13 years ago
[Event 1] has been wandering around wondering where her tower went... and her hair brush. Though she keeps getting sidetracked in curiosity.
latest #350
England has
13 years ago
been wandering... More so, storming around, in search of people. He needed to know where he is. He then spots a girl and approached her_
13 years ago
_without hesitance. "YOU!" Oh. He is kind of pissed off as well, so...
13 years ago
looks at him rather shocked. "A-ah! Y-yes?"
England is
13 years ago
not as chivalrous as he made himself out to be. Without waiting for another reaction, he grabbed her by the collar. "Where is this?!"
13 years ago
stutters a bit not used to be treated like this let alone talking to anyone. "I-i-i am not sure. I've been l-lost for days."
13 years ago
could tell that he has frightened the lady. That only made him smug but he toned the harshness down anyway. "Is that so?" He looked at her_
13 years ago
_up and down. "You don't look like someone who has been lost for days." Looked more like someone he could steal a few precious things from.
Evelin is
13 years ago
glad he's less mean. "Y-yes, somehow I ended up out of the tower I lived in, and I haven't found my way back. I-it's hard to travel with my_
13 years ago
hair getting caught on the way."
13 years ago
snorted at that. He produced his cutlass from the sheath on his belt. "Then it's obvious, isn't it." He placed the blade near her_
13 years ago
_horrendously long locks. "You just cut it off."
13 years ago
"No!" she says quite loudly before her voice gets quite again. "I-i mean. I cannot just cut it off. I-isn't that bad to do?"
England is
13 years ago
taken aback by her sudden outburst. He took a cautious step away and placed his cutlass back. "Why would it be?"
13 years ago
"For one, Mother Gothel couldn't get in the tower. A-and..." She really can't think of any other reason since she wasn't ever told why it_
13 years ago
was bad to cut her hair. "...and I've never really cut my hair before."
13 years ago
"Huh." It was not his business anyway, if the lady wanted to be strange about it. And whoever Mother Gothel is. He took another step back_
13 years ago
_and scanned her, in search of any valuables on her. Might as well pillage when Peter Pan is out of the way.
13 years ago
looks at him rather wary. She didn't have much on her besides her silk dress and her necklace. Not like she carried anything to places_
13 years ago
since she doesn't leave her tower at all.
13 years ago
smirked upon seeing the necklace. *There* is something of value. "Well, how about I help you find your way back to your tower?" He offered_
13 years ago
_with a smile. A shrewd smile.
Evelin is
13 years ago
somewhat clueless. "Really? That would be helpful. It's a really tall tower with neither doors nor stairs and a window." She pauses. "I_
13 years ago
don't know how I'll get back in though."
13 years ago
"Ah. I am sure we could get you in somehow." He was a master when it comes to infiltrating buildings... And he frequently climb up the_
13 years ago
_masts of his ship anyway. Although it sounds like she was under imprisonment of sorts. "Why do you want to get back there?"
13 years ago
"Mother Gothel would be mad if she found out I left. I don't like the tower, but I don't like it when she gets mad either." Yep, she was a_
13 years ago
prisoner basically. Not that she fully knew that.
13 years ago
hummed a little. He was, admittedly, curious about her now since it wasn't often that he gets the chance to meet someone new. "Who is this_
13 years ago
_Mother Gothel and why does she want you to stay in the tower?"
13 years ago
"Mother Gothel is the lady who takes care of me, and she told me I have to stay in the tower to stay protected. I don't see why I didn't_
13 years ago
need to be protected when I was a child."
13 years ago
snorted. "Seems like a poor excuse to me." Although, who was he to judge? He shrugged a little and continued walking, looking around for_
13 years ago
_any sight of the strange tower with no stairs and doors, only just a window.
13 years ago
nods agreeing with that. She looks around wishing she could regonize something she saw from her window before she yelps as her hair gets_
13 years ago
caught on a branch... again.
13 years ago
only sighed and lightly tapped on the handle of his cutlass. "You know, you should *really* just cut it. It's giving you more problems than_
13 years ago
_benefits..." ... What were the benefits, again?
13 years ago
looks down in thought. "It could be a little shorter..." Mother Gothel could get a rope or something.
13 years ago
smirks at that and held up his weapon. It had been a long time since he had a took a swing with it. "All right then!"
