13 years ago
[Fantasy] The male groaned as his stomach growled, sinking down against the brick wall. The market was buzzing with people, out buying their
latest #365
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weekly groceries and trying to haggle pricees lower. Not something that Lovino was able to partake in. He half couldn't remember the last
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time he'd eaten actual food. Was it two days ago? Longer? His eyes scanned through the crowd, but they landed on a ship pulled into harbor
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across the way. The immaculate sky ship rested just above the sea, and he watched as a person who seemed to be the captain, along with two
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crewsmen, load crates onto the ship. He'd bet that those contained food...
13 years ago
[[For Spagnabastard~]]
13 years ago
[[Please excuse lame replies, lost my initiative for the night -3-;;]]
13 years ago
Said captain of the immaculate sky ship was doing just that, loading the newest rations of food onto his ship for the trip they were
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preparing for. A smile was on his face as he interacted with the other crew members, looking as if he enjoyed every second of what he was
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doing, which wasn't too far off from the truth. Antonio loved sailing the skies. It gave him a feeling of freedom that nothing else was able
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to give. Once the last box was thrown aboard and put away, he nodded to someone and started heading towards the drawbridge to board. They
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were going to ship off soon, so he had to make sure that everything was in good shape.
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[[>n> Well, if you don't want to rp now, then you don't have to...]]
13 years ago
[[No, I do want to! I just..don't want to disappoint you.]]
13 years ago
[[You could never ;3;]]
13 years ago
[[It is possible...-w- But I do wanna keep going...]]
13 years ago
The Italian decided that it was probably a good idea to move in now. He managed to force himself up, and the thin male scurried across the
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bustling market street, making it to the other side without any squabbles. He gave himself a quick glance to make sure that he didn't look
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like too much of a scavenger, and trotted along the boarding plank quickly, boots *thunk*ing softly. "Excuse me?" He tried to put on his
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best innocent face as he called out to the captain, blinking his big brown eyes.
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Just as he was about to board his ship he heard a voice that was new to him speak up. The only ones around were his crew members, so he was
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just surprised. He turned to see a thin boy, obviously younger then him, staring up at him. He took in the way he looked, immediately
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thinking that he was a straggler. His clothes weren't that bad looking, but it was obvious that he wasn't a working citizen or another
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pirate. So he wasn't that much of a threat. "Hm...Did you need something?" he asked, walking back towards him and away from his ship. He
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didn't want to be rude by not fully listening to what the young man had to say.
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This was it. Lovino blinked his eyes quickly, trying to look as charming as possible. It helped that he was hungry and desperate. Otherwise,
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seeing the way that the other male was *judging* him probably would have irked him too much. This guy thought he was fucking great enough to
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judge Lovino? Obviously something had gone wrong in his life, if he was a pirate. But he swallowed his pride. "Where are you headed next?
Lovino will
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you be stopping at port soon?"
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He tilted his head at the way the younger male stared up at him, now a little cautious. If he was trying to get something out of him, it was
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going to take a lot more then that...but then again, he couldn't help but notice how much he needed it. Being a pirate didn't mean he lived
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in the lap of luxury, but from what he was looking at, he figured he had it better. Though he didn't like dwelling on how others looked and
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deciding who had the better life. "Well...yes, we are...We happen to be traveling very far." It was weird that someone was asking about the
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route he was taking. "Did you need some help with something, cause we have to set sail." he said, glancing back at his ship. It didn't occur
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to him that the other might be asking for a ride or something...
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"Oh..." He looked a little downcast, but less for the story he was spinning and more because if the ship was going far, then it was pretty
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pointless to put his plan into action; waiting at sea for a month before being able to leave seemed like too much trouble. Lovino *almost*
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bristled at the words, irritated at the jerk's behavior. But he managed to reel himself in. "I was just wondering if you'd be stopping in
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the town over..." he didn't specify which, "My brother has fallen ill, and I need to get there quickly to see him..."
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After hearing the story the younger male told him, his face fell slightly, almost losing his air of being a captain of a ship. He always did
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have a weak spot for family members in need. It just seemed to believable to ignore. Or he was just too dense to notice that a town wasn't
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specified. He moved closer to the shorter male, reaching out and petting him lightly on the shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear about that...did...
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you want a lift? We happen to be heading in that direction..." it was obviously a lie, but he couldn't turn away from someone in need. He
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may be a fearless pirate in the eyes of his enemies, but put him in these situations and he turns to mush.
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He flinched slightly at the touch to his shoulder, unable to help it. He didn't really like (read: hated) physical contact. Internally, the
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Italian did a little victory dance, but his expression betrayed nothing, eyes going wide with shock and wonder. "R-really...? That would be
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*so* nice..." He hadn't pulled off any con this big before, and he felt a bit guilty about it, but the guilty seed sewing in his stomach was
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nothing compared to the gnawing ache of hunger. "I won't be a bother...?"
