D--> Can someone e%plain this magnificence to me, please
D--> I must know more about this
It's the mascot of a football team.
It's a game in which two teams of men brutally beat each other in order to get one head-sized ball from one end of a field to the other.
D--> Is there anyone in Vatheon who plays this game
I don't think so. You might be able to ask.
y0u ju2t l0ve anything that ha2 t0 d0 with a h00fbea2t, d0n't y0u?
woah thii2 ii2 weiird are you future me?
D--> Oh collected Alternia gods
i d0n't kn0w are y0u blind yet?
D--> Are there *two* Captors on my timeline
D--> How did that abomination occur
ii'm defiiniitely not bliind
pffft y0u ju2t can't handle h0w awe20me having tw0 0f me 0n y0ur plurk i2
0h then yeah i'm pr0bably future y0u
D--> This is NOT a miracle
D--> Go away, both of you
two of u2 ii2 probably de2tiiny
D--> I'm trying to talk to Dr. Stein
what ab0ut y0u pa2t 20llux>
ii'm not goiing anywhere for now
D--> There has to be a way to do that
oh yeah ii'm totally goiing two tell you
y0u defriend the per20n y0u want t0 bl0ck
but then y0u can't 2ee their plurk2 20 it'2 kind 0f c0unter-pr0ductive if y0u want t0 tr0ll me
their plurk2 my plurk2 whatever
0kay what the fuck equiu2 there are children 0n here
D--> I can keep this up all day
D--> What are the rules of football
ii thought thii2 wa2 more your 2peed
[lol, I wrote a story to go with that picture!]
D--> Where did you find that
D--> What kind of vile lies are those humans spreading
D--> I didn't do that, Gamzee
D--> I have no idea where Captor found that, but that is *not* me
No wOrRiEs. I BeLiEvE Ya.
D--> Look what I found, Captor
D--> There's pictures of you on the Internet as well
D--> Clearly those images are such vile, slanderous lies that they won't even load properly
pffft the tavr02 0ne that pa2t me linked l0aded fine 20 d0e2 that mean that it i2n't a lie?
D--> No, it means they're not loading
D--> Because they're probably too foul to contemplate
[legit not loading though]
I Think I Prefer Nepetas Approach To Shipping Scenarios
D--> Nepeta also has reasons behind her ships
D--> Instead of just making things up
iif you want two 2ee braiin meltiing 2hiit look iin my earliier plurk
nothiing 2hock2 me anymore
D--> That plurk was filled with even more lies than this one
D--> What are the humans doing to my personage
iit wa2 pretty dii2gu2tiing