13 years ago
looks back at her hair for a moment sadly before she saw the bunch that got tightly caught on a lower branch. She looks back at the man and_
13 years ago
nods slightly.
England was
13 years ago
not the type to hesitate and so with that, he made a perfect cut down her hair, at a spot a little way from the branch.
13 years ago
blinks a bit as she looked at where the cut was made. Her hair still still went past her knees, but not the twenty-some feet it just was._
13 years ago
It was actually pretty nice since she didn't feel as weighted down by her hair than before.
13 years ago
blew the strands of hair that stuck to his blade off. He kept his weapon back before turning to look at the lady once more, taking note of_
13 years ago
_how much he had actually cut. He whistled. "How is that, lass?"
13 years ago
looks at the other, her hair, and back. She smiles. "A lot better actually. Thank you."
13 years ago
"Anytime." He replied and continued walking. She is quite... Nice. It was a pity though that he was going to rob her later.
13 years ago
looks back at the locks of hair before following the other. Gothel was going to be furious at her if she got to the tower again... which,_
13 years ago
she thought, she might not actually want to do. It was nice to be outside again and away from Gothel.
13 years ago
chanced a glance back at her. "How did you end up in such a place anyway?"
13 years ago
hums a bit in question. "In the tower? Or here?"
13 years ago
shrugged. "Well, I was thinking more of here. But if you don't mind sharing the story of how you ended in the tower, I would love to hear_
13 years ago
_it." He stretched a bit. "Something to occupy us with, at least."
13 years ago
hums. "Well, I'm really not sure how I got here. I just remember going to bed like usual and waking up underneath some trees. I'm puzzled_
13 years ago
how I got myself out considering how tall the tower is. As for how I got into the tower..." She sighs slightly remembering. "Before I got in
13 years ago
there I lived with Mother Gothel in her house. Around my twelfth birthday, she started to become more worried, kept me inside the house more
13 years ago
often, and left the house a lot more. I didn't know what she was doing for awhile until one day, she finally took me out of the house..."_
13 years ago
pauses for a moment not exactly liking the memories.
13 years ago
nodded every now and then, watching her as she spoke. He blinked when the other paused. Now, he wasn't exactly great at deciphering human_
13 years ago
_emotions and so, without any tact at all, he urged her to continue. "... And?"
13 years ago
"And it turned out she worked on making a tower surrounded my thorny plants. She told me I had to stay up there and never come out of there_
13 years ago
again. I didn't like it at all..." She stops again remembering. "I complained and tired getting away, but... she got me up there. Not_
13 years ago
without fighting and a few injuries though... After that... I mostly did as she wished."
13 years ago
listened. The heartless pirate feeling even a little pity for her. This Mother Gothel sounds like a real twat. "Well, since you are_
13 years ago
_conveniently out. I don't see any reason why you should go back. I mean, all your have to do is hide from her, isn't it? I am sure that_
13 years ago
_isn't all that hard."
13 years ago
looks down a bit. "I could but... I don't know where to hide nor where she is. If she knows I'm gone, she can get many people to find me._
13 years ago
I don't know where to hide, so I can't be found."
13 years ago
hummed a bit in thought. There was no way he was letting a lady on board a ship as part of the crew. Well, maybe he should just let her off_
13 years ago
_on the necklace thing. He shrugged. "We will just have to see what happens then. But so long I am here, no one can touch a hair on you."_
13 years ago
_Until he was gone, of course.
13 years ago
nods lightly. "Thanks." She would just have to figure out where to go, and the fact she really never been out alone before wasn't going to_
13 years ago
13 years ago
watched her for a moment. A sigh. "I-I suppose if we couldn't find your tower, y-you can stay on my ship... For a while..." His men were_
13 years ago
_not on board anyway.
13 years ago
looks up a bit surprised. "Really? A ship?" She never been on a ship before.
13 years ago
"Well, yes." He raised an eyebrow. "Why are you so surprised?"
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "I've never been on a ship before. I've only heard about them.Thank you, Mister..." She stops realizing she didn't know his_
13 years ago
13 years ago
"... *Captain*--" He corrected her. "--Hook." He adjusted his royal red Tricorne hat decorated with golden embellishments, completed with_
13 years ago
_a tuft of snow white feathers draping off just at the corner. "And yourself?"
