13 years ago
[Event] has stumbled to a secluded place in the city, holding his neck still. After his fight with the albino, he knew he needed to eat,
latest #40
13 years ago
but he just wanted to rest a moment.
Alfred is
13 years ago
worried and looking for him. ><
Kiku is
13 years ago
leaning against a tree, in a darker part of the park.
Alfred is
13 years ago
following his instinct and the smell of...blood...? Kiku's? He's very distressed now and moves through the park, shouting for them.
13 years ago
blinks when he hears a familiar voice shouting, shuffling a bit to be better hidden. Alfred didn't need to see him weak like this.
Alfred is
13 years ago
still looking for him though. He's getting more distressed the longer it takes to find him
13 years ago
brings his knees up, resting his head on them and trying to will the younger to go home. His neck was still throbbing, and his shoulder
13 years ago
burned still from the holy water.
Alfred was
13 years ago
persistent... He kept wandering around, getting closer and closer at ever pass.
13 years ago
sighs softly, hearing the other getting close. He reluctantly sticks a hand out from behind the tree, to signal Alfred to where he
13 years ago
was, pulling his shirt collar up to hide the slowly healing chunk missing from his neck.
13 years ago
notices him finally and he's instantly there in front of him, eyes full of worry. "Kiku!"
13 years ago
does his best not to show signs of pain in his expression, wondering if Alfred was able to pick up on it anyways. "Hello Alfred..."
13 years ago
's expression is worried and he is pulling him over. "You need blood what happened, this is awful, Kiku are you okay?"
13 years ago
frowns and pushes him away, not wanting to be held like that. "I got caught while feeding.." he mumbles.
13 years ago
bites his lip when he's shoved away and squirms closer. "Do you need a human? I'll bring you one."
13 years ago
sighs, curling up a bit again. "...that would be nice..." he mumbles, knowing another would help him heal.
13 years ago
nods and stands up. "I'll be back." He was quick and didn't mess around now, knocking a poor woman out and bringing her back
13 years ago
stays exactly where he is as Alfred leaves, blinking up a bit in surprise when he notices the boy did it without making a scene. He takes
13 years ago
the woman's wrist to sink his teeth into, drinking greedily. He usually preferred the neck, but he had no desire to crouch over someone
13 years ago
to do so.
13 years ago
smiles and watches Kiku, hoping this made him heal faster. He was very very displeased at seeing him so upset.
13 years ago
drinks until he can't anymore, setting the arm aside. It gave his healing a boost, but since the albino had torn a chunk from his
13 years ago
neck, it would still take time to regenerate it.
13 years ago
scoots close to him. "Better?" His fingers are on his now.
13 years ago
sighs a little, sitting back against the tree. "Slightly. It'll take some time to heal this one over though."
13 years ago
He moves closer, kissing his cheek. "I'll help you however I can.
13 years ago
nods a little, allowing the kiss. "Thank you. I'm just glad to have gotten him back."
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "I'm glad to have you here. Should I go and get him?"
13 years ago
frowns, shaking his head. "I am in no mood to fight. Besides, I got him with a nice round of holy water to the face."
13 years ago
laughs softly and presses close against his side. "Home? Let's go home. I've eaten..."
13 years ago
nods a little. "Home would be good."
13 years ago
smiles at this. "Let's go home."
13 years ago
nods, reluctantly getting to his feet.
13 years ago
smiles at him again and helps him ;w;
13 years ago
sighs, trying not to accept his help. He was glad he could still move decently.
13 years ago
frowns and settles for holding his hand.
13 years ago
glances down at this, debating a moment before deciding to allow it for now.
13 years ago
smiles at this and just holds his hand as they go. "You'll feel better after some rest.
13 years ago
nods a little. "Yes, I know that.... it's still just a pain in the rear."
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