Louise has
13 years ago
been feeling really lonely.
latest #185
13 years ago
doesn't know who she is (yet), but since she looks lonely, he wouldn't mind bringing over a cup of tea for her. J-Just because he made an_
13 years ago
_extra cup!
13 years ago
looks up at the male who looks a lot like her version of england. She notes the cup of tea and tilts her head in curiousity.
13 years ago
looks back down at her. Germany. A sigh as he held it out towards her. "I-I made an extra cup so here."
13 years ago
blinked in surprise and offered a small smile, gently handling the cup and murmuring, " Danke." She took a sip, liking the taste.
13 years ago
nodded and gestured towards the empty space beside her. "Do you mind if I sit here?" H-His legs were just tired!
13 years ago
looked up and nodded, murmuring, " Nein... not a problem." She took another sip, enjoying the hot liquid.
13 years ago
smiles just the slightest. "Thank you." He sat down beside her. "O-Oh. How completely rude of me. I am Arthur, Arthur Kirkland."
13 years ago
blinked at the words but figured Arthur was being a gentleman. She nodded and murmured softly, " Hello Arthur, my name is Meika Beilschmidt.
13 years ago
It is nice to meet you."
13 years ago
*is* a gentleman. "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He looked to the cup of tea. "I hope that is to your liking?"
13 years ago
looked back down at her cup and murmured, " It is, danke. I do like tea, though I drink it, beer and coffee fairly regularly."
13 years ago
does not like coffee, but as for beer... "You drink beer? Maybe we should go and get a round some time."
13 years ago
smiled quietly and murmured, " Ja... I think I'd like that. German beer is my favorite. Especially during Ocktober fest."
13 years ago
chuckled. It would be interesting... To have a female as company for drinking. He could only hope he would not end up doing anything_
13 years ago
_foolish. "So, what were you doing all alone here?"
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shrugged and murmured, " Thinking, trying to find something to do. It's been hard, and while I enjoy my dogs' company, some human contact is
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_important as well." She wouldn't mind drinking with Arthur, and while it took her a while to get drunk, she was a bit more... loose when
13 years ago
13 years ago
nodded, somehow understanding. It was the same with his fairies, unicorns, leprechauns and whatnot. Although, with them, he never really_
13 years ago
_needed any form of human companionship, or so, he likes to think. "Well," He was assuming that the relationship between the alternate_
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_Germany and Italy is the same between the one's of his own world. "What about Italy?"
13 years ago
sighed sadly at the and just stared into her cup of tea. She fiddled with it, murmuring, " I haven't seen Italia in two to three months. I
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_think she somehow went back to our world."
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frowned now and looked away. "I am not exactly clear on how all this happened but wherever she is, I am sure she would be fine." He then_
13 years ago
_thought back on those... Odd occurrences. Specifically those times when Roma Antiqua appeared. "Italy always makes it through, no matter_
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_the circumstances." That is, of course, assuming that whatever that had happened to them before, happened to their alternate versions as_
13 years ago
13 years ago
sighed and ran a hand through her hair, murmuring,
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" It is true... During the wars Italia always did manage to make it through. Though the Second War always did bother me."
13 years ago
"Ah yes." His frown deepened. "But what happened in the past is in the past, she survived and that is the most important thing." A small_
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_smile of reassurance. "She will come to you. She always had, hadn't she?"
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fiddled with her mug and murmured, " I suppose... she did normally come to me so I figure she'll be back... eventually."
13 years ago
"She will." He could tell that she was upset by this and quite truthfully, he had no idea what he could do to cheer her up. He was no good_
13 years ago
_when it comes to these things. And so, he did the next best thing he could think of... "How about we go get that round now?" He suggested._
13 years ago
_Well, that is what *he* does when he is upset. To get wankered.
13 years ago
chuckled quietly and nodded, murmuring, " Ja... sounds good. Any where you want to go?" She finished her tea, thankful to it.
13 years ago
offered to help throw her cup to the nearest dustbin. He then shook his head. "The lady get to pick, hm?" And it was also because she was_
13 years ago
_upset, so he wanted her to pick somewhere where she is comfortable with.
13 years ago
blinked and smiled softly, feeling quite happy to be treated like a lady. She tossed out her cup and murmured, " I know a good bar a few
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_blocks down. So if you want to we can head there."
13 years ago
"That sounds jolly good to me." He said before standing up. "Let's go then." He would have to be careful with the amount he drinks later...
13 years ago
nodded and stood, checking she still had her wallet on her and lead the way to the pub. She was comfortable leading the way and slid into
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_the bar, a few patrons there greeting the tall woman.
13 years ago
| Louise seems like a regular here... England thought before stepping into the bar as well. As for money, well, he had planned on counting_
13 years ago
_all of it on his tabs.
