sure it is short enough and he thought she wore stockings.
to show off her cute legs some more! (That's what you do when you're, uh, flat anyway.)
stockings sound good, though. So she's now trying on some, yay!
get into her room somehow; in someway because that is what sibling like people do. He sits on her floor petting her cat. "You know it won't
matter much. Your uniform is still more interesting than mine."
fixes her left stocking and looks at him. "It's cuter, yep! I still want to see if there are ways to make it even prettier."
"You can change the color of your tie or maybe style your hair different?" He continues to pet the cat but then reaches to pull it into his
looks at Liling mews loudly at first, then makes self comfy. She's relieved that the kitty didn't scratch of something.
"I wonder if I could use my tie as a bow than a full tie... hm! Some more hairpins will help..."
tickling Liling's tummy. He was having fun with her cat. "A bow? I think that tie is a bit too small for that. But definitely go for
chuckles as Liling paws at the hand tat tickles her. "Good point, I'll see that later. Hairpins... hm! I think I have--
-- some that may fit..." And she starts searching for her jewelry box, humming cheerfully.
pulls his hand away and tries to tickle Liling again. "I would not believe you if you said you didn't." He looks up at her having been kept
his eyes on the kitten all this time. "Want me to help you with that?"
watches her kitty pawpaw at his hand. "Ah, nope! I'll be done soon. You're already helping by taking care of Liling anyway."
nods once in her direction but he doesn't see this as giving her much help. "Will she be all right on her own all day?"
sees that a certain other kitten is coming from under the bed, and picks him up. "This is Sa-Rang, and he "helps" me keep Liling happy ~"
had become aware of the other kitten but had not tried to approach it. It would come out on its own but it seems Taiwan was now holding him.
"I see. So two kittens. You're not planning to turn two into three or more?" He is only teasing her; he wouldn't really scold her. They
looked well enough so Taiwan was doing a good job taking care of them.
shakes her head, tickling Sa-rang's tummy. "Nope. With two kittens is good enough, I and Yeon do what we can for them already"
"I and Yeon? You mean Yeon and I." He thinks it sounds better in that order. He looks down at the kitten. "Well I suppose as long as I
huffs a little at that. "Well, you know what I mean! They're well cared for, even pampered a little, and I love them to bits."
flops on his side with the kitten in his arms. "Ah but I never doubted that."
laughs and flops on the bed next to her brother, kitty on her belly. "You better don't!"
continues to hold Liling close. "Hm. I see why you decided on kittens."
smiles and pets Sa-Rang. "They're cute, yep, but also very sweet. Would wish Liling didn't like playing with my pins, but hey."
very much remembers that time he helped Taiwan look for her hair pins. "Well she can't help it. I actually do think that is cute. Maybe."
laughs as Sa-Rang looks at HK and kitty-blinks, pawing at him. "I guess so..."
reaches out with his hand to bat at Sa-Rang's paw. "Just put your pins where she can't get at them if it gets too troublesome."
lets her other kitty paw some more and then go join his "sister" and HK's side. "Then the top of my shelf will do..."
plays with both the kittens. "That might just work." After a bit he sits up and lets the kittens entertain each other. "So how do you feel
about this whole school thing?"
looks at her brother as the kittens play in the corner. "It's... weird? But it seems to be a good kind of weird until now. We've seen--
weirder things in the past, too."
nods once. That was true. "Well the only weirder thing that can happen now is our alternate versions from some cat universe show up." He
says this looking at her kittens.
laughs again. "Oh, who knows! My kittens do seem to be smarter than the standard, so maybe they can understand us or something."
glances over at the two kittens. "Is that so? Well cats are clever to begin with."
gets up and goes to the kitties, petting them happily. "Yep. Training them to behave has been easier than I though, even with Liling--
--thinking my pins are toys..."
watches her pet the kittens. "I do think you are doing a good job taking care of them. Maybe that has a lot to do with it?"
scratches behind their ears and then lets them play, returning to her bro's side. "Maybe it does, and if it's the case, then that--
makes me very happy Hong Kong..."
pinches her cheek but not to hard. "You were cute saying that."
pouts at that. "I was cute, you say...?"
"I might have said that." He gets up from the bed. "Anyway, did you have breakfast today." [assuming it is morning.]
nods. "Yep. I also used leftovers from my dinner to make a bento box! There's still some more left, so I can make you one too."
actually made some pork dumplings for lunch but he won't say no. "That would be nice. Why don't we have lunch together today."
beams and goes to the kitchen. "That sounds good to me!"
follows after her. "I suppose we can show some kind of kindness and share with Korea."
start gathering the food. "Hey, as long as he doesn't try groping us, it should be fine!"
might just be hoping to have some of Korea's lunch as well. "If he is eating he might be too preoccupied to."
okay as long as the three have their bellies full. "Then let's make this meal a really good one ~"
can definitely agree with that. "Right. How should I help?"
lots of already made white rice. "Hm... here's some rice. We could make rice balls or shape them into something cute?"
could do that but he wonders one thing. "What do you consider cute. We might just have different ideas about that."
had not considered that. Hmmms a little. "Cats. Stars. Animals. I have some molds for such things!"
can go along with this. It wasn't like he would not be able to eat the rice balls if they were shaped as such things. "Okay. I can do that,
probably. Let me have the molds."
goes for the molds and returns soon with a cat and a bear one. "These look good!"