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"Not at all! We have enough room for you. I mean...you don't look like you take up that much space." He tried to joke, smiling brightly at
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the complement. Pulling his hand back, completely unaware that the other flinched when touched. "Besides, I'm the captain, so it only makes
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sense that I can make these decisions." He turned and started towards the ship. "We'd better get going, don't want to keep your brother
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waiting." He said, glancing over his shoulder. Karma was going to be good to him after he did this favor. Being a pirate meant he was highly
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superstitious, so his idea was that by doing a good favor for someone, he in turn will have something equal happen to him. That was all he
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needed to believe the Italians story.
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Well, he'd really feel bad about what he was doing if he knew that. The joke made his brows furrow slightly, but he shook it off and nodded
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in feigned gratitude at the affirmation. "Thank you!" The words left a bad taste in his mouth; he was hardly used to using them. He followed
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behind the sky ship's captain, making himself feel better about what he was doing. It wasn't like he lied about having a brother, and if he
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found Feli, he'd probably need the food too... Lovino's stomach growled loudly, making him blush.
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That all knowing noise made him chuckle, looking back at the Italian following him. "Seems you'll need some food. Well, we don't eat until
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later, but I guess I could give you something to hold you over." he said. Once aboard, he headed towards one of the carts that held the
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various fruits. "Don't eat it all, but help your self." he said, stepping aside so the younger male could get what he wanted. He heard
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someone call out to him from another part of the ship and smiled. "I'll be right back, just need to check on something before we set sail."-
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he said, leaving the boy with a majority of the food and running off. If that wasn't reckless, then he didn't know what was...
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He stared at the food, and glanced around the deck to find that it was mostly empty. Well, if opportunity had presented itself, he might as
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well take it now... It was stupid not to, and it also made him feel a bit better about what he was doing. If he wasn't supposed to do this,
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then it wouldn't be so easy, right? Finding a nearby cloth, that he assumed was a bedsheet or sail or something, he moved quickly to fill it
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with all the food that he could (especially tomatoes) before bundling up the satchel and taking off running, offering silent apologies to
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the crew and captain as he disappeared into the market crowd.
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Antonio returned to where he left the Italian only to see him completely gone. He looked down at the crate of fruits he left open for the
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other to partake in and saw a good amount was gone. *'Maybe he's...gathering?'* he thought to himself as he checked the rest of the ship for
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any sign of the mysterious boy. Once he knew he couldn't be on the ship anymore, his face fell. Sure, it was mostly his fault for actually
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believing the younger male, but it still didn't mean that the other was a fault...he was the one who stole. He quickly took off, telling his
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men to hold on. He didn't like being conned. Asking around to see if anyone saw a short brunette who probably looked guilty or happy, he
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took off in the direction he thought the other went. He didn't want to let him off so easily.
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The Italian figured he at least had a little bit of time before the other found out what he'd done, and bargained on it being enough time
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for him to run away and disappear. He figured he'd have to be at least somewhat good at it, after all these years. The medium-sized satchel
Lovino was
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slung over his back, and he panted a little as he darted through the thick crowds, running as fast as he could. He had to put distance
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between himself and the ship. The thin male winded through alleys, trying to make his path crooked and confusing-- that was how a gazelle
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escaped a lion, after all. Darting and zig-zagging, because even though the lion could run faster, the gazelle was more agile.
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Agile he might be, but when the lion was on a mission, he could go after anything. Just from the info he had gathered in such a short time,
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he took off lumbering after the Italian. It took him a while until he caught sight of the back of someone who looked a lot like the the
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thieving Italian and shot after him. He wasn't sure what he was going to do once he caught him, but he couldn't let him get away with this.-
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"Hey! Get back here!" He shouted, pushing past people and ducking into allyways to try and catch up on him. "Wait!" He shouted again,
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loosing his pace a few time due to the intricate layout of the getaway. His brows furrowed in anger. This little thief was going to get it.
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He cursed softly under his breath, heartbeat speeding up as he ran harder upon hearing the call. But obviously, responding would be a bad
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idea, so he just pushed himself harder, weaving through the allies. He tempered with the idea of heading back into the thick crown to lose
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the other, but it was too risky. He did choose to double back a little, though, in hopes to have the Spaniard lose his trail.
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Antonio wasn't about to give up, even though by now it was probably a lost cause. That boy was fast. And it didn't help that he didn't know
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the layout of the area, other wise he would cut the Italian off before he got too far. He decided to save his breath instead of shouting out
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for the other to stop, since it was getting him no where. Picking up the pace, he got within a few feet of the Italian, reaching his arm out
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to try and catch him. In a sudden burst of energy and all hope on luck, he jumped and aimed to knock over the other.
