13 years ago
casually walks through a park by himself, wanting to feel like an ADULT.
latest #167
13 years ago
demands that Sealand come home because it's getting dark.
13 years ago
refuses to come home just because it's getting dark and walking through a park at night proves just how much of an adult he really is!
Arthur will
13 years ago
not take that as an answer, and is now looking for him. "Peter! Where are you?"
Alfred says
13 years ago
totally endorses these rebellious behaviors, and gives the passing by Sealand a heroic thumbs up.
13 years ago
decides to hide under a slide when he hears his jerk brother.
Arthur will
13 years ago
speak to Alfred later about his bad influence. But for now, he needs to find his brother. "Peter, this isn't funny, you little prat! It's_
13 years ago
getting dark!"
Sealand likes
13 years ago
Al's thumbs up, encouraged to stay hidden longer. He stays hidden under the slide, though contemplates trying to run off.
13 years ago
laughs and slaps the Brit on the back. "Aw lighten up dude! He's probably totally alright, just havin' a little fun_
13 years ago
...Not that you know much about that."
13 years ago
scowls, swatting his hand away. "He can have fun in the morning, when I'm supervising him. It's too dark for him to be by himself."
Sealand wonders
13 years ago
if he could make a run for it while his brother his distracted? He slowly peaks from under the slide to take a look.
13 years ago
takes the hint and pockets both of his hands. "Pfft, fine, you old grouch, don't take my incredibly good advice despite the fact that it
13 years ago
promotes individuality and would probably make you look like not such a stick in the mud."
13 years ago
scoffs. "Individuality my--" He pauses, seeing Peter. "Peter! I was looking for you!"
13 years ago
13 years ago
frowns when he's seen, but maybe he still has a chance! He quickly gets back under the slide, maybe Art will just assume it was a cat?
13 years ago
twitches, just barely restraining himself from hitting Alfred upside the head. But thanks to that, he knows for certain that it was Peter._
13 years ago
So, he approaches the slide, unamused. "I know you're there, Peter."
13 years ago
snickers, quite pleased at the look of sheer anger sweeping the Brit's face.
13 years ago
mumbles, trying to fake an accent to be more convincing, "'m not Peter. Wrong person."
Arthur is
13 years ago
even more unamused, and takes Peter's hand. "Let's go home, it's dark."
13 years ago
snorts. "D'aw... Tough luck, little dude."
13 years ago
frowns. "Don't encourage him to wander around! What if he gets kidnapped?"
13 years ago
plants his hands on his hips, frowning right back. "I wandered around all the damn time, and was I kidnapped even once!? No."
13 years ago
pulls his hand away. "No! I don't want to go home yet and I'm fine by myself! I won't get kidnapped!"
13 years ago
keeps a firm grip on Peter's hand. "Times are different! Really, America, learn to be more responsible!" He then tugs on his brother's_
13 years ago
hand. "Let's go, Peter. Now."
13 years ago
folds hands over chest, frowning as he watches the Brit. Scoffs. "Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever, you're right and I'm wrong, I'm totally just
13 years ago
and irresponsible kid that doesn't know what he's talking about at all. I don't get by just fine. I'm not one of the most successful
13 years ago
nations in the world. NOPE. Not me."
13 years ago
hits his brother's hand, whining. "No! Let me stay! Faggot!" He decided slinging around cusswords increased his chances of staying. Yep.
13 years ago
scowls at him. "Get your head out of your arse, America. You wouldn't-- Peter!" He turns to look at Peter, frowning. "Don't curse!"
13 years ago
huffs. "Cause it totally makes sense telling him to shove it when you just swore."
13 years ago
glares at Arthur. "Fag~got!" He felt more like an adult cursing at his older brother than walking around alone.
13 years ago
sighs, exasperated already. "...Enough, Peter. We're going to go home, no matter what you call me. And America, enough with your cheeky
13 years ago
13 years ago
snarls quietly and turns around. "Whatever, I have really important stuff to do anyway."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Oh, of course. Don't let me get in your way."
13 years ago
tugs his arm back. "I don't want to go. I'm not a kid!"
13 years ago
shoots a dark frown at the other. "When have I ever?" Leaves the Brit and the screaming nation behind.
13 years ago
frowns, turning his attention to Peter, now. "You -are- a child, Peter. You can come to the park tomorrow." Headaches. Headaches everywhere.
