aww bro, you can always like get down with your other self at
i dunno that guy seems like a complete tool to me
IM the one wwho flipped his shit wwhen *I* wwas just the one puttin an innocent reply dowwn to one a gams fuckin plurks
wwhat part a the fuckin timeline are you from anywways
i dont knoww if your fragile body can handle it
wwell does it invvolvve a wwand
okay does it invvolvve makin a vvery regrettable decision wwith said wwand
yeah theres that but i uh
so that regrettable decision that wwe make wwith the wwand
it comes back into our face
and wwe get chainsawwed in half
you must just be a doomed eri or somethin thats gotta be in
i wwouldnt lie about somethin as terrible as that
because I wwouldnt get fuckin killed or debunked or anythin
wwell it wwasnt a my owwn fuckin choice you knoww
i wwas about to duel gam and vvri
yes i totally let that fuckin bitch rainboww drinker storm up to me and grab my wwand and kill me because i felt like it
wway to fuckin go yeah i think this settles it
youre the fuckin tool here
yeah no im not the one not realizin that the exact same thing is gonna happen to himself
and this isnt a fuckin wwarnin
evven though itll still happen because a that fuckin predetermined fairy bullshit
fuckin fine ok i totally believve you
wwith howw youre still here fuckin talkin to me
im a fuckin spirit and im tryin a savve you
but y0re n0t givvin me a chance
just because youre like tryin to be like ara and do that stupid quirk does not mean im gonna be convvinced
right then wwhat wwill convvince you
ill believve it if it happens
IF havvin all the fuckin emphasis needed to exude my goddamn skepticism
wwell i mean i wwouldnt lie about somethin like this to myself that wwould be pretty fuckn unconscionable you knoww
i dont fuckin knoww thats kinda a lot to fuckin take in alright
i mean try bein the one to go through it
im happy that wwhen i wwent back to the fuckin space station i wwas at i wwas back in one piece wwith a fuckin awwesome scar
i already havve a fuckin awwesome scar but i fuckin livved through gettin it
uh wwell thats really fuckin wweird
no im in vvatheon wwhich is a underwwater city contained wwithin a bubble
wwell this is a wweird predicament