Arthur is
13 years ago
trying to straighten several rows into meticulous order, but keeps coming across books misplaced from other sections!
latest #35
Prussia is
13 years ago
doing much the same in his own section, scowling as he went along. He comes across another Literature book and is ready to scream. "ARTHUR!"
13 years ago
visibly winces and accidentally knocks a few books over, destroying his progress. "This is a bookstore, not a beer hall. What is it?"
13 years ago
picks out another misplaced book and chucks it onto the ever growing pile. "Why are your stupid books in *my* section?!"
13 years ago
huffs, blowing his hair out of his face. "Because most patrons don't put them back where they belong. You ask as if I put them there..."
13 years ago
frowns, picking up the Literature part of the pile and lumbering them over to Arthur. "Still, they're *your* books.*
13 years ago
looks up from setting the shelf to rights and smirks a little. "So they are. Terribly sorry, but thank you for returning them so promptly."
13 years ago
huffs, glaring at Arthur's smirk and places the books down at the man's feet. "Why does someone as awesome as me have to do your work for
13 years ago
13 years ago
picks the first couple off the stack to find places on the shelf for them. "Oh, belt up. Had I realized they were over there I'd have gotten
13 years ago
them myself."
13 years ago
scoffs, rolling his eyes. "And this is what I get for being so awesomely helpful. You'd probably have broken your back or something."
13 years ago
shoots him an unamused glare. "Your way of calling me old, I take it? I expected a bit more wit out of you."
13 years ago
cracks a grin, leaning against the shelf with his arms crossed. "West's the brains of the family. I'm just the eyecandy."
13 years ago
snorts. "So you admit to being the idiot of the family? It's about time."
13 years ago
's glare from before returns with more vigour. "*No*, I ain't dumb. I'm just admitting that West's smarter than me."
13 years ago
picks one of the books up and flips through it idly. "..'ain't dumb.' That remains to be seen, I suppose."
13 years ago
continues to glare. *How dare he mock the awesome me?!* "I'd rather be dumb than have a stick up my ass all day, like *someone*."
13 years ago
tries not to smirk, but it's difficult after that. "I would love to explain all the things wrong with that statement, but I honestly don't-
13 years ago
have all day to dumb it down for you."
13 years ago
huffs his chest out, a challenging look in his eyes. "Oh yeah? And what could be more important than talking to the awesome that is me?"
13 years ago
resists the urge to poke him in the chest just to see if he'll deflate. "Watching dust particles. Naturally."
13 years ago
's jaw drops in shock. " need to get a better life 'cause this one's doing your head in..."
13 years ago
finishes setting the other misplaced books back on the shelf then shrugs. "Knitting, then. Anything more mentally taxing than listening to-
13 years ago
your incessant narcissism."
13 years ago
furrows his brows. "You are *such* an old man, old man." He then slightly pouts. "And I am not narcissist."
13 years ago
takes his glasses off and slips them into a pocket. See? Not old. "No? Well, if there's even an ounce of modesty in you, you do a superb job
13 years ago
of hiding it."
13 years ago
stares at Arthur for a split second before frowning. "Why would I be modest? *Everyone* should know my awesomeness!"
13 years ago
literally face-palms. "Case in point. And just how are you so awesome?"
Prussia gives
13 years ago
him a blank look. "I'm awesome because I'm awesome."
Arthur wants
13 years ago
to argue this point, naturally, but figures it would be a waste of breath anyway. "Your logic is flawless as always."
13 years ago
grins in victory, feeling just that little bit more awesome than usual. "Of course!"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "That was sarcasm, you realize.."
13 years ago
blinks, feeling just that little bit not-so-awesome. "No."
13 years ago
groans a little but decides not to press it this time. "Are you finished with your section, then?"
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