Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ says
13 years ago
You got to deal with the shit people do. Eventhough you have nothing to do with them. They will keep dragging.
latest #8
Tfq says
13 years ago
uiitt.. pe nih?? huuhu..
Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ says
13 years ago
there is no point to do the deal with the "BS" people. i think they are really selfish. (unsure)
Tfq says
13 years ago
spe BS?? hoho.. bkn men lg ek.. marah ngn spe tah.
Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ says
13 years ago
some people (among my friends/clsmate).. sad to say, but they 'did it' to me. so sad :-( mls nak marah2, kecoh2. maybe silent is better.
Tfq says
13 years ago
diorg wt pe kt cyg?? huh!
Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ says
13 years ago
mls nak cite. ritenow, i just can smile n pretend that im not hearing nothing bout it. :-)
Tfq says
13 years ago
yela.. ok.. wt xtw je kn.. haha.. klu x tahan g slap je.. (tongue) kuikui..
Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ says
13 years ago
suka suki je nk slap2 anak org, x psl2 je kang.. =.= diam jelahh, bia tuhan je yg balas.. :-)
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