benwills says
16 years ago
Plurk feature request: Track plurks & track plurksyou've...plurked on.
latest #7
TimDuke says
16 years ago
i was just thinking about that exact thing. Unless you're a refreshing nazi it's a nightmare to backtrack posts.
benwills says
16 years ago
True that, fool.
16 years ago
what do you mean? It tells you when there are new replies..and if you don't want to follow something, mute it.
TimDuke says
16 years ago
yea. but if you have some extremely noisy people on your list then you still have to search through a ton of 'view all replies'
TimDuke says
16 years ago
i'd rather not have to mute out ever. single. post.
lilcompanion says
16 years ago
sounds like you have some friends you don't care about
TimDuke was
16 years ago
following waynesutton until it was just obnoxious. Found him through benwills
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