13 years ago
silently thinks the hat looks really nice as she notices it. It was nothing like the hats she has seen. "Thank you, Captain Hook. I'm
13 years ago
13 years ago
nodded. "That is quite the lovely name. Rapunzel plants are pretty." He sees them occasionally when he returns to Great Britain. "Well_
13 years ago
_then, I suppose we should look around for a bit more before returning to my ship."
13 years ago
can remember the ones back in Gothel's garden. "They are. It's what I'm named after actually." She nods lightly. "Alright."
13 years ago
continued to walk around. It was of no good. There weren't any buildings in sight, just plants, plants and more plants.
13 years ago
|If the past few of her days was anything to go on, there didn't seem to be much more than plants around this area.
13 years ago
"Are you hungry?" He asked suddenly. She did say she had been lost for days.
13 years ago
meekly replies with a 'yes'. She never really ate much, but trying to pick out food to eat in a forest wasn't easy.
13 years ago
grinned at that. "Right then! Be grateful because Captain Hook here is about to cook up a grand feast for you." He changed his direction_
13 years ago
_to head to the shore where he had docked his ship.
13 years ago
follows along nodding. "Yes, thank you. I don't think I need a whole feast though. I barely manage to have a simple salad at times."
13 years ago
just laughed at that. "All the more you should have a big meal! It's good to enjoy yourself every now and then, hm? Now come along!"_
13 years ago
_They have reached the shore by now and true to his words, the ship was resting just there. (( http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3013/2472679593_83fb016cd6.jpg ))
13 years ago
guesses she could try eating a bit more than usual. When she sees the ship, she just starts at it for a moment. It looked wonderful.
13 years ago
noticed then and gave a small smile. He admired it for a moment as well, "Wonderful, isn't she? Jolly Roger, that's her name."
13 years ago
"Jolly Roger? She's amazing." Curious now, she wanted to see the ship closer.
13 years ago
's smile grew wider at that. He was rather proud of his ship. He walked faster now and soon reached the deck.
13 years ago
follows along a bit slower mostly because she was looking at everything.
13 years ago
led the way towards the forecastle. It was empty since, well, to be honest, most of his men had escaped. There were only about five or so_
13 years ago
_that had stayed on but he had ordered them to search the island for any thing of value. He then brought her into the messdeck. "Well,_
13 years ago
_wait here while I get into the kitchen and whip up a few things for you."
13 years ago
nods lightly. "Alright," she says looking around.
13 years ago
immediately got to work. Not long after, smoke came out from the kitchen... And it was not the faint, white kind... More of the dark,_
13 years ago
_thick variety...
Evelin was
13 years ago
rather enjoying herself looking around until she spotted the smoke. That wasn't supposed to come out of kitchen... She went over to see what
13 years ago
had happened.
England is
13 years ago
just cooking with a rather happy expression on his face... With an apron on. He whipped his head around in surprise when he heard a_
13 years ago
_sound. "Ah! I told you to wait back there, didn't I?" He was flipping two pieces of... Something... On the pan.
13 years ago
stares for a moment before looking a bit surprised for being caught. "Ah, sorry! I thought I saw something odd going on. I was checking."_
13 years ago
She was confused a bit about why something being burnt was a good thing, but she doesn't say anything about it.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow now. "Is that so? Well, just wait for a bit and it will be ready." He was actually frying two pieces of fish. Or more so,_
13 years ago
_burning it. ((Sorry. Dang Plurk is not giving me updates >_> ))
13 years ago
nods lightly. "I'll go back and wait then." She walks away from the kitchen in thought. Was burning some sort of new cooking technique? She_
13 years ago
didn't really know. (It's alright. I've been having the same problem with some other plurks as well.)
13 years ago
appears soon after from the kitchen, with several plates balanced on his one hand and two arms. He placed them on a huge, round table._
13 years ago
_Mostly it was plates of fish. Burnt... And charred. There were some slices of lemon to go with it as well (which was a rare treat). He_
13 years ago
_beamed at his work, quite pleased. "Do dig in!"
13 years ago
looks at all the dishes. She never saw so much... food (?)... on a table. She took a piece of fish and took a bite. She kept a straight face
13 years ago
_on to not be rude. Burning food is definetly not a new cooking technique...