13 years ago
looked back at England and murmured, " Come on Arthur. I know of a good place to sit." She moved through a few of the stronger men, a few
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_reaching out to touch her hands or shirt. They were a mix of german blooded men, so she understood to urge to reach out. She was their
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homeland, if not a different gender.
13 years ago
nodded and followed after Louise. As the other pushed her way through some of the burly men, he gulped. She is strong... Then again, they_
13 years ago
_were countries. But still...
13 years ago
turned to see if Arthur was following, hoping the british nation was behind her. It was easy to get trapped in here.
13 years ago
looked at her and furrowed his eyebrows when she had stopped. "What's wrong, Miss Louise?"
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shrugged and murmured, " I thought I had lost you Arthur. Come... there's a good spot by the bar." She kept moving, finding one of her
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_favorite spots and getting Arthur to join her.
13 years ago
nodded once more and furrowed his eyebrows, secretly wondering if it was easy to lose him. W-Was he *that* short? He sure hoped not. He_
13 years ago
_joined her at the selected area, nodding slightly in approval.
13 years ago
smiled somewhat wryly and murmured, " This is one of my favorite spots to go to. It's in a nice section, and if there's a brawl I can easily
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_get out." The female raised a single hand and ordered a large mug of german beer, asking Arthur, " Anything you specifically want? The bar
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_caters to all types of beers and alcoholic beverages."
13 years ago
looked around a bit. "A-Ah. Is that so?" He had hardly witnessed a brawl before since, well... He gets drunk quicker than anything. He_
13 years ago
_nodded when Louise spoke again. "A mug of brown ale would be good. Newcastle's, if you have them." He, admittedly, felt a little nervous_
13 years ago
_here since the men were much, *much* larger than he is.
13 years ago
watched the waitress disappear off to get their drinks. She turned her gaze to some of the rowdier men and murmured, " You nervous Arthur?"
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shook his head quickly and forced out a laugh. "N-No! Why ever would you have that idea? Ha... Ha."
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow in response before shaking her head at her companion, leaving it be. She smiled as their drinks were brought to them,
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_easily curling her hands around the mug in delight. She always had a good time drinking.
13 years ago
sighed inwardly in relief, thinking that she completely bought his reply. They were then distracted by the their drinks and he received it_
13 years ago
_with a thankful smile. When he saw a smile on Louise's face too, he supposed bringing her here was not a bad idea at all. He held up his_
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_mug. "Cheers?"
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chuckled and murmured, " Cheers... to getting drunk and not caring about why." She clicked her mug against his, taking a gulp with a happy
13 years ago
13 years ago
nodded a little with a smile in return. He was glad to see the other in a much better mood now, or at least, he thought so. He took a deep_
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_breath before taking a large mouthful and swallowing it down.
13 years ago
watched quietly and took another sip of her drink, not as large as her first. She looked around and noticed a table of slightly rowdy men.
13 years ago
_They were jostling each other and it looked like it would soon turn into a bit of a brawl.
13 years ago
backed up closer against the wall, seeming like as if he is shying away from the scene if violence... Which he actually is. He took another_
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_sip and tried go ignore it. "B-Bollocks..." He muttered under his breath.
13 years ago
((of* violence))
13 years ago
tilts her head and takes another sip, catching the bartender's eye and jerking her head to the side. he spotted the possible brawl and moved
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_to end it, not wanting to ruin his good night.
13 years ago
sighed in relief and sank further into his seat. "You do not really seem phased by it." He commented, more than a little impressed.
13 years ago
((*patpat* ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
shrugs and murmurs, " I go to Ocktober Fest... nothing phases me when it involves beer and bars." She grinned slightly lopsided and took
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_another sip, remembering her beer wench dress she has in her closet.
13 years ago
nodded a little. He had never really been to an Ocktober Festival before. It must be quite rough, given her reply. Although, Louise in a_
13 years ago
_beer wench dress--... Bad thought! Bad thought! He quickly took another sip of his drink.
13 years ago
smirked and murmured, " If you ever want to come one year... All you will need to do is wear lederhosen."
13 years ago
"Lederhosen...?" He thought for a moment, trying to recall before his face turned deep red. "T-There is no way I am wearing that!" A-And it_
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_was not like he wanted to go or anything... Really.
13 years ago
hums and murmurs, " I can get you lederhosen for any lover of yours if you want?" She was having a bit of fun with Arthur, still sipping at
13 years ago
_her beer.
13 years ago
flushed even more at that. How did she--? W-Wait, does she--? He opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out because he didn't know_
13 years ago
_what to say. He quickly tried to cover up by taking another sip of his drink and glaring into the mug.