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He didn't even need to touch the male to make him fall over. Lovino glanced behind him and his eyes went wide to see the Spaniard so close,
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heartbeat raising once more. He felt his body shudder, and a second later he dropped to the ground, writhing and screeching in pure agony,
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body contorting in almost nonsensical ways. It was agonizing, feeling like his body was twisting and bones stretching in all the wrong ways,
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a few loud cracks sounding in the air as his chest heaved for air.
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He wasn't sure why the other suddenly collapsed, but he did know the chase was over. He was about to reprimand the brunette when he noticed
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that his screams weren't in anger, but in pain. He was never really one to handle those who were hurt, so hearing those shouts of pain made
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him cringe. He kneeled down on one knee, not sure if he should touch the male or not. "H-Hey...I was just trying to get my food back...are
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you okay?" he asked, one hand going to rest on his shoulder to try and assess the damage more.
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Fuck, fuck, fuck, he couldn't change in public like this.... The male's agonized screams echoed through the air, body spasming and spine
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cracking painfully enough to bring tears to his eyes, saltwater filling them but unable to fall. When the hand touched his shoulder his
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screams went silent, body still writhing as he tried to cling to the Spanish male and calm his heartbeat.
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*'That was rather weird'* He thought as the younger male, who just a few seconds ago was writhing in pain and screaming, went silent and
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started to cling to him. He would of sat there until the Italian was better, but it seemed that they were getting quite a few stares. "Okay,
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let's just get out of here first..." he said, hoping it came out reassuringly, because he was still a little angry with the boy for stealing
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and running away. He turned around and threw the others arms over his shoulders so he could carry him better. He pulled his legs so that
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they were situated around his waist, heaved the sheet full of stolen goods up, and on he went. He wanted to get back to the ship if and when
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the others sickness got worse.
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He would have protested, but he couldn't really in this state, and he just allowed himself to be picked up, clinging weakly to the other as
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he tried to recuperate. Shivers traveled through him, his spine re-aligning with a few small cracks, nails shrinking to normal length, and
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heartbeat slowly returning to normal.
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Unaware of the small transformation the male on his back was going through, he rushed towards the dock where his ship was. He ignored his
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crew while trying to get to his quarters so that he could be alone and not bothered with anything else. He decided after he treated the boy,
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he would punish him for taking his food. He sat him on the bed softly, trying not to move him too much in case he was in pain again. "There,
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now we need to figure out what's wrong..." he said aloud, not really expecting a response or anything. He started by trying to bring the
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others shirt over his head so he could see if any wounds are present that could be re-opened or something.
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He sort of half-passed out on the way back to the ship, stuck in delirium as his body changed back to normal, all the way to where he was
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laid down on the bed. But when his shirt began to be lifted, his eyes flung open and he smacked the hand away-- but not before the other
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could see how bony he was. "...H-hands off," he managed to whisper, eyes almost glazed as he lay on the bed, breathing heavily from just the
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small exertion.
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Antonio was a little put off that his hand was smacked away, he *was* the captain of a prestigious ship. It wasn't every day that he helped
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thieves out when sick, or whatever he was. "I don't think you're in any position to call the shots..." he said as a warning. Only after his
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hand got smacked away did he notice just how thin the other was. "No wonder you were stealing...I bet its been a while since you had a good
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meal..." Unconsciously, his fingers trailed along the bones that were showing through his skin. "...normally I would be against helping out
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someone who stole from me...by the way, is this sick brother of yours even real?" Still rather airheaded after all that happened. "Where are
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you from?" He wasn't trying to bombard the Italian with so many questions, but he was curious...
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He averted his gaze with an angry glare at the covers and a shameful blush at the other's observations, and Lovino whimpered softly when he
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touched the visible bones, breath hitching a little bit. "My brother is real, but not sick..." He seemed to bristle at the second question,
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hands curling into fists. "I-I don't think that that's any of your business." For someone in such a position, caught stealing and looking
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like he was practically starving to death, the male was awfully stubborn and headstrong.
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Antonio tilted his head in confusion and slight annoyance. Who did this guy think he was talking to? Pulling his hand away from the boys
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skin and just stared him down. "I don't think you're in any position to raise your voice at me." He said, his tone flat and serious. He
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stood up straight to give himself more of that air of superiority, looking down and the thin body on his bed. "Now. Where are you from and
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what was with the screaming in pain back there?" He said, rather then asked.
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He sat up, and then forced himself to stand, even though he swayed on his feet. "I think I'm in whatever position I want to be," he hissed
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out, brows furrowed down angrily. "It's not," he punctuated with a hard poke to the captain's chest, "any of," poke, "your business." Last
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thing he was going to do was to reveal himself and get sent off to be slaughtered...
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A surprised look appeared on his face; he had to commend the Italian for sticking up for himself like that. Most of the time, people would
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just comply with whatever he asked of. This guy had guts. But he wasn't about to just give up. He needed to show just who was in charge in
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this situation. He looked down his nose at the shorter male, raising an eyebrow. "Who do you think you are...?" he asked, crossing his arms
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over his chest, trying to seem less impressed with the way the other was behaving, when in fact it was the opposite.