England thinks
13 years ago
his food (?) is fantastic! He sat down now and watched her. He really can't keep the smile off his face. "How is it?"
13 years ago
tries to think of what to say. "It's different than what i am used to." She tries a piece in the middle, which at least a bit more bearable_
13 years ago
than the outside. However it was still horribly overcooked.
13 years ago
stares at her in bewilderment. "What? You have never tasted such good food before?" He exclaimed in shock, feeling a little pity for her._
13 years ago
_"No matter, enjoy it now!" It had never occurred to him that 'different' does not always necessarily mean 'good' or 'exceptional'.
13 years ago
really wished she hadn't said that. She just didn't want to be rude. She doesn't say another word and actually manages to have another few_
13 years ago
bites. Poor guy, she thinks, not knowing how to cook.
13 years ago
| The crew should get all the pity. It was one of the main reasons why most of his men had used this opportunity to escape, really. When_
13 years ago
_he saw that Rapunzel is taking more than just a bite, he couldn't be more pleased. "Feel free to ask for seconds, if you'd like." He_
13 years ago
_offered before beginning to dig in as well.
13 years ago
stops eating after another bite hoping the taste would leave her mouth soon. If Captain Hook, did cook for his crew it's no wonder they_
13 years ago
left. He needed a cook if he ever wanted to keep a crew.
13 years ago
*always* insist on doing the cooking on the ship. He believes that he is one of the cook that ever graced the Earth. He watched her for a_
13 years ago
_moment. "Are you all right with drinking rum?" That was the only beverage they had on board.
13 years ago
"Rum?" she repeated back. "I guess so. I've never heard of that before."
13 years ago
nodded, a little hesitant but got up anyway to get it. He soon came back with two bottles and two tankards.
13 years ago
looks at the tankard a bit fascinated before looking at the bottle.
13 years ago
"You have never seen this before?" He asked, although not surprised. He poured some rum into the tankard and pushed it towards her.
13 years ago
shakes her head a bit before picking the tankard up. She stared at it a bit longer before taking a sip.
13 years ago
stares at her, waiting for a reaction. He supposed of she wasn't used to it, he could try to get water for her, although he did not_
13 years ago
_remember where he had seen the last lake.
13 years ago
definitely wasn't used to it, but... "It's good," she says taking another sip.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow now, a little surprised. "It... Is?" Who would have thought? A smile. "I like that about you, lass." He poured some for_
13 years ago
_himself too and took a huge mouthful.
13 years ago
nods lightly. She drinks a bit more happy to get the burnt taste out of her mouth especially with something that tasted good.
13 years ago
laughed at that. "Do drink as much as you'd like. We have plenty of it." He stood up now to get five more bottles.
13 years ago
|"Thank you," she says politely. She didn't know why he needed to get so many more bottles though.
England is
13 years ago
planning on having a drinking session. It would be nice to have female companion once in a while. He took one bottle and downed it in one_
13 years ago
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
if she could drink that much at once but doesn't try it.
13 years ago
pushed one of the bottle towards her and smirked. "Don't worry, lass. I don't get drunk that easily." Or at least that is what he *wants*_
13 years ago
_to think. He was trying to reassure her that he wouldn't get drunk easily and do something completely foolish and inappropriate.
13 years ago
pours herself some more. "Get drunk?" She had no idea what that meant.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow before frowning a little. "Well, it's when one drinks too much of--" He pointed to the bottles. "--these and they start_
13 years ago
_acting strange."
13 years ago
takes another sip before looking at the drink. "These make one act... differently? Are they magic or something? Does an enchantress make_
13 years ago
these drinks?"
13 years ago
just stared. What kind of things had that Mother Gothel taught her? "Well, no, they aren't... It is just the content... Of alcohol." He_
13 years ago
_was not quite sure how to properly explain it to her.
13 years ago
|"Alcohol..." It must have been some magical ingredient. She's sure of it! Though it didn't seem to be one Mother Gothel used.
13 years ago
nodded. The only magic that he ever came to know about only went as far as that irritating little fairy thing that followed Peter Pan like_
13 years ago
_some puppy. "Who are these... Enchantresses that you speak of?"
13 years ago
takes a drink in thought. "Well, they are able to do magic, but I don't really know any besides Mother Gothel."