13 years ago
stomps his feet, then actually kicks! "I'm NOT a child, Jerkland! You just won't let me grow up! It's your fault!"
13 years ago
winces. "Ow! Peter, stop that! You're just not ready yet, alright?"
13 years ago
refuses to move. "When will you think I'm ready? I've been ready!"
13 years ago
sighs, frowning, and bends down to Sealand's level. "...Why do you want to be a nation so much, Peter?"
13 years ago
scowls, "So I can be better than you!" In reality he just wanted to be like his brothers, but he wouldn't say that outloud, nope.
13 years ago
frowns even more. "Is that really the reason...?"
Sealand says
13 years ago
, "Yes!" He frowned back, glancing away.
13 years ago
shakes his head, standing up again and taking Peter's hand to lead him back to the house. "Then you're not ready to grow up yet."
13 years ago
start tugging his arm again. "Wait, yes I am! I want people to recognize me, too!" Casually refusing to admit wanting to be like his bros.
13 years ago
just continues walking. "You're not ready to be recognized as a country."
13 years ago
tries kicking at him again. "Why not?! I'm ready! You're not ready, jerk!"
13 years ago
winces a little at the kick, but continues tugging him along. "Being a country isn't just fame and glory, Peter."
Sealand says
13 years ago
"I know, there's more! There's a lot more and I'm ready!" He stops trying to pull away after a while, just dragging his feet instead.
13 years ago
sighs. "No, you're not ready. You won't be for a long time."
13 years ago
grew frustrated. "Then when?! Don't just tell me 'in a long time,' I want to know when! Will you ever let me be a country?"
13 years ago
doesn't answer. He didn't want Peter becoming a country ever; it was... too dangerous.
13 years ago
continues when he doesn't get a response, "You can't just keep me like this forever! You don't even have use for my fort anymore!"
13 years ago
"Enough, Peter. We'll talk about this tomorrow, alright? For now, let's just go home."
13 years ago
"No! You won't talk about it tomorrow, you'll do the same thing as right now!"
13 years ago
"Because you're just not ready!"
Sealand is
13 years ago
frustrated! "YOU'RE not ready, Arthur! Just let me try! I'll even build up slowly, if I have too!"
13 years ago
looks at him, frustrated. "You haven no idea what it means to be a nation, Peter! It's no longer about yourself! It's about everyone else!"
13 years ago
"Then show me!" Peter frowned, clenching his fist. "Show me how to be a nation like you!"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "...Alright. I'll show you back in the house."
13 years ago
calmed down a little at that, but a bit suspicious. "You will, really? Or are you just trying to get me home?"
13 years ago
"I promise. Really."
13 years ago
then completely stops dragging his feet and what not and walks with his brother normally. "You promised, so you have to do it now,
13 years ago
or it's a thousand needles in your eye!"
13 years ago
chuckles a bit. "Alright, alright. There isn't any need to get so graphic."
13 years ago
blinked when he chuckled, but he felt it was a good thing. At least they weren't arguing anymore.
13 years ago
soon arrives at his home, and opens the door. "Go on in."
13 years ago
goes in, sitting down in the nearest chair. He didn't have to be polite or anything in his brother's house, right? He kicks his shoes off.
13 years ago
arranges Peter's shoes neatly before turning to face him. "I promised you that I'd show you how to be a nation, right?"
13 years ago
"Yes! You did, you promised." He grew more anxious about it the more they mentioned it.
13 years ago
nods, and begins unbuttoning his shirt. "As soon as you become a nation, Peter, it's like being fitted in an armor of meat and being pushed
13 years ago
down into a den of lions."
13 years ago
scoffed, understanding what he meant but not wanting to believe it. "It can't always be like that."
13 years ago
takes off his shirt, letting Peter see all the scars on his chest. "Every agreement you make must benefit your people. If you don't crush
13 years ago
others, then others will crush you. Peace doesn't exist, Peter. We aim for it, but we'll never be able to get it. You'll be lied to, hurt,
13 years ago
and used; I don't want you to go through any of that."
13 years ago
stared, surprised that any of his brothers could ever get hurt. Then he looked away, frowning. Really, he didn't have anything to say.