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If Lovino was anything, it was stubborn. He hardly had any sense of subordinance. He crossed his own arms over his chest, scowl intensifying
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as he glared at the other. He may have been significantly shorter than the male, but he still firmly stood his ground. "I *think* I'm…" But
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he trailed off, eyes getting hazy as he swayed on his feet and stumbled, hands visibly shaking.
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His immediate action was to grab hold of the other before he fell over. "H-hey!" He wrapped his arms around the other and used his own body
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to keep him up. "Are...you okay?" It was rather odd of him to be so concerned after he had been trying to intimidate him not too long ago.-
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He sat the Italian down in the bed, sitting next to him, to try and make him feel better. "You probably overdid it...do you have some kind
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of rare sickness or something?" He really wanted to know what was causing all of this...
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He blushed when the Spaniard supported him with his weight, but before he could do anything, the sky ship captain sat him down on the bed,
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mattress dipping as he sat next to him. "I, um... yeah, sure..." he agreed, figuring it was much more simple than thinking up another lie or
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dodging the question. His stomach growled viciously, making the male's cheeks color brightly.
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Antonio sighed, knowing that he really shouldn't believe anything from the Italian right away. He would take the answer for now, but he was
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going to get the truth from him some way or another. "Well...since I'm not going to get a correct answer out of you anytime soon, and I
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don't want you passing out on my ship, I'll feed you...then I want the truth..." he said, standing up. He walked towards his door and looked
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over his shoulder. "Don't move." he said, leaving to go gather something small to tide the little thief over.
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He didn't like being told what to do, but Lovino probably couldn't even get up to move anyways, so he growled to himself and glared at the
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Spanish male's back as he walked out the door. He would make it up to himself by lying his ass off when the pirate interrogated him. Lovino
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sprawled back on the comfortable bed with a noise of content. He didn't even remember the last time he slept on a proper mattress, nevermind
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a bed as comfortable as this one. He glanced around the room, raising a brow. Was... was this the captain's suite? The Italian snickered to
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himself, ignoring aching hunger pains to crawl across the bed and fish through the drawers on the nightstand.
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It probably wasn't the best idea to leave that little thief in his room, but it was better then leaving him anywhere else on the boat where
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he could steal anything else and leave. He probably should of tied him to the bed or something...though that thought conjured up less then
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innocent thoughts. He grabbed a few tomatoes, after seeing that the stolen goods were mostly tomatoes. They were his precious cargo, but as
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least it wasn't being wasted. He stopped by to check on his crew, seeing that they started to set sail, which was exactly what he wanted. He
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couldn't wait to be in the air again. He almost forgot what his mission was at first, and arrived back in the room after a few minutes. "So
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I brought you some tomat-Hey! What are you doing?" he said, almost dropping the red fruit.
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He jumped a little when the other spoke, unaware that he had reentered. "Who keeps olive oil in their bedside table?" he questioned, half
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mocking as he turned around and shook the mentioned glass bottle at the sky pirate. "Pretty ridiculous, why would you even need it?" Lovino
Lovino was
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pretty naive at times... Though his mouth watered at the sight of the succulent tomatoes, free hand fisting in the bedsheets. When was
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the last time he had eaten one of those delicious things?
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His eyes widened at the sight of the olive oil in the others hands. He thought it was ridiculous? Obviously the Italian didn't know exactly
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what it was for...and that only caused him to grin in amusement. "Sure, it's ridiculous...what do you think I have it there for?" He tossed
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a tomato up into the air and caught it, repeatedly doing it to entice the brunette. He figured he could use it to also get the truth out of
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He scowled at the grin, amusement not being the reaction he was hoping for. "Bread...?" He watched the tomato fly up into the air and be
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caught by the brunette, stomach doing an odd clench at the apex of the toss, when it seemed the tomato could fall to its doom. His abdomen
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ached dully as it growled at the Italian, voicing his hunger.
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He almost dropped the red ball of deliciousness when he heard the others answer. A chuckle left his lips and his other hand quickly came up
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to try and hide it. "No...It's not for bread..." he said, gaining his composure back. He stopped tossing the tomato and started walking
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towards the bed, his eyes not leaving the others. He sat next to the Italian, showing off the other tomatoes he also brought with him. Just
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to be mean, he took a bite out of the one he had been throwing. "Mmm...this is really good..." he murmured to himself. He turned and looked
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at the starving brunette, smiling. "If you want one...you have to tell me where you're from..." he said, taking another bite. He was
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probably going to go back on his word since he didn't want to completely starve the boy. He wasn't *that* sadistic.
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He didn't like being laughed at, and he trembled angrily as the other walked over, putting the olive oil back when the bastard sat down. But
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the male bit down on his lower lip as tears stung his eyes, looking away. He was close to crying from frustration, but he couldn't do it in
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front of the Spanish male... but that didn't stop his stomach aching with lack of food.