(like these, but bigger:

the cat looks rather familiar. "Yes, they are fine. I'll get this done then."
laughs. "Okay! I'll get the rest ready, and maybe some chopped fruits too for dessert..."
"That actually sounds good." He says before he gets to work on shaping those rice balls with the molds. The molds actually made it quite
chops some fruits, then put them in water with some lemon juice so they won't go brown. "How is it going, Hong Kong?"
"It's going." He answers. Not that it was turning out bad. It was just fine. "How many am I suppose to make?"
looks at him. "This lunch's for three, so three of each one! I think it'll be enough rice for all."
nods once. "Gotcha, I will like make three for you and for Korea then I will make as many as I can for me."
rolls eyes a little, then chuckles. "You'll like get fat if you eat so much rice all alone!"
hears her laugh and shakes his head. "Right, I should wait until I am married to get fat."
keeps arranging the fruits in small boxes, still laughing a little. "Well, who knows about that..."
may have given the rice a quick pout. "And what is that suppose to mean?"
blinks. "Ah, nothing... Considering we're not exactly human, I'm not sure about marriage or stuff like that in these days. Who knows..."
"I see." He shrugs. "I was kidding about being married. I guess I was just using it to mean... well I guess it doesn't matter much anyway."
nods quietly. "Makes sense..." She then smiles and finishes dividing the fruit salad into three parts. "I'm ready!"
still working on the last two rice balls. "Almost finished and don't worry I won't make extras for me."
fixes any details in the fruit bentos and smiles brightly. "Good! Now we need to get the rice molds set and it'll be done."
looks over what she has done. Those looked nice, actually he couldn't wait for lunch time to come around. "We'll have to find Korea at
had forgotten that point. "True. Well, where would he hang out in a school, to start? Maybe the baseball field..."
about it for a moment. "Maybe there. Or maybe wherever teacher is at."
bringing the fruit boxes now. "Yep. And Laoshi would likely hang out at the cafeteria, or the home economics room. We at least know --
-- where to start looking, it seems!"
nods once. "Those would be the places to find him." And then he realizes something. "Why don't we just give Korea a call?"
smiles. "Yeah, let's. If not a call, a text message should be good enough..."
can do that if she didn't want to make the call. "Shall I let him know now?"
smiles. "Let me do it, I can't leave you all the work and all". So she digs in her pockets for her cellphone, happily pulls it out, and --
-- quickly starts typing, the shiny keychains swaying a little as she does so.
And soon she grins and looks at HK. "Done! Baseball field, lunch time, all set."
would not have minded making the call really. So he just watches her set things up and quickly takes interest in the keychains. Just to see
what sort of things she was into now. "Oh. Great then!"
nods, then sees the kittens come in. "Ah, guess they're hungry...", and she goes get their food bowls full.
pet them while she does that. "It is funny. You have kittens, Yi Ling has a bunny."
watches him do so and brings their meal, smiling when the felines purr at the pets and then dig in. "It's all cute... maybe you should--
-- get a pet too. Birds? Lizards? Puppies?"
step away to let them eat their meal. "Well I have fish at home." Not that fish were the kind of pets one could hold. They just swam about.
does likewise, giving the cats space to have their munchies. "Fish are cute, but you can only watch them. So I don't know..."
aware of that fact about fish. "Well they don't require as much attention."
watches her kitties eat, kneeling next to him. "I know, and sometimes these kitties are a handful. But still, I love these two."
looks away. "If I said I love my fish you would believe that?"
looks at him, then sighs softly. "I do! Even if we can't play with them like with my cats, I don't see why you can't love your fish."
pets the kitties a little. "Pets are pets, so it shouldn't be so different in that sense!"
nods slowly. "I know. I suppose even if they are pets they are more like decorative items. Not to say I don't... well you know."
sees the cats are done with their meal, so she picks up the bowls to wash them. "I see. They still need care, and in return they grow --
-- and are pretty and all. Not that easy to, um, "grasp" or "play" with, but still pets, huh."
understands that well which is why he does take care of them. "I know. They have something about them really. And there is one I think
dearly off." He looks away because he is going on about fish and all that is getting to be embarrassing.
smiles. "That's good, Hong Kong. You treat them well and that's fine... you're a good caretaker, I bet."
sees the cats going to HK, mewing. "I bet Sa-Rang and Liling know it too, as much as cats do!"
never thought that cats would think so highly of him. He kneels down to pet them since it seemed like they wanted attention from him. "I do
try. Really I suppose I am glad I am popular with your cats at least."
watches as the cats flock to HK for pettings. "These kitties love attention and pettings, after all. And they always get them from you."
now if he is giving in to a litter of kittens. Well it wasn't too bad. "I bet it's their ears. Cats have cute ears. And their whiskers. If
they looked different they might be unlucky. You know perhaps it is the same for pandas."
looks at him from the corner of her eye. "Hm, are you saying kitties would bring bad luck, huh?"
shakes his head. "Not unlucky in that sense. More like, if they were not cute people would not find them so endearing."
[sorry, plurk is deciding not to alert me.]
pets them more. "I like cats in all senses. And many animals. Maybe it's because they're babies too, so people want to protect them?"
(it's the same with me, so dun worry. Bad plurk bad! ;A
looks at the kittens. "They make noises like babies sometimes..."
[yes it is a bad plurk and it is still being a bad plurk.]