Arthur feels
13 years ago
like taking a brief vacation. But to where...?
latest #55
Anya thinks
13 years ago
you should stay and deal with the problems at hand. -_-
13 years ago
wouldn't mind if you came to visit. Though...he's only speaking for himself. Well, he's pretty sure it would be okay!
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
Florida is nice this time of year...
Arthur needs
13 years ago
a break! So he'll just hop across the lake and visit Matthew. And maybe Florida afterwards.
Matthew is
13 years ago
pretty free, so any time is good for a visit.
13 years ago
heads over, then, and knocks on the door.
13 years ago
answers, smiling. "Hi...! Here, come in."
13 years ago
smiles a little in return, and steps inside. "It's good to see you, Matthew. How have you been?"
13 years ago
goes a bit pink. He liked when anyone acknowledged him. "It's good to see you too. I've been..." How do you describe 'I've found out there's
13 years ago
a female version of myself' in one word? "...fine. A-and yourself?"
13 years ago
"I've been... a little exhausted, but more or less alright. Is Madeleine around?"
13 years ago
blinks in surprise. Oh right, that's how she knew about him. He'd completely forgotten. "Oh, she actually stepped out for a bit." He still
13 years ago
didn't feel right asking her too many questions.
13 years ago
nods. "I see. It was quite a surprise, you know. I dropped by a while ago with some scones for you, but she'd been the one to answer the
13 years ago
door instead."
13 years ago
smiles nervously. He hopes she didn't eat them...! "Yeah, it was a big surprise for me too. I thought someone had wandered into my house."
13 years ago
chuckles a bit. "I'd imagine. Ah, forgive me, though; I forgot to make some scones before coming on over."
13 years ago
waves his hand. "Oh, that's fine. You didn't have to, really!" Really.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it's not. It's rude to visit without some sort of gift, after all. I'll make sure to bring extra pastries next time."
13 years ago
makes a second attempt. "Honestly, it's fine. I mean, we're family, so we can bend the rules a little bit, right?"
Arthur will
13 years ago
get you those scones, whether you like it or not. "...Absolutely not. And..." he hesitates, "I'd prefer it if you said... as close as a
13 years ago
family. It'd be rather odd if... we were officially a family at this point. Not... that I have anything against it, or that anything has
13 years ago
changed between us, but-- a-ah... you see, Alfred and I..." Alright, why is this more difficult to actually say? "We've... put aside our
13 years ago
differences... so to speak..."
13 years ago
initially thinks Arthur's just referring to the fact that they're all official nations now. But then... He deflates a little. "O-oh...that's
13 years ago
good to hear." He smiles, but it's pretty weak. If nothing had changed between them, then why couldn't he still call him family?
Arthur feels
13 years ago
guilty, seeing Matthew's shoulders slump a little. "I... don't mean it in a bad way, Matthew. Really. It's just... ah, how should I say
13 years ago
this..." He reddens a little, slightly awkward. "...Alright, allow me to rephrase that. Alfred and I have become... intimate."
13 years ago
blushes. He didn't need to hear that! Awkward forever! "Oh. That's, um...nice. So...I guess you'll be seeing each other more, then?" And
13 years ago
he'll just be ignored some more. Sigh.
13 years ago
nods, glad that the news had gone over well. "But... well, if you weren't too busy - and not just for today, I was hoping that would give
13 years ago
me the opportunity to visit -you- more often as well. Lord knows I haven't done enough of that for... well, quite a while."
13 years ago
doesn't quite believe him, but it's nice that he's trying. He smiles. "Oh, you don't need to go out of your way or anything." Especially if
13 years ago
both him and Alfred would be there at the same time; he doesn't want to be the third wheel.
13 years ago
smiles faintly. "Well... I'll be on this side of the pond, anyway. Perhaps we could enjoy the finer aspects of life - the classical theatre,
13 years ago
for example? Alfred isn't too big of a fan of those..."
13 years ago
would really just prefer a hockey game, but theatre's alright. He nods, smiling. "That sounds like it'd be fun." Arg, is he only offering
13 years ago
because he knows Alfred doesn't like it?
13 years ago
cheers up a little to hear that confirmation. "Brilliant. It'll be fun, Matthew; it'll be just you and me."
13 years ago
nods, despite still feeling unsettled and a tad gloomy. "Okay. Just you, me, and the theatre, eh?"
13 years ago
"Yes. We could even get some ice cream afterwards, if you'd like." Arthur paused, then, immediately feeling a little guilty. He realized
13 years ago
that when he really thought about it... he hardly knew a thing about Matthew.
13 years ago
smiles more genuinely. That actually does sound good. "I would. I know a place that makes their own specialty ice cream." Maybe he was
13 years ago
wrong for doubting him earlier...
13 years ago
nods. "That'd be brilliant. If you're free, why don't we go right now?"
13 years ago
blinks at him in surprise. "You're sure? I mean...I have time..."
13 years ago
nods again. "I came here to visit you, after all."
13 years ago
smiles brightly. "Okay! It's nearby. We could even walk, if that's alright..."
13 years ago
"Ah, I'd like that. It's really been a while since you and I were able to do anything like this, hm?"
13 years ago
heads toward the door, then! "Y-yeah, I suppose it has been." No, he wasn't keeping track, really. "Shall we?"
13 years ago
nods, following him out again. "So, how have you been these days? France isn't pestering you too much, I hope."
13 years ago
smiles. "I've been good. And no, France hasn't visited recently." He was fairly certain he couldn't convince Arthur he didn't see it
13 years ago
as pestering.
Arthur will
13 years ago
-always- think France was pestering him. Always. "Good," he huffs. "Bloody frog finally learned a thing or two about privacy..."
13 years ago
snorts and shakes his head. "He's not that bad, really." Or if he was, he either didn't mind, or had gotten used to it.
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