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He held out the tomato within reach of the Italian, but didn't give it to him just yet. "Well...? Are you going to tell me?" He hadn't
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noticed the tears welling up in his eyes yet, but if he did, he'd probably feel horrible for it. He took another bite out of his own tomato,
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the juice dripping down his chin slowly. He liked teasing him though...it seemed like a new pass time.
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"Just leave me alone!" he half-sobbed, clutching his stomach as the tomato was pushed close enough that he could reach it, but that it would
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be beyond easy for the Spaniard to pull it away before Lovino could take it. He hated looking so weak, crying in front of the pirate... but
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he couldn't help it when he was so hungry it hurt, and he was almost dizzy from the lack of sustenance.
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His face fell a little at the others words. Sure, teasing him was fun, but he didn't know he would get this reaction..."Hey...!" He leaned
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in closer, trying to make him calm again. "I didn't mean anything by it..." he said softly. He sat the tomato down on the others thigh,
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thinking that it was the reason for the 'tears'. "I guess I'll just ask you later...can't have you dying on me while I try to get answers."
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He bit his lower lip and stayed quiet for a minute, trying to gather the scraps of his pride from the floor as he forced himself to calm
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down. He glanced down at the tomato that had been set on his thigh, and picked it up, not too proud to refuse it when he was starving. He
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scarfed the red plump food in seconds, trembling with delight at eating, and licked his hands and mouth to slurp up any juices.
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His eyes were unable to break away from the Italian as he dove into his red fruit. "Wow...whens the last time you ate something...?" He
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wondered aloud, knowing he probably wasn't going to get a reply. Especially when he was eating. It's a good thing he brought a bunch more
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tomatoes for the both of them. He sat back and finished off his tomato, licking his fingers of the juices.
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He flinched and blushed at the question. The pirate was right: the only reply he received was Lovino reaching over to take a second tomato,
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which he instantly sunk his teeth into. Tomatoes were delicious, but they weren't exactly incredibly filling, especially to an Italian who
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hadn't eaten in who knew how many days.
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"Well...those aren't really going to keep you full, regardless of how delicious they are..." he said, voicing the same thoughts. "Well, we
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normally don't eat until a little later...and since you're a part of this crew until said otherwise, you'll have to follow the rules." He
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laid back on the bed, throwing his left over part of the tomato away. He tucked his hands behind his head and glanced over at the newest
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member of his ship. "Well...are you going to tell me anything?" He asked, eyebrows furrowing.
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But Lovino suddenly no longer cared about eating. "*What*?!" he said incredulously, springing to his feet. "A *member of your crew*?!" He
Lovino was
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already shaking his head. "No way!" He had to get back, had to catch up to Feli, he… he couldn't even imagine what would or could happen
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to his twin without Lovino there to take care of him. "You have to let me go...!"
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Antonio didn't know why the other was so upset about that...he figured giving the Italian a place to stay and food would make him happy. How
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was he supposed to know that not everyone had a dream of becoming a pirate. "Woah...calm down...why the freaking out?" He said sitting back
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up, trying to appear worried for the other. Really, he just wanted to know why his reaction was like that. Maybe if he kept at it, he would
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get answers. "...you stole from the ship...so I figured the best punishment would be to make you a part of the crew..." he said, reaching
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out to touch his shoulder to try and get him to understand it all.
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His eyes went wide with panic, chest heaving as he hyperventilated, trembling. "N-no! You... you can't..." Lovino flinched away from the
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hand reaching from his shoulder. "You *can't*! L-let me go, let me *go*! I--" He suddenly cut off, a hand moving up to clutch at his chest
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as the Italian made a choking sound, bending forward a bit, spine making a loud snapping noise.
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"Wait...what's going on...?" he asked, concern for whatever was going on evident in his voice. He sat back a little to give the other some
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space, but didn't want to move back too much. Hearing a snap alerted him to some kind of danger. He placed his hand on the others shoulder,
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trying to unbend him and lay him back. He figured if something was going on, it would be better to have him lay down. "J-just...sit back!
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What is happening...Dios Mio..." he muttered to himself, just watching.
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"Ah--!" Eyes watering, the male bit down sharply on his hand, forcing down a scream as his spine cracked again. He resisted the Spaniard's
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urging to lay down; the change would come easier if he was laying down. With his free hand, he shoved at the pirate captain. "Just go!" With
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his mouth open to speak, the part of his hand in his mouth was now visible, blood welling up where he'd bitten with suddenly sharp teeth.
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He kneeled in front of the other, panicking slightly at the sight of blood. He forced the others head to look at him, wanting to see where
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and why there was blood in his mouth. "I'm not leaving this room while this is happening...what ever this is. This is my ship and what I say
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goes." he said sternly, looking the other in the eye even though he looked to be in terrible pain. "To help you out, you need to tell me
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what is going on!" he ordered, his other hand clutching his hand tightly so he can't be pushed away again.