13 years ago
popped open another bottle and took a sip before speaking, "Magic... So does this Mother Gothel know how to fly?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I don't know. I haven't seen her fly before." If she could, why didn't Gothel just fly up to the window of the tower?
13 years ago
blinked. "Ah. I guess that makes sense..." What *can* magic do except make one fly? Then again, he only knows magic in the form of pixie_
13 years ago
_dust, which does just that.
13 years ago
did know exactly what magic could do. She only saw bits of it when she could get close enough.
13 years ago
hiccuped. Bollocks... This isn't going well. The alcohol is already starting to get into his system.
13 years ago
looks at him curiously when he hiccups.
13 years ago
glares at her. "What are you looking at?" He hiccuped again as he reached out for another bottle. Shit, he can't seem to stop himself.
13 years ago
|"Sorry," she says quietly looking down.
13 years ago
downed the bottle in one breath without much difficulty. "You should be." Although, he wasn't even sure what she was apologising for in the_
13 years ago
_first place since well, he is getting a little tipsy.
13 years ago
still curious she looks up time to time. She doesn't drink anymore of the rum at the moment wondering how one reacts to it.
13 years ago
's head flopped down on to the table as he felt the room spin. He stared at the wooden table with a lopsided grin and drew circles on it,_
13 years ago
_"Hello, gorgeous."
13 years ago
blinks a bit. That was definitely strange.
13 years ago
laughed loudly as if the table had told him the funniest joke in the whole world. "Oh, shush you." He said as he proceeded to give a peck_
13 years ago
_to the table.
13 years ago
....... secretly wonders how alcohol was able to make someone act like that She picks up the tankard looking at the liquid inside in wonder.
13 years ago
"No, *you're* the gorgeous one, silly." He giggled a little before looking up at the other. "Ah, I am just surrounded by pretty women_
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks back at him not knowing who he was talking to now.
13 years ago
stares at her with a 'come-hither' look on his face and gestured with his finger to come closer.
13 years ago
realizes he's talking to her and comes closer wondering what he wanted.
13 years ago
grinned flirtatiously before he leant closer, his lips aiming for her cheek...
13 years ago
realizes this and blushes turning her head slightly way.
13 years ago
continues to advance but plopped back down to the table just before he reaches. It would seem that he had passed out.
13 years ago
looks back before looking at the man on the table. Did the magic wear off or something?
13 years ago
snored once loudly, a look of bliss on a face and a drunk blush painted on his cheeks.
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
what she do. It probably won't be good to leave him sleeping on the table...
13 years ago
giggled softly in his state of unconscious and shifted his head slightly.
13 years ago
just stares for a while before thinking of something. She looks around trying to find some sort of pillow for him.
13 years ago
| There are some pillows in the sailors' quarters. Although they are quite dusty and stank of rum and raw fish.
13 years ago
found one and dusts it quickly before coming back to put it under Captain Hook's head. She didn't know how much it would help, but at least_
13 years ago
he wasn't sleeping on a hard table anymore.
13 years ago
cringed a little and suddenly sprung back up. He then squinted and took a look around before... "Oh bloody... My head hurts."
13 years ago
moves back a little. "Sorry. Y-you seemed to have passed out."
13 years ago
groaned. "... Really?" He looked at the bottles in front of him. Oh... That was why. ".. Hold on, I didn't do... Anything foolish now, did_
13 years ago
13 years ago
shakes her head lightly and might be blushing lightly. "No, you just seemed to like the table."
13 years ago
notices the blush and quirked an eyebrow. "... The table?" He did *not* do any stripping now, did he? He quickly looked down. Well, he was_
13 years ago
_still fully-clothed... He looked back up. "Are you ill?"
13 years ago
nods at the first question. "No, I'm fine."
13 years ago
eyes her for a little longer. "... Well, your cheeks seemed to be a little red, so I thought..."
13 years ago
's cheeks get more red at the mention. "It's nothing."
13 years ago
"... Really." He doubt it though. Maybe it was the alcohol. "Well... If you feel uncomfortable, do tell me."
13 years ago
nods. "I guess I should put the pillow away then." Since he didn't seem to need it anymore.
13 years ago
stood up and stumbled a little. "No. That is quite fine. I can do it myself." He took it up and walked past her. "T-Thank you, by the way,_
13 years ago
_for the pillow..." He muttered.