13 years ago
looks at Peter for a long moment before pulling his shirt back on, and buttoning it up. "It's even worse, now. It's a test of wit and mental
13 years ago
capabilities. Stumble even once, and you might lose all that you worked for."
13 years ago
"Why did you become a nation then?" He looked at the floor, not sure what to think or say besides that.
13 years ago
"I didn't have a choice. There was constant fighting in my lands, so when my people proposed unity, I was quick to accept."
13 years ago
"If you had a choice, would you become a nation?"
Arthur thinks
13 years ago
about it for a brief moment. "Honestly? No."
13 years ago
sits quietly, then gets up and walks over to Arthur and hugs him. "I still want to be a nation, though. But
13 years ago
I'll make sure you don't get hurt again!"
13 years ago
pauses, surprised, but soon hugs Peter back. "I can take care of myself. And I'd rather not have you make such a promise; those who do
13 years ago
often are the ones that end up causing the most... trouble."
13 years ago
shook his head stubbornly. "I don't care. I'll become an awesome nation and I'll protect everyone! I /promise/."
13 years ago
smiles wryly. "Someone else made that same promise, you know."
13 years ago
furrows his eyebrows, a bit disappointed someone beat him to it but it was to be expected, right? "Who?"
13 years ago
just pats Peter on the head. "Someone I believe is suffering a lot."
13 years ago
frowns, curious about who it is. "Tell me who! If they're having so much trouble, I'll help them!"
13 years ago
smiles a little, but doesn't disclose who it is. "...We'll see about that."
13 years ago
clenches his fist and lightly hits him. "Who is it? I can help them! You can leave it to us, okay? And you won't get hurt anymore!"
13 years ago
catches Peter's wrist. "You won't be able to help them yet. Just be a little patient, alright?"
13 years ago
still wants to know who. "But you can't tell me who you're talking about now?" He thinks for a moment. "Then what if I help you? Even if I'm
13 years ago
not a nation yet, I can still help you right?"
13 years ago
chuckles, letting him go. "You can help me by being safe."
13 years ago
wasn't very satisfied with that! "Why do you care so much about my safety, anyway? You're an old man and a jerk,
13 years ago
so why do you want me to be safe? I want to help you as much as I can!"
13 years ago
smiles slightly. "For the same reason you want to help me, I suppose."
13 years ago
tries to hit him lightly again. "Aren't there little things I can do to help you? I'll even do chores!"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I'd prefer it if you left me to do them. For now, get washed; I'll start on dinner."
13 years ago
whines a bit, "But a lot of kids have chores! Don't start dinner, I'll help!" He insisted (his brother couldn't cook well anyway;
13 years ago
he definitely needed help!), then leaves to go get washed.
13 years ago
looks after Peter, slightly surprised. What had gotten into him...? With a shake of his head, he just goes to start dinner.
Sealand will
13 years ago
be very upset if Arthur starts dinner ahem. He tries to get all washed and clean quickly just to help with the cooking.
Arthur is
13 years ago
starting dinner, sorry!
13 years ago
finishes getting washed up and heads to the kitchen. As soon as he sees England started, he runs and tackles him. "I told you to wait!"
13 years ago
chuckles, nearly dropping the potatoes. "I haven't even done much yet, you little prat."
13 years ago
grumbles. "I want to help you, still!"
Arthur thinks
13 years ago
, then nods. "Can you bring me some carrots and onions, then?"
13 years ago
smiles, happy he's able to help! He eagerly runs to the fridge and got out the carrots and onions, bringing them to his brother.
13 years ago
brings a chair over for Peter, so he could reach the counter easily. "I'm going to let you cut the vegetables, but you have to
13 years ago
promise to be careful, alright?"
13 years ago
's eyes lit up at that! Cutting vegetables sounded fun, after all! "I promise!" He got up on the chair and eagerly waited for the knife
13 years ago
and veggies.
Arthur gives
13 years ago
Peter the knife. "You can cut them into thick slices; just make sure you look before you cut, okay?"
13 years ago
nods his head, taking the knife an carefully cutting the vegetables. "This is easy!"
13 years ago
"Careful, Peter; do it slowly. Put them into a bowl when you're done."
13 years ago
huffs, but goes slowly just as told. Though when he assumes Arthur isn't paying attention, he speeds up just a bit, keeping
13 years ago
his fingers away from the blade. Then when he finishes cutting up the veggies, he puts them in a bowl. "Okay!"