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"I-I-- ahh!" Instead of pushing the other away, he collapsed onto him, legs giving out from under him. Small spasms shuddered through his
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thin frame, and the Italian pushed out slow breaths, spasms calming to trembles, which slowed to simply heavy breaths. A mix of relief and
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victory washed over him, and he would have smiled to himself had his spine not cracked loudly back into place and caused him to cry out. It
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really was rewarding to know that he'd resisted a change, though it gave him a kind of queasy, awkward feeling, body craving the completed
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13 years ago
Antonio was once again completely baffled by everything that was going on. He was still getting over the fact that the smaller male fell on
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him when he heard the cracking sound of his spine and the cry that came with it. His eyes narrowed as he looked down at the heavy breathing
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Italian, trying to piece together what was happening on his own. He wasn't a captain for no reason; he could be intellectual when he wanted
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to. "So...all this happening...I take it you aren't completely human...?" He said rather then asked. He sat up with the other in his lap,
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arms wrapped around him to show that he had no where to run. He needed to get to the bottom of this before he went crazy. "You will tell me
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what is going on, or else..." he didn't really have an 'or else' plan; if he gave the male any other options, he might not get the truth.
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The male paled a bit at the words, and swallowed nervously, tryinng to cover up his reaction. "W-what are you, crazy?" He tried to push off
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the other, and was rewarded with Antonio sitting down and wrapping his arms around him tightly. Lovino flushed when he realized he was in
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the captain's lap. "That isn't your business! Now let me go!" He punctuated the fierce statement with an elbow aimed at the Spanish male's
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gut, teeth bared angrily.
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He got the hit, but tried to ignore it, a bit of air escaping him. Coughing slightly, he wrapped his arms around him tighter, his face not
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loosing any of the authoritative looks he had acquired through his years of being a captain. "No. Not until you tell me what is going on...
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normal humans don't have their spines pop." He pressed on, grabbing a hold of the younger males arms so he couldn't attempt to elbow him
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again. "You're also getting nervous...which is a sign that you're hiding something. Tell me, or you will be thrown from this ship while it
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is in the air." His voice got deeper and more angry. He knew he needed to make these kinds of threats or the Italian wouldn't listen.
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He bristled at the Spaniard's tone of voice, and especially at the fact that he was grabbed by the other, snarling. The accusations only
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served to anger the Italian, brows furrowed down in defiant rage. Lovino got in the captain's face, tip of his nose barely a centimeter away
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from Antonio's. "Do it, then," he growled out, eyes flashing angrily. If he survived being tossed from the ship, it'd leave him in a better
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situation than he was in now, because at least he could make an attempt to find Feli.
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Antonio was impressed; normally when he made that threat, people would throw themselves to the floor and beg for their life to be spared.-
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Glaring just as harshly back at the Italian, he raised his hand to grip his collar, unintentionally pulling him closer. "You must be some
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kind of masochist...your secret must be that big...so why not just tell me?" He said. He had also seen many things in his years of being a
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sky pirate. Gripping his collar more, he stood up, making sure the others feet couldn't touch the ground. "Or, I could just kill you here
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instead...?" He pulled out his gun and pointed it right to the side of his head, cocking it.
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Masochist? Lovino couldn't decide if he wanted to be angry or embarrassed at the accusation. Obviously the Italian wouldn't tell after some
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throwaway words when he'd stayed quiet this long... He made a choking noise and grasped at the pirate's coat when he was lifted by his shirt
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collar, going ghost white when the pistol was pulled out and pressed to the side of his head. The brunette's breathing shallowed; even if he
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let his temper go sometimes (or more than that), an Italian always knew when it was time to wave the white flag. Preferably before he got
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himself killed.
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"Now...are you going to talk?" He growled out, his finger itching to pull the trigger; he wasn't violent by nature, but when the time called
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for it, he was ruthless. His eyes glowed and his mouth twisted into a sneer. "Or is your pretty little head going to be blown open?" He
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held his ground, not showing any sign of lying or breaking down. There was no way he was going to let this one slip through his fingers.
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His stomach dropped, churning at the words. Lovino felt like he was going to be sick. "I-I... I..." His eyes watered up, sniffling pitifully
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and making soft hic noises. "D-don't kill me... please... I h-h-have to take care of my fratello..." His large amber eyes swam with fat
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tears, trembling where he hung above the floorboards. The male couldn't even really see the other's face anymore through the blur of tears,
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leaving him unable to judge Antonio's throughts by his expression.
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He normally as immune to the tears of others, but for some reason, this boy was striking a cord in his chest. If the Italian could see his
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face, then he would see it faulter slightly. He felt like he couldn't handle the way the other was begging for his life. He lowered his gun
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from the others head, hand dropping to his side in defeat. How had he made him stop in his place? He was baffled. He didn't, however, lower
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the other to the ground. He still needed to show that he could be ruthless. "...stop crying." He said through gritted teeth. He pulled him
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so that their noses barely touched. "I won't kill you...unless you start talking..." he said, glaring at the others wet face. He was going
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to get to the bottom of this...