13 years ago
smiles lightly. "You're welcome."
13 years ago
kisses her cheek as thanks. He would have done it to her hand but well, he is holding a pillow and his free hand is actually a hook. With_
13 years ago
_that, he exited the kitchen.
13 years ago
blushes at that. She stands there for a moment embarrassed and not sure what to do before she looks at the table and starts cleaning it up.
13 years ago
returns soon after. "A-Ah, thank you for cleaning that up." He helped her out as well. It would be nice if she could stay on his ship but_
13 years ago
_being someone with far too much pride, there was no way he is letting a lady on board. It would only scar his reputation. The only women_
13 years ago
_he allows are slaves... Slaves for undesirable and sinful doings. Which, he was not willing to submit Rapunzel to since she is quite_
13 years ago
_a nice girl.
13 years ago
smiles lightly. "You're welcome." She rather liked being here here. Though she thought as well that she couldn't stay, she had to figure_
13 years ago
out where Mother Gothel was and then go some where that she would never find her.
13 years ago
would not mind having her on board for one trip if that was the case. I mean, what *are* the chances he will get raided by another ship_
13 years ago
_anyway...? Very high... Actually. He gave a depressed sigh. "Well, go ahead and have a rest first. I am going to prepare the ship for_
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods lightly. "Alright." She knew she couldn't really help getting a ship to set sail, but she wanted to watch.
13 years ago
looks back at her for a brief moment, "You have never really been on a ship before, have you? You could follow me around to watch, if you'd_
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles a bit excited. "I would like to~ Thank you," she says happily.
13 years ago
shook his head. "It's not a problem, really." He exited the forecastle into the maindeck. He walked ahead and began checking the different_
13 years ago
_parts to make sure they are in working condition, leaving the masts for the last.
13 years ago
follows behind watching him and looking at everything he was checking. To her, this was rather fun~
13 years ago
smiled inwardly, seeing that she was having fun. He did too, ocean is like his second home. Heck, he hardly even remembered returning to_
13 years ago
_his actual home. Once everything else is done, he led her to the one of the mast. He jumped up onto it and began climbing up without any_
13 years ago
13 years ago
watches in awe. That was pretty impressive to her.
England is
13 years ago
quite the show off. When he reaches the top, he took out a rose from the inside of his coat and threw it down to her before flapping out_
13 years ago
_the sails.
13 years ago
smiles up at him. She looked at the rose fascinated. It's been a while since she saw a rose.
13 years ago
slid down the mast and halfway through, he leapt off it and landed perfectly on twos.
13 years ago
looks back up wondering how he was able to do that so easily.
13 years ago
stares back at her, somehow knowing what she is thinking. "Years of experience." Especially with how he needed to climb them up quickly_
13 years ago
_to reach a flying Peter Pan.
13 years ago
nods lightly. "It's amazing."
13 years ago
smirked a little. "It's nothin'." He walked towards the end of the ship and pulled the ropes off. "Now we are set."
13 years ago
smiles a bit at that and follows him. She looks down at the rose and touches one of its petals gently.
13 years ago
glanced at her over his shoulders, "Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked when he noticed her action. He was now walking towards the ship's steer.
13 years ago
|"It is," she says quietly. "It's been so long since I've seen one."
13 years ago
"Really..." He wondered why her voice has gotten quieter. If only he could bring and show her his rose garden back in England... Then_
13 years ago
_again, he had left for the seas for such a long time, he highly doubted his garden is surviving.
Evelin is
13 years ago
just remembering. Mother Gothel had a huge garden that Rapunzel used to love when she was still at the house. She rather missed all those_
13 years ago
plants especially when she only saw the thorn bushes when she lived in her tower.
England hopes
13 years ago
that the next island they stop at will have a huge flower field. It would be nice and he was sure it would bring a smile to her face. With_
13 years ago
_that, he spun the steer and began to set off.
13 years ago
would really like that if it happened. Flowers were wonderful~
13 years ago
lets go of the steer once they were moving. "Well, we will dock at the next island we see. It will be some time so..."
13 years ago
nods. "So...?" she asks curiously. She was sort of hoping to look out at the water.
13 years ago
"I suppose you are free to roam about the ship if you'd like."
13 years ago
smiles happily nodding again.