13 years ago
glances at the vegetables, and nods in approval as he prepares some meat. "Alright. Now get the potatoes and carefully slice off the skin."
13 years ago
nods and grabs a potato. Then he sets it on the counter, and uses the same knife to cut off big chunks of the corner. Then he holds the
13 years ago
potato up and cuts big slides off the side, the result being some rectangular potato without skin.
13 years ago
looks at Peter cut the potato and sighs, slightly exasperated and amused. What a waste... "...Good. Now cut that into smaller cubes."
13 years ago
cuts the potato into four cubes. "Smaller?"
13 years ago
takes the knife from Peter's hands. "Ah, no, that's perfect. You can go watch the telly now; I'll finish up here."
13 years ago
didn't want to stop helping! He frowned. "Can't I help you some more?"
13 years ago
smiles just slightly, and pats Peter on the head. "It's fine, you've done enough. I'll call you once everything is done."
13 years ago
mumbles. "Then I'll watch you cook instead!" Even though he was sure it'd be burnt but oh well, watching things burn was interesting too!
13 years ago
sighs, giving up. "Alright." He then goes on to cook, chopping the potatoes a bit smaller, peeling more things, and overall just forgetting
13 years ago
about the meat that was being cooked on the stove. Oops.
13 years ago
would point out the meat but for some reason, he wanted Arthur to burn the food. If he didn't, well it just wouldn't be his cooking.
13 years ago
hummed, not at all noticing the meat as he chopped the vegetables. It was only when he tried to transfer the carrots to the pan that he
13 years ago
realized the meat was starting to burn. "Shit!" he swore, quickly turning the stove off and flipping the meat.
13 years ago
looked away and tried to hide his snickering. Even though this was so typical of his brother, it was always funny.
13 years ago
sighed, not finding it funny at all. "...Well, it's only just slightly overcooked... it's fine."
13 years ago
"Don't you say that a lot..." But even if it did taste horrible, even he learned to get used to the taste, so he would eat it anyway.
13 years ago
insists, "Because it is!" With a huff, he continues cooking, just... slightly burning everything else as well.
13 years ago
thought of a new nickname then. "Burntland." He honestly thought that was a VERY CLEVER nickname.
13 years ago
glances back. "I beg your pardon?"
13 years ago
"Burnt. Land. It's gonna be your new name from now on! Jerkland was getting boring anyway."
13 years ago
frowns, clearly unamused. "It's -England-. Really, Peter, just when I thought you were starting to behave..."
13 years ago
smiles, clearly amused. "But I never call you England, 'cos you never call me Sealand. So it's always Jerkland. But now you're Burntland!"
13 years ago
sighs, just going back to the food. "You're not Sealand, because you aren't a nation. You're just Peter to me."
13 years ago
"Even if I'm not a nation, Sealand is the name of my fort! C'mon, you can at least acknowledge my fort, right, Burntlan?"
13 years ago
"Well, I'd much rather think of you as my brother more than a mere fort... so I think I'll call you Peter, still."
13 years ago
huffed. "Well, one day you will acknowledge me as Sealand! And I'll protect you, and everyone! I don't care what it takes."
13 years ago
chuckled, glancing down at his brother. "...That's a rather dangerous train of thought, Peter. You're saying that the ends will justify the
13 years ago
13 years ago
crossed his arms. "Even if it's dangerous, I'm still gonna do it. You just wait, Burntland, you'll be surprised!"
13 years ago
shakes his head, making sure the meat didn't burn any more than it already did. "I hate surprises, though."
13 years ago
"Well, it's not /really/ a surprise since I've told you... But I'm gonna do it, so just wait!" He glanced at the burnt food again and
13 years ago
couldn't help but snicker.
13 years ago
just hummed in response, refusing to answer. When the food was all done, he set up the table, and sat down. "Go wash your hands, Peter."
13 years ago
nodded and walk over to the sink, reaching over to turn it on and rinse his hands with water and soap. When finished, he dried off his hands
13 years ago
and walked back to his brother.
Arthur has
13 years ago
the chair pulled out for Peter. "Sit and eat. Remember to finish your vegetables, too."
13 years ago
sighed at the thought of finishing his vegetables. All of it? He'd rather not. He sat down and stared at his
13 years ago
food. He waited for England to sit down before actually eating.
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