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The command to stop crying only caused the Italian to burst into tears, though the lowering of the gun might have helped a little. The other
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wasn't any nicer in his eyes though. "Please...!" he wailed out, shaking and sobbing. "P-please don't.... don't h-hurt m-me... M-my cousin
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i-is a-- is a p-pirate..." he choked out, tears pouring down his cheeks and staining anything the droplets fell on. He wanted to hide his
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face because he was sure he looked awful, sniveling and dripping snot, but it wasn't really an option, especially when he was begging for
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his life. He just wanted to go home, curl up to the fire with his brother, and have whatever scraps of food they managed to scrape up...
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"Your cousin...? Who is he? What is his name?" He asked, his authoritative voice not lowering or getting any softer. He lowered the male
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down so that he wasn't dangling anymore, but he didn't let go. "That still doesn't answer my question though...who...what are you? I won't
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kill you if you just tell me this." He said. To prove himself, he tucked his gun back in the holster on his hip. Though he wasn't going to
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let the other forget that it was an option if he didn't cooperate.
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[[/That was a joke if you didn't get it]]
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He had about three options: one, tell the pirate, and get killed by hunters. Two, don't tell him, and get killed by Antonio himself. And
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lastly three, try to run away, and probably get killed by Antonio or the crew. All options led to death, but it was just a matter of which
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way to go. He ruled out the option of telling. He wouldn't give Elek the satisfaction of having exterminated his entire family. And Lovino
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couldn't bargain on escaping, especially when he couldn't tell what sort of things the crew would do to him. Unless… "I'm not a what, I'm
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just sick..." he whispered out, eyes still glossy with tears.
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[[I figured it was XD]]
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"Sick...?" Did the younger male really expect him to believe that? Sure it could be a legitimate response and excuse for all that had been
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happening, but tgw Italian had just given the answer without much opposition. He thought there would be more fighting or something, but then
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again, he was tired of threatening the poor boy. "So...what sickness do you have? I need to know so I can make sure it isn't contagious. I
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can't have you making others aboard sick too..." he said, his voice trying to sound as if he was reasoning with him. In actuality, he was
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still very skeptical, and refused to believe something like that right away. Actually, there was a way he could figure out what ailed him,
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but it probably wouldn't sit well with the other. "Hmm...instead of you telling me, since I can't fully trust you, why don't I find out for
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myself?" He pushed the other back forcefully until he was sitting on the bed again. "I'll need to inspect you...take off your shirt." A
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weird gleam appeared in his eyes as his face tried to stay emotionless.
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"It's not contagious..." Lovino yelped as he was suddenly pushed down, eyes going wide with fear. At the command, he wanted to curse the
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scumbad perverted captain to the high heavens, but bit it down, rotating so his back was facing the pirate. Very much the picture of someone
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who was having his deepest secrets forced out of him, he drew the back of his shirt up and bent forward, spine suddenly raising against the
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fair skin. The vertabrae were uniform but awkwardly shaped, almost looking painful. "Spina fiscia," he mumbled, just tossing out something
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that seemed remotely medical. The Italian lilt to the words made it them more legitimate, too. "Got it when I was small, from malnourishment
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and... scurvy." Pirates respected scurvy. He was placing a lot on the hope that, like most pirates, Antonio wasn't very book-smart.
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Fortunately for the Italian, Antonio wasn't the smartest. Basically, unless it came to fighting, be didn't know much else. His face fell a
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little at the misshapen vertebrae. Wihout permission, he leaned forward and ran his finger along he raised flesh hiding the bones. Scurvy
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was a horrible disease to go through...from what he heard. He didn't know how it would affect his spine, but it sounded serious and
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completely real. "Well..." he said, snapping out of his trance like state and putting his serious face on. "...that still doesn't change the
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fact that I can't just let you leave. You will be kept here, onboard, and will become a part of my crew..." He left off the part where he
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still help the boy out with finding his brother. He had to uphold some kind of authority.
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He squeaked when the other ran his finger over his spine, which curved under the touch. Really, it was just because of the fact that he'd
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almost changed; in a few hours, his spine would change back to normal. He lowered his shirt and whirled around at the other's words, eyes
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going wide. "Y-you can't! I have to take care of my brother...! I can't be a pirate!" It was all true; the Italian was pathetically weak and
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probably couldn't even pick up a length of rope, never mind heavy crates-- and he knew nothing about ships. Feli was just as bad, with the
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added bit that he was incredibly naive and trusting. He wouldn't survive.