13 years ago
could not help but smile back as well. "All right then, if there is anything you need, I will be in the Captain's cabin."
13 years ago
|"Okay, I'll remember that then." Though she didn't really know where it was exactly, but she doesn't think she'll bother him with anything.
13 years ago
nodded and headed towards his intended location, hoping that today would be a peaceful one... Without any attacks on Jolly Roger since his_
13 years ago
_ship is quite infamous, after all.
13 years ago
goes to go look out over the water. There was so much of it here.
13 years ago
goes to rest on his bed, perhaps getting a wink or two would do him some good...
13 years ago
would think that would be good, but she is too busy exploring.
13 years ago
did fall asleep eventually. It wasn't like he was physically exhausted... But mentally... That is a different case.
13 years ago
would wonder why he was mentally exhausted.
England has
13 years ago
just been really confused, what with the sudden change in location... And routine.
13 years ago
definitely agrees with that. Though she considers it a rather nice change.
13 years ago
may or may not agree with that. It was a lot more relaxed, that is for sure... But he feels a little restless since he was used to violence_
13 years ago
_and action almost every single day.
13 years ago
actually finds this more action filled, but that's because she spent several years with the only action being watching plants grow.
13 years ago
does feel a little sorry for her but he hoped that this could prove to be fun for Rapunzel and hopefully, not scare her about the outside_
13 years ago
_away from the tower.
Evelin is
13 years ago
having fun~ Even if he did scare her before.
13 years ago
apologises for that... He tends to be very untrusting and wary of strangers.
13 years ago
cannot blame him for not trusting strangers. She was told not to trust strangers, though he seemed to be nice.
13 years ago
i-is not nice or anything! H-He just pitied her plight!
13 years ago
|Even if he pitied her, she still considers him to be nice. Though she may just have not have much to compare with him since she doesn't_
13 years ago
know many people. She thinks it is the former one.
England is
13 years ago
not! He would be a laughing stock if anyone heard of this... And besides, if Rapunzel did knew more people, she would think otherwise...
13 years ago
doesn't know if she would think otherwise but would have to meet others first. Also, she won't tell anyone about this mostly, so Gotheldoesn
13 years ago
*doesn't find out where she has been.
13 years ago
would be relieved to hear this. As for Mother Gothel, well, he was almost sure that she will never find Rapunzel. And as long as she is_
13 years ago
_on this ship, no one would dare touch a hair on her (except for jealous pirates but that is out of the topic... kind of).
13 years ago
would mention it would be hard for no one to touch a hair on her, if it weren't for the fact that most of her hair was back on the island.
13 years ago
((Pffff xD )) | T-Then, no one would be able to touch a flesh on her then, yes! He wondered if Rapunzel misses her hair though... It was an_
13 years ago
_odd question to be asking but well...
13 years ago
does miss her hair slightly, but now she can move easier. It never was fun when she got her hair tangled on something.
13 years ago
, admittedly, does think she looks prettier with shorter hair. It gave her a fresh air of youth and well, yes, that too, as well. He was_
13 years ago
_impressed by how long she could tolerate having her hair kept that length.
13 years ago
doesn't really think she looks pretty, but she does like. Tolerating the length of her hair wasn't too hard. Brushing her hair and_
13 years ago
singing probably kept her from being bored most of the time.
England is
13 years ago
now imagining how it was like to brush her hair. The image on his head went something like this; Rapunzel gets a ladder, sticks a brush_
13 years ago
_on the top of it, climbs up the ladder and climbs back down, pulling her hair down and through the bristles of the brush. He was being_
13 years ago
_ridiculous, of course.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that sounds a bit funny, but that isn't what she does. She usually just sits on the ground brushing it in sections.
England wonders
13 years ago
how long she actually takes just to comb the whole length of her hair. It sounds much more troublesome than preparing the ship for sail.
13 years ago
would think it took about an hour or two depending on how messy it was.
England is
13 years ago
quite impressed with her patience. He was sure that if he were a girl, he would have really short hair.
13 years ago
had all the time in the world, so it wasn't so much patience than sheer boredom. That and she always had to keep her hair long.
13 years ago
supposes that is right. Although if she was ever stuck in the tower again, he would be sure to save her. Although how she was to call for_
13 years ago
_help... Well...
