did y0u get that c0llar 0ff yet?
no i have him chained to my tree stump
dude why d0 y0u have my ki2me2i2 chained t0 a tree 2tump
because he was being rowdy and kept humping my fucking leg he has to learn somehow
karkat go look out at my front yard bring dog treats
w0w 0kay y0u're tr0lling me
no im not im being serious he was humping my leg
i had to teach him no was no
whatever ju2t d0n't g0 ar0und actually chaining him t0 2hit
im not chained to anythin
and i dont havve no fuckin collar fuck you sol
yes you are how did you get off the stump
do i need to bring out the rolled up newspaper again
y0u're really 2mart en0ugh t0 figure 0ut brail?
that collar wwas hardly evven a thing to figure out
0kay 20 h0w ab0ut i c0me 0ver and take a l00k
ju2t t0 2ee if y0u really did get it 0ff 0r n0t
i mean it'2 n0t like y0u have t0 w0rry 0r anything 2ince y0u *obvi0u2ly* g0t it 0ff
fuck you i dont wwant mustard blooded peasant anywwhere near me right noww
mhm 0kay i'll be 0ver in an h0ur the
fuck off door is gonna be locked
why are y0u 2cared 0r 20mething?
i said i didnt wwant you here
then take a picture 0f y0ur bare neck t0 pr0ve that y0u g0t it 0ff
youre blind idiot howw wwill that provve anythin
i can 2ee y0ur 0utline m0r0n meaning i c0uld 2ee the 0utline 0f the c0llar and even if i wa2 c0mpletely blind i c0uld ju2t have kk tell me
if y0u're wearing it 2till 0r n0t
...i can 2till have kk tell me
20 y0u didn't get it 0ff 0kay
i did youre just a fuckin ignorant mustard blooded GODDAMN IDIOT
h0w am i being ign0rant? i ju2t want pr00f that y0u actually did
and y0u're refu2ing which i2 ju2t 2upici0u2
haha, eridan your significant other made you wear a collar too?
if y0u really did take it 0ff y0u w0uld c0nfidentally 2h0w me
and be all "i t0ld y0u 20 20l"
and y0u w0uld rub it in my face f0r a while
but y0u're refu2ing t0 2h0w me any pr00f 20 i'm pretty 2ure y0u didn't take it 0ff
John What Do You Mean Too
rose made me wear one once. or well. she asked me to, anyway. so i did.
yeah it was that one week where we all switched species.
yes, that's it. but i didn't really get it either.
I Think I Will Just Move On From This Conversation
I Could Sort Of Understand With Eridan And Sollux But This I Dont Get At All
hey if it pi22e2 him 0ff i'll d0 it
or er...what don't you get about it, i mean?
What Sollux Just Said Is A Good Explanation Start
With Them It Would Be A Well Caliginous Gesture
So I Guess There Must Be Another Connotation For Humans Because I Dont See That With You And Rose At All
haha no. we're the opposite of that, actually.
so she wasn't doing it to piss me off or anything.
So Im Just Confused And I Dont Have Sufficient Information To Understand It
um...well maybe she could explain it to you. because the only guess i have was to see if i would actually do it or not.
That was the initial reason, yes. However, within human relationships, depending on the type, collars can show a sign of ownership.
In which one is deemed the more dominant in the relationship, and therefor 'owns' the more submissive. Thereby the collar signifies that.
It is almost always consensual, something both parties enjoy and agree to, so there is no negative feelings involved.
As I said, not initially. Originally it was to see if you would really go through with it, despite how humiliating it may be.
I wanted to see if I would be able to push you into stopping the ridiculous behavior. Of course, if you'd like that to be the reason, that
my behavior wasn't ridiculous!
We would need a far more fashionable collar though. I merely grabbed that thing on a whim of needing it.
It was. Endearing though it may have been, you really didn't need to do any of that.
yes i did! you were royalty so i had to do whatever you asked!
No, you didn't have to. You do not do everything Eridan asks, do you?
and sometimes things that you didn't ask for but were nice things to do anyway.
well no, but i'm not dating eridan and i'm not a troll anymore.
...well, that is neither here or there, as we are not trolls anymore and therefor such behavior does not need to be a conversation topic.
That is not a thing that is happening, Eridan. That's what.
D--> If anyone needs a lock for their collars, you can ask me
D--> Since, as Flotsam is so kindly demonstrating, I make locks that can't be removed