*curls up in ball, yawns*
I would, if I didn't have to drive my brother places...=u=;;
Gror. Where do you have to drive him?
To school for a band thing...
I know...but I'll be back.Then maybe we can rp?
Ngggghrrr. I'm on gate today, so I should be out of work kind of soon... xnx
;w; /makes grabby hands at
;v; /On break right now, if you wanted to do something?
Yes yes owo Wanna do host club?
Mhm ;w; I-if you wanted to do it with me...
shdfiuhdsf Of course I do! ouo <3
;//3//; Did you just wanna visit host!Lovi, or did you have any plot details or anything...?
Hmm, lemme see....Do you have anything?
Uhm, nothing as of now... besides Lovi pretending to be a girl =w=
XP Hm, how's about we just stick with the visit? Have Pruss get a little too friendly, Lovi kick him and he gets obsessed on finding out
what Lovi's hiding? The normal stuff ^^"
Okay~~~ We'll do more plotting when I've more time. /7 minutes ;n;
;3; -Cuddles- Your start, or...? /5 orz
XD owo Wanna do Host theme too? /clings to
OuO C-Canada would be n-nice. I-If you want t-to that is! O//w//O
*shy glance at* *shuffles closer*
*looks away* *yawns and stretches, drapping arm over shoulders shyly*
*blushes and looks down* *sneaks glance at*
*flushes and coughs* H-Hi... *crooked smile*
Um. *bites lower lip* So ...
(( This is pretty much how my last date went, too. ))
*leg bounces nervously* U-Uh, do you, um, wanna go get lunch w-with me?
Ah - ? ... I mean. Yes. Okay. I'd ... I'd like that.
(( /Forever alooooone ;A; ))
Should we bring that out into AU or do another plot >u<
Ooooh. I do like an AU. owo
So we start like we did before or...?