13 years ago
chuckled quietly and murmured, " I was joking Arthur... I do not know who your dating... I just guessed."
13 years ago
cleared his throat upon hearing that and tried to look as nonchalant as he could. "R-Right... I know that... O-Of course..."
13 years ago
smirks into her mug, murmuring, " You're cute... sorry, I meant to warn you... I am very talkative when I am drinking."
13 years ago
| Whatever nonchalance that England tried to put on disappeared quickly when he heard the words from the German. His face turned red all_
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_over again as he glared down at his mug, as if it had offended him. "N-No, that is quite fine..."
13 years ago
hummed and went back to her drink, hearing a few wolf whistles and blushing a bit. As much as she liked her people... she was still
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_uncomfortable with positive attention from men.
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notices this. As a gentleman, he would not stand to have his female companion being given that kind of attention as if she was alone and_
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_looking for company. He hovered his hand over hers, "Do you mind?"
13 years ago
looked at Arthur with slight relief, turning her hand to lace with his. She didn't mind him being a gentleman and appreciated the gesture.
13 years ago
smiled a little. He then threw a slight but smug smirk over to the men. He couldn't help himself. "I am not surprised, Miss Louise. You_
13 years ago
_*are* quite the attractive lady." He complimented.
13 years ago
blushed in surprise, unsure of how to respond to that. She nibbled her bottom lip and murmured, " Thank you for the compliment Arthur." She
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_didn't believe it because of how her muscles and build was. She could understand the other german men appreciating it, but Arthur? She
13 years ago
_wasn't so sure about it.
13 years ago
chuckled a little and shook his head, "You are welcome." As for that, well uh... He does... Have... A boyfriend... Whose... Build is..._
13 years ago
_He flushed a little at the memory and quickly took a gulp of his ale. And she does have quite a pretty face. Shame though that she kept_
13 years ago
_her hair that short.
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tilted her head to the side but decided not to comment on the sudden flush on his cheeks. If he was anything similar to her version of
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_England, he probably already had someone... though she wasn't one hundred percent sure she really wanted to know. She ran a hand through
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_her hair and ordered a much larger pint of beer, kind of needing the alcohol right now. She noticed a few drunk men gearing up to approach
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_their table.
13 years ago
tried not to let the approach of the men bother him. He appeared nonchalant and ordered another large mug of ale, getting into this_
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_drinking session more than he had intended to. He kept his hand on hers.
13 years ago
kept her mug in her hand, glad for the steel of the cup. One of the humans leant on the table and said rudely, " Hey Liebling.. what're
13 years ago
_doin' wit' this Garnele?" Louise made a face and wanted to get this guy away. As much as she liked her people, they were dumb drunks. She
13 years ago
_sighed and murmured, " Having a good time. Go away."
13 years ago
had not idea what 'Garnele' means, but if he does, well... He would have taken it very personally. He took a sip of his ale and spoke_
13 years ago
_calmly, "You heard the lady."
13 years ago
eyed the men as one just reached around and grabbed her. He yanked the nation out of her seat and muttered, " Yer no worth to the english
13 years ago
_pig. Come sit wit real men." Her face clouded over with a touch of anger and she raised her mug high before hitting the man on the head,
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_tempering her strength. She watched him fall to the floor with no damage and went back to Arthur, very much annoyed.
13 years ago
just stared wide-eyed. She is strong, *very* strong. He shouldn't be surprised, really since Germany is, as well. He did not appreciate_
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_being called a 'pig' but did not do anything, not wanting to aggravate the situation. He looked over to her as she went back, "Are you_
13 years ago
_all right, Miss Louise?"
13 years ago
downed her whole pint of beer and shoved the mug high into the air, one of the waitresses immediately replacing it. She sighed and drank
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_almost half of it, murmuring, " It could be worse. Last time I had to brawl my way out of a fairly nasty situation."
13 years ago
frowns a little at this and took a gulp of his ale before continuing, "What happened?" He never had to experience such situations since_
13 years ago
_the drunks English pubs were usually more talk than do. Although most of the comments were rather snide, he had to admit.
13 years ago
sighed and murmured, " Some drunken idiot german decided to physically haul me over to his table. There was a lot of touching and such, so
13 years ago
_I ordered a glass mug of beer. I drained it and smashed it over his head. The others got pissed and I literally started a brawl to get away
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_from them. As much as I love my people, we can be occasionally violent drunks." She muttered slightly darkly after the rehashing and
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_drained the rest of her mug, getting another one. She was quite the regular here, and paid for her things, so they plied her with plenty of
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_beer when she was in a mood.
