders, making him squeak in surprise. He couldn't help turning to look at Gilbert with wide eyes,
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letting out a stunningly articulate, "uh?"
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Gil flushed, looking away as he mustered up the courage to mutter a stream of mangled words. Clearing his throat, he glanced at Mattie from
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the corner of his eye before repeating himself. "I said, um, you wanna go g-get lunch?" He mentally kicked himself for stuttering.
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Where was the homicidally self-confident Gilbert he knew? Matt stared at him, wondering, for a moment before he realised that yes, Gil was
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actually waiting for an answer. "Um, okay. I mean, yeah, sure, that'd be great," he managed.
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Heaving a sigh of relief, he stood up and offered his hand to the other. "There's this awesome cafe two blocks down that makes awesome fruit
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tarts!" He grinned, lips twitching nervously. He could *not* afford to screw this up. He didn't want to scare Mattie off and be alone for
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the rest of his life!
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took his hand to pull himself up, landing a little too close to the other, shying back with an embarrassed laugh. "... Awesome." It was an
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attempt to make Gilbert smile, but it just sounded kind of sad and pathetic when Matt said it.
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looked at the other fondly, before catching himself and averting his gaze. "So..." he prodded his mind for something, anything that they
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could talk about. Didn't Mattie say he had a brother...? "Um, how's your brother?" He prayed to God he was right, that it was a brother.
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"He's okay." Al was not his favourite thing to talk about, but at least they were talking now. "He's happy, I guess." He kicked at a pebble.
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"...Is something wrong? You don't seem exactly happy about him..." He didn't want to invade the blond's privacy, switching to another topic
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quickly. Hm, what else did Mattie like? "Oh! Did you see the game the other day? It was Bruins against Senators!" Hockey was a safe topic,
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wasn't it?
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"No, it's not that, it's just ... it kind of wears me out, talking to him." Matt shrugged. "He's sort of, uh, wrapped up in his boyfriend."
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He was happy for Alfred, obviously, but it made it harder to be alone. "Yeah, I did. Good game, eh?"
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Smiling helplessly, he nodded. "I'm...sure he doesn't mean to. It's just, when you're in love, you wanna spend as much time as you can with
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the other. He just can't help it," he shyly nudged the other with his elbow.
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"Yeah, I know." Shit. He was going to give himself away if he didn't watch out. Matt backtracked wildly. "Um, you should come and watch the
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Habs game at my place next week." Thank God Gil was a hockey fan. "... If you want to, I mean."
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"That'd be awesome!" He grinned, mentally jumping up and down. Gil held the door open for Mattie once they got there. The burst of cold air
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sent a shiver down his spine.
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"Awesome," he repeated, meeting Gilbert's eyes shyly as he stepped through the door, and shrank back almost imperceptibly. "'S cold."
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hummed in agreement. They were seated swiftly and Gil toyed with his napkin. He wasn't good at this conversation thing, was he? "'ve
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you been lately?"
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"Pretty ... pretty good? Nothing new." He began to bite at his thumbnail, stopped himself. "What about you?"
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(Where did you go? ;A; )
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[sidhfuif I swear I responded! ;A;]
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"Ah, I'm fine. Same old, same old I'm afraid." He smiled before catching himself. If he didn't say anything, they'd most likely lapse into
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another tense silence. "W-Well, something funny did happen at work the other day. But other than that, nothing really."
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"Oh?" He leaned forward; he liked the Prussian's anecdotes, even when they weren't actually funny. "What happened?"
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"Friday was my first day at work at a craft store. The manager was running me through what my job entitled when this guy - Mike - ran
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through the front door with a drenched yellow poncho, shouting that he was a condom!" He cracked up, tears coming to his eyes.
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13 years ago
"He ... sorry, *what*?" Matthew blinked, chuckling. "You just made that up," he accused.
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"I am so serious!" He grinned, eyes shining. "He just ran in like he owned the place and started shouting! Turns out he works there too.
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He's pretty cool," he wiped a tear away.
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"Between you two, I'd be surprised if this store has any customers at all." He smiled. Gilbert was so cute when he got all excited.
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(( Going out going out going out ;n; ))
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[;A; /clings to]
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"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" He pouted childishly. The waiter interrupted them and handed them menus. "Anything you prefer?" He
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asked as the waiter left.
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"Nothing," said Matt, with false innocence. "Oh, they have crêpes," he mused, running his finger down the menu. "You said the fruit tarts
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were good, though, right?"
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"Yeah, they're really good," he hummed, skimming the menu quickly before ordering his usual - a turkey club sandwich. "Oh, and can I get a
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black coffee?" He handed the menu back.
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ordered blueberry crêpes and orange juice, swinging his legs under the table.
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"You like blueberries?" He asked, lacking ideas for conversation. He wasn't used to thing.
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(How did I miss this?! oAo)
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"Love 'em," Matt confided with a smile. "We used to have them up at the cottage ... Do you always order the same thing?"
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