Greaaat just what I didn't need. Another way to talk to you people.
latest #11
Oooh, Birkin, it's not so bad! And there's less likelyhood of someone turning up naked here as well.
It isn't that bad to see me, is it?
I'm on my vacation. I wanted freedom!
And no, you're fine Issei, but it's the principle of the thing.
...I believe you will be able to enjoy your vacation, Birkin-sensei. This place does not seem to be so intrusive as the community.
Just wait. SOMEthing is going to end up happening.
I suppose there is always the possibility. Even so, please enjoy yourself.
I'll try. I guess with that community breaking thing we had to be antagonized somehow
It does wish to bring us together in someway, it seems.
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