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wondered if that meant he should stop her from drinking now... "Ah." His frown deepened, "Is that so? That is unfortunate." If it had_
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_been him in that situation, he would admittedly, be much more violent at being touched. Maybe he would throw the person across the English_
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_channel... Wait just a bloody minute... Oh... Wait. He was describing his own situation with France. He shrugged a little and downed his_
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_quickly before turning to her, "How much are you planning on drinking?"
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eyed her glass and sighed, murmuring, " After I'm finished this one? Just one more. I don't want to be too drunk really. I'd rather be
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_buzzed than too drunk to defend myself."
13 years ago
nodded, "I understand. Although," He ran a finger round the rim of his empty glass. There was a slight smirk on his face as he said this,_
13 years ago
_"If you *do* get drunk, you have me to offer protection." There is still that trace of pirate in him. It just takes a lot to get it out.
13 years ago
sensed something stronger behind Arthur and smiled, murmuring, " Danke... somehow I think you'll do a fine job protecting me. Are you sure
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_I cannot get you to join me for Ocktober Fest?"
13 years ago
flushed all over again. He does like the idea of having to drink till he is completely smashed... And it was a little rude to be turning_
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_down a lady. "W-Well... I would not mind..." He replied, a little hesitantly. He could only hope that if he *did* go, Hong Kong would not_
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_suddenly appear out of nowhere like he did times before and take pictures.
13 years ago
smiled, pleased with this. All she needed to do was possibly find Alfred again and convince him to join and things would be a lot of fun.
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_All she needed to do was get Arthur a set of lederhosen and things were good. " Danke Arthur... I'll come get you when it is time."
13 years ago
remains unaware to her plans. He nodded a little, "My pleasure, Miss Louise. And of course." He would need some time to mentally prepare_
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiled and murmured, " I am glad you are able to come. And you vill be seeing me in a beer wench dress so I suppose you vill see something
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_no other nation except my family has seen yet." She shrugged a shoulder and returned to her drink, quietly content.
13 years ago
flushed a little at her words. It would be interesting... N-Not that he was a pervert or anything! He nodded with a chuckle, "Then I guess_
13 years ago
_it would be an honour for me." He continued to circle the rim of his glass since he had already finished it.
13 years ago
watched Arthur and smiled, murmuring, " Ja... well, to the Ocktober Fest and life." She lifted her mug in a cheers and drank some more, very
13 years ago
_content with Arthur's companionship.
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lifted his empty mug as well and laughed, "To them." He agreed before he drank off the empty mug, purely out of habit. He blushed a little_
13 years ago
_in embarrassment before quickly putting it down.
13 years ago
giggled softly and caught the attendant's eye, pointing to her companion. The waitress immediately moved to their table and handed Arthur
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_another pint of his beer. She went to take Louise's beer mug and was turned away, an order for a light cider in it's place.
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did not stop Louise from ordering more for him, clearly still embarrassed. He nodded a little and thanked her briefly. He wasn't sure if_
13 years ago
_he could hold down another mug since the two he had is now starting to get to him.
13 years ago
eyed Arthur to see if he could indeed handle it and received her cider. She took a sip before making a tiny face and swapping the drinks,
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_preferring the taste of beer, even if it was english beer.
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quirked an eyebrow. W-Well... H-How bad could it be, right? He held it up and took a tentative sip of the cider. It was surprisingly good._
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_With that, he chugged it down.
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did the same, drowning out the taste of cider. She wasn't a light beer drinker.
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slammed down the mug after he's finished. He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to concentrate... Not working...
13 years ago
giggled at the slightly confounded look on Arthur's face, already knowing that she had more than enough.
England is
13 years ago
feeling his judgement beginning to slip away. He swats at the air in front of Louise, "What seems to be so bloody funny?"
13 years ago
smiles and murmurs, " I can already tell you're drunk. Maybe we should stop so one of us can take the other home, ja?"
13 years ago
flailed his arms a little in protest, "I swear to drunk I am not God!" Yep, he is drunk.
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laughed and kissed his cheek, murmuring, " You're drunk... and we should go to my place. It's closer. Come on." She gently hoisted him up,
13 years ago
_moving to pay the bartender.
13 years ago
only giggled when Louise kissed his cheek. That had felt a little ticklish in his drunken state of mind. He swung his free arm about,_
13 years ago
_"... I is not drunk~" He slurred. "Oh~ We are gone to another bar?" He had not caught the part about going to her place.
13 years ago
paid the man and gently tugged Arthur up, murmuring, " No silly... we're going back to my place so we can sober up a bit."
13 years ago
blinked up at her. "Ehhh~~~? But I can drink ten more..." He slumped towards her, his head feels swimmy and he was quite incapable of_
13 years ago
_supporting himself at the moment.
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