Marianne is
13 years ago
relaxing at a café.
latest #60
13 years ago
decides to pop into the café for a cup of tea to avoid the rain outside.
13 years ago
notices Arthur almost immediately. "Ah! Angleterre!" she calls, smiling.
13 years ago
's eyebrow twitched at the calling of his name in French. He turned to the direction of the voice. Is that the female France...? "Hello."_
13 years ago
_He greeted politely before walking over to her.
13 years ago
smiles, putting her own cup of tea down before standing. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Marianne; I am France."
13 years ago
greeted her with a slight gentlemanly bow. "Indeed it is, Miss Marianne." He gave her a polite smile. "My name is Arthur."
13 years ago
offered a curtsy in response. "My, what a gentleman," she replies, amused. "So unlike your female counterpart."
13 years ago
looks confused at that. "Miss Ann, I presume? She is quite the lady herself." With that said, he was wondering if the relationship between_
13 years ago
_Marianne and Ann is anything like France and his. If it is, well... This wouldn't bode well.
13 years ago
just laughs a little as she sits back down. "Lady... oui, of course, of course..." She takes a sip of her tea, then looks back up at him._
13 years ago
"I'm certain that she's quite charming to her own counterpart."
13 years ago
furrowed his eyebrows. "She is. Polite and nice, as well." Which is completely true, of course. He then gestured towards the seat across_
13 years ago
_Marianne. "May I?"
13 years ago
nods, eyes alight with amusement. "Oui, perhaps... but you understand, monsieur, that she and I do not have the smoothest relationship."
13 years ago
nodded as well and sat down. "I completely understand. Since I can say the same about the relationship between your counterpart and I."
13 years ago
laughs. "Unfortunately, I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting him. But I'm certain that he's quite charming in his own way."
13 years ago
visibly cringed at the remark. He highly doubted there was any 'pleasure' in meeting France. "Quite the opposite, really. Just don't hold_
13 years ago
_your hopes up." He sighed.
13 years ago
sips her tea, smiling. "Well, monsieur, if he's half as pleasant as you, I think I'll be rather content."
13 years ago
flushed at the compliment and looked down to try and hide his face. "W-Well, yes. Of course."
13 years ago
grins, keeping her eyes on his face. "Cute, too."
England is
13 years ago
looking at anywhere but Marianne now and flushed even more. He wasn't used to receiving compliments. "N-No." He didn't know whether to be_
13 years ago
_flattered or insulted, since 'cute' is not exactly the kind of term a gentleman would like to be described as.
13 years ago
presses on, finding that teasing Arthur was just as fun as teasing Ann. "Oui~ Unless you'd like to be described as handsome?"
13 years ago
would much have that but instead, his face turned even redder. "I-I am not, really..."
13 years ago
((much rather have that*))
13 years ago
smiles. "Non, monsieur Arthur, I must insist that you are. It was rare to find someone so charming back where Ann and I are from."
13 years ago
"A-Ah... Really." Now he is just feeling kind of smug. "I suppose I should thank you then..." She is different from France. A little_
13 years ago
_flirtatious, yes, but not in a way he detested.
13 years ago
nods, drinking more of her tea. "The pleasure is mine, monsieur. Everyone should be flattered every once in a while."
13 years ago
"Well, yes. I suppose so." He muttered quietly and looked out of the window. "If that is the case, then I must say you are quite pretty."
13 years ago
smiles, pleased. "Thank you. It does my ego wonders to hear such a compliment."
13 years ago
nodded a little before turning to her once more. "So how do you find this world thus far?"
13 years ago
hums. "It's not much different from mine. The main difference is the definite presence of some handsome men," she replies, winking.
13 years ago
flushed again but scowled. Well, maybe she is more than just a little flirtatious. "Ah yes... Oh. Have you met Ann yet?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Not since appearing here, non. I am in no rush."
13 years ago
nodded. "I hope you have found somewhere to stay in?"
13 years ago
"Ah, well currently, I'm staying in my counterpart's home... but I've yet to meet him."
13 years ago
"Well, do be careful of him..." He warned. "He tends to... Be very... Touchy-feely, if you know what I mean." He sure hoped the Frenchman_
13 years ago
_would not take advantage of her.
13 years ago
laughs. "Monsieur, I'm quite certain that I'll be able to take care of myself. Thank you for the warning, though."
13 years ago
"That is a relief to hear." He said. "But if there he does anything to you, tell me and I would be sure to sit him down for--" A beating._
13 years ago
_"--a chat."
13 years ago
looks at him, her amusement clear. "My, monsieur, how very kind of you. Almost like a knight in shining armor, hm?"
13 years ago
blinked before chuckling. "I am no knight, Miss Marianne. I am simply a gentleman. And this, is something a gentleman such as myself could,_
13 years ago
_at the very least, do for a lady." Or maybe he just needed a reason to beat up France.
13 years ago
laughs. "Are you averse to being called my knight because I am French, monsieur?"
13 years ago
"*A* knight, Miss Marianne. And not at all, of course not." The female France has been an okay company so far. She was a lot better than_
13 years ago
_some of the others from her world. Although, he had not meet most of them as of yet.
13 years ago
smiles, leaning forward a little. "Very well, then. Why don't you order yourself some tea?"
13 years ago
nodded now. "A-Ah yes. Of course. Now if you would excuse me..." He said before standing up and walking over to the counter.
13 years ago
nods, letting him leave as she sips her own tea. The England here was so amusing!
13 years ago
returned soon after with a cup of Earl Grey. He sat himself down once more and sipped at his tea.
13 years ago
watches him, a little curious. "Monsieur, do you live with Angleterre? Ah, that is... the other one. Mine."
13 years ago
looked up for a moment before nodding. "Yes. Why?"
13 years ago
hums, thinking. "I just thought maybe I ought to grace her with my presence, is all. Besides, it would be nice to see a familiar face, even
13 years ago
if it's hers."
13 years ago
frowns a bit. "Yes, it would be, indeed." It seems as though Ann's relationship with Marianne was no better than France and his. "Well..."_
13 years ago
_He wondered if Ann would get mad at him for bringing Marianne to his home. "... You could drop by my house, if you'd like..." He was_
13 years ago
_hesitant about this.
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