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"Who said you're going to be a pirate? You have to earn that title. Right now you'll just be a cabin boy. You'll clean the ship and our
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weapons...hmm..." He placed his hand on his chin looking the other up and down before grabbing his arm. "Just like I thought...you aren't
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that strong...we'll just have to build up your strength..." He said I himself. "And didn't you say you had to find your brother? Is he even
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gone?" He asked. He was still skeptical from all the lies.from before...
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Lovino yelped and shoved the pirate captain, backing away. "Don't touch me," he snarled out, undisguised rage blazing in his eyes. Lovino
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wouldn't be belittled with the title of cabin boy, and he would not clean up after anyone. "I wouldn't have to find him if you hadn't
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fucking kidnapped me!" His voice tipped up into a screech, and he was shaking with his anger. The Italian would have smacked the taller
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brunette if he didn't think that he would retaliate, and Lovino could easily see that the pirate was much stronger, body toned with muscles.
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He stumbled back just from pure shock. He knew the other would take 'being forced to do work' too well, but he didn't know that he would
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lash back; even if it was minor. But Antonio was captain, and he couldn't just ignore the anger at being yelled at because the male in front
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of his was vulnerable. Narrowing his eyes, he walked towards the Italian, grabbing a hold of his arm and twisting it behind him. He turned
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the others body so that his own chest was pressed into his back, giving him few ways to move. He leaned down slightly so that the other
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could hear the anger in his voice. "From this point on, you will stay on this ship and do as I say, you got that...?" He growled.
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He cried out as his arm was grabbed and twisted behind him painfully, breath growing short as he trembled. The other speaking so close to
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his ear made his eyes prick with tears, lips pressing into a thin line. Whereas before he might have been described as a fierce cornered
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wildcat, now he looked like a poor, beaten-down kitten, shaking with the wind. He stifled a sob, and nodded, choking out a quiet agreement
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to Antonio's statement. He hated the pirate, more than anything in the world.
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"Good..." With that said, he loosened his hold on the shorter male, giving him the room to move away if he wanted. "Now, I will show you
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where you will be staying for the time being." Letting go completely, he turned towards the door, expecting the other to follow. He didn't
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care if the other hated him; it was what came with the job title of being a pirate. And it could be worse, the Italian could of stolen from
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someone else and be quickly disposed if. Antonio was doing this poor soul a favor. Well, a big one, seeing as he now had food and a 'warm'
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bed to sleep in...
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Oh, did he want to move away. Upon release, the brunette stepped away quickly, hiding his face as he scrubbed at his eyes. He didn't even
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bother to look up at the other as he spoke, following with measured apathy. Being disposed of was probably preferrable compared to being
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held prisoner. And Lovino had a warm bed to sleep in! Two Italians cuddled up generated a great amount of warmth.
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Antonio had no idea that he was a kidnapper, but with the mix of different stories he had been told about the boys brother, he didn't know
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what he should of believed. He glanced back at the Dood moving Italian, he decided that he needed to show him that all wasn't bad aboard his
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ship. "There's no need to be so upset...I'm sure you will got in and learn to love it after a while...its a whole lot different then
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stealing from different people every day..." He said grinning. Though, he left out the part where his men did that on a normal basis...He
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stopped in front of a closed door. "This is where all the men stay. Hopefully it will be to your liking..." He teased, opening the door to
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a big room filled with various carts. Some men were down there already, sleeping or lazing about. It was pretty bad...
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The consolations didn't help one bit-- and he bristled a little at the implication that he stole from different people every day. Lovino
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didn't! He just... Feli and he were really hungry, and they hadn't been able to scrape together any money in days. And their tomato crop
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failing was a huge blow... He stared at the open door in a mix of shock and disgust. The Spaniard must have been a jester; no way was Lovino
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sleeping on a cot in a room with pirates.
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He looked down at the others expression, knowing it wasn't going to be easy to get him in the room. But then again, he did intimidate the
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Italian a bit, so maybe he could just do it that way. "I'd wipe that look off your face if you know what's good for you..." He said, his
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voice deepening slightly to try and seem menacing.
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The brunette had dealt with things a lot more menacing, and this was something he refused to budge on. "Fuck no. I'm not setting a toe in
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that room." His skin was crawling with the idea of it, feeling the glares of crewmembers burning into his skin. He'd probably be sexually
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harrassed, goddammit...!
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"Oh, and why's that? Do you feel that you're too good to stay here?" He sneered. Really, there was nothing wrong with this sleeping area. On
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the outside it looked rather foreboding and gross, but it was as comfortable as any sleeping area on a ship was going to get. "You either
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stay here, or be forced to stay in my quarters, where I'll keep an eye on you at all times." He figured he'd pissed the boy off enough today
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that he wouldn't want to be anywhere near him.
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The Italian paused to consider, before nodding. "Fine, if I get the bed." He'd rather stay in Antonio's room, with someone he knew (even if
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he hated that someone) than spend his nights in a room full of people that were all watching him; and he didn't really know them. Plus, it'd
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be easier to sneak away when... the situation arose.
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