alexmendralla is
12 years ago
Still gettin' the hang of this. Suggestions on how others use it for fun? education? other?? :-)
latest #7
congerjan says
12 years ago
The people you are following so far are very good at answering questions... just ask a question and stand back... you will get some answers!
ktibbs says
12 years ago
Welcome, you're off to a great start!
12 years ago
Just chime in anywhere on anyone's conversations. This is a welcoming group!
12 years ago
Keep going through conversations and making friend requests as you do. When you have at least 50, it's less like talking to yourself!
12 years ago
Look at the friends of the people you have already friended and add more to your friend list. Make comments even just give a wave.
12 years ago
Plurk is wonderful once you get involved in some plurk threads or start some yourself. Don't be shy
12 years ago
welcome to Plurk, Alex! I find myself becoming friends with others interested in ed tech, libraries, and education in general. Jump in!
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