13 years ago
appreciates that he would save her if she did get set back in the tower. Maybe she could make a smoke signal or something... though he might
13 years ago
_not be around to see that.
England will
13 years ago
teach her how to fight then. And he could perhaps lay a few things around the tower to provide a form of escape for her. If only he could_
13 years ago
_get some pixie dust from that Tinkerbell...
13 years ago
isn't sure if she could learn how to fight, but she'll try her hardest. Though she wondered what pixie dust would do...
England is
13 years ago
sure she could under his guidance. And well, pixie dust can make one fly, which is a convenient way of escaping the tower.
Evelin will
13 years ago
trust him to teach her then, and flying kind of sounds like fun.
13 years ago
had only ever tried it once, really. Another pirate ship, much smaller, saw an opportunity for a surprise raid, since they couldn't spot_
13 years ago
_anyone on deck and went along with it.
13 years ago
, especially after that long mental conversation (or was it? This plurker isn't sure), doesn't notice the other ship until she hears_
13 years ago
a voice she couldn't identify.
England is
13 years ago
resting on his bed, eyes closed. It would appear that he had fallen asleep. (And well, yes, it had been a long mental conversation, hasn't_
13 years ago
_it?) The pirates were getting on board from the side of the ship now.
13 years ago
turns to see a few of the pirates. Was that what others do on the sea? Board each others ships? She rather seemed that it wasn't likely from
13 years ago
_ the way they were talking. She just had to figure out how to tell Captain Hook about them with them knowing she was on board. She tried_
13 years ago
_making her way quietly to a door.
13 years ago
| The pirates were too engrossed in their own conversations to have noticed her. Well, that was the case until she was finally nearing the_
13 years ago
_door. One of them spotted her and warned the others in a panic.
13 years ago
|Caught, Rapnuzel tries to get in as fast as possible. Now she just had to find Captain Hook.
England is
13 years ago
just lying on his bed. The pirates were chasing after her now, knowing that they would not be able to stop her in time but they could still_
13 years ago
_take whoever she is trying to warn by surprise.
13 years ago
goes to open every door she could to find the Captain.
13 years ago
's room is at the end of the hallway.
13 years ago
doesn't know that until she reaches the room. "Captain Hook! There are ot-" she exclaims before she is cut short by the pirates.
13 years ago
giggled a little in his sleep, blissfully unaware to the trouble going on. He furrowed his eyebrows though when he heard a 'tick-'tock'_
13 years ago
_sound. It seems that one of the pirates is wearing a watch.
Evelin wishes
13 years ago
he would wake up as it seems one of the pirates had caught up to her. She was freaked out a bit not quite sure of what to do now.
13 years ago
did jolt up awake, it was kind of a reflex in response to that 'tick-tock' sound. He looked around in fear, checking to see if the_
13 years ago
_crocodile was in sight.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that he woke up finally due to the pirates on board. She's making a bit of a fuss by the door since she really can't say anything at the_
13 years ago
13 years ago
glared at the group surrounding her, although his heart was beating fast at the sound. "L-Let her off." He stood up now to try and look as_
13 years ago
_intimidating as he could.
13 years ago
struggles a bit as it almost seems the pirates we unimpressed. Mostly since at the current moment it was one to... a crew of pirates.
13 years ago
retrieved his cutlass from the foot of his bed and walked towards them. It wasn't them that threatened him, but the sound. Although maybe_
13 years ago
_the numbers were threatening him a little. "Did you not hear what I said?"
13 years ago
hears one of the pirates laugh before she is thrown to the floor. Instead the guy goes for Captain Hook.
13 years ago
growled dangerously when Rapunzel was thrown to the floor. He eyed the approaching man with a menacing look, showing his teeth. "What_
13 years ago
_business do you seek today?"
13 years ago
tries to getting up. The man seems unphased. "Raing, and what you goin' do about it?"
13 years ago
disliked his cockiness and proceeded to kick him between his legs. "That."
13 years ago
| The man hunches a bit before looking angrily at Captain Hook and tries to punch him.
13 years ago
held up his hook just before his fist could reach him, driving his knuckles right into the sharp end. He smirked wryly.
13 years ago
|The man growls in response to the pain going at the other with his other hand.
13 years ago
calmly walked over to Rapunzel and offered a hand for her, completely ignoring the crew in his doorway. "Are you all right?"
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