13 years ago
[Marriage] Antonio walked back and forth in his house, or technically, his and Lovi’s. Lovino had been staying there for a while that the
latest #138
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house was also rightfully his. Antonio was cleaning up various places in the house so that it looked somewhat decent for what he had
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planned. He was glad that Lovino got ‘called away’ to see his brother for the day so that he could plan all of this. Well, he didn’t plan it
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all by himself…He may have called Feliciano to get him out of the house for the day. He normally didn’t think too far ahead, but tonight
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needed to be beyond great. After the main room looked better then before (probably better than it had been in a while) he went into the
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kitchen to finish up the dinner he was cooking. He made sure to make Lovino’s favorite dish and set the table up so that it looked nice. At
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some point, Lovino would return home from his brotherly bonding day and be stunned by the cleaning and dinner that Antonio made, making him
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fall even more in love with him. Well…he hoped that was what happened.
13 years ago
[For Lovi~]
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Little did Antonio know, it was probably impossible for Lovino to fall more in love with the other. He didn't show it, but he was completely
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head-over-heels for the Spaniard, so much that it scared him, and in true Lovino fashion he dealt with it by trying to hide the severity of
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his feelings with harsh words. Though the plan already had a slight flaw; sending Lovino off to see his brother wasn't the best way to cheer
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him up. He loved his brother, not that he made that obvious, but he *really* grated on the brunette's nerves. And it sometimes felt like the
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Spaniard was just trying to strengthen his inferiority complex when he sent him to visit Feli. The Italian popped open the door with a soft,
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defeated sigh, pouting more strongly than usual and dropping his bag at his feet before pausing. What smelt so good?
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Antonio turned towards the door, a giant smile growing on his face. Time to put his plan into action. Not knowing what kind of mood the
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Italian was in, he rushed towards the door like a puppy welcoming his owner home. "Lovino~! Welcome back!" he said excitedly, eyes glowing
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with happiness. He was too blinded by his happiness and his plan that he didn't notice right off the bat that Lovino didn't look the least
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bit excited about how his day went. "How was your visit? Did you have fun? How was Feli?" he shot rapid questions at the other, trying to
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lead him into the kitchen without him knowing where he was being led. He had set the table to look nice, using the good silverware this time
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instead of the old stuff that he normally used. Two candles were lit, making the ambiance on the room very romantic. He hoped he was going
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to enjoy everything he had planned, his eyebrow quirking slightly in nervousness.
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Of course, no 'How are you?', just immediately to questions about his brother... Eyes narrowing, Lovino was about to say something cruel in
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response, but he glanced up, and was speed-bumped by the elaborate setting. "…What did you do?" he asked, brows furrowing down as he readied
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himself to be angry. The Spaniard wouldn't go to such lengths unless he did something stupid, and needed to be forgiven. His mind went into
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panic mode, flying through what Antonio might have done. Broken something? Made some stupid bet with his asshole friends? Lost something? He
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froze in his thoughts. What if... what if the other cheated on him?
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He stared down at the other in confusion. What did "I didn't do anything Lovi...j-just thought we could have a nice dinner. If
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that's okay with you." The stuttering probably not helping his case in the Italians eyes. He just didn't want to spill the secret, or else
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the night was ruined. He walked over to the table and pulled one of the two seats out for Lovino. "Have a seat, I'll bring your food out~
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Oh, did you want some wine?" he lifted the bottle of wine that was on the table with his shaky hands, opened it and poured some into a glass
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for the other. The worse thing that could happen is that Lovino found out just what he was up to, and he didn't want that to happen. So he
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just hoped that the Italian was none the wiser about his scheme.
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He was still sure that Antonio had to have done something, if he was sucking up to the brunette, but he was too worn down to bother arguing
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the point. He simply sighed weakly, sitting in the chair that had been pulled out for him and trying to push the thought of the Spaniard's
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shaking hands out of his head. "Probably tastes gross anyway..." he mumbled, taking the glass of wine and nursing it gloomily. He would need
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the alcohol in his system.
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Antonio chuckled nervously, setting the bottle down. "I'm absolutely sure it taste great~" he said, thinking that maybe the other was tired;
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that would explain why he looked so upset. He thought that maybe seeing the dinner he made would perk him up. "I'll just go get the food for
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you~" he said, trying to keep his voice chipper. Maybe the other figured it all out and was planning on turning him down? He mentally shook
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his head, that couldn't be it. Lovi was sharp, but hopefully he was going to say no...He ran into the kitchen to calm himself down, grabbing
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dish filled with delicious looking pasta that he made with extra tomatoes. If the Italian was upset, then the best way to make him feel
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better was to feed him great food. Or what he hoped was great food. He tasted it and it was good to him. Putting his smile back on his face,
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he walked into the other room, setting the dish down. "Hope you like it~"
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By the time the elder male had returned, Lovino had already drained his glass, the empty goblet set back on the table. He blinked as the
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dish was set down-- and oh, *god* did that smell good. He leaned closer, breathing in deep and drinking in the smell of the food. It seemed
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like a simple enough meal to make, but the light sauce was actually pretty hard to make-- one of the reasons Lovino didn't get to eat the
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meal often. He blushed a little (though it could have been from leftover anger or the alcohol) and mumbled something under his breath, bad
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feelings about the motive behind this treatment rising.
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He started to plate the food for the other until he heard something. "What was that, Lovi?" he asked, setting the plate down in front of the
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other. He wasn't sure if it was directed at him, but he thought he's ask just to be safe. He took his seat across from the other, his smile
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still plastered on his face. By the looks of it earlier, it seemed like Lovino was excited about the prospects of the dish, but he was still
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a little fearful. He wasn't always good at this, and sometimes it seemed he would just upset the Italian. "Do you like it...?"
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He rolled his eyes when the other spoke, and ignored the question, arms crossing over his chest. Feli had stuffed him full at lunch, but
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just being around his twin was exhausting enough, and Lovino was starving. He looked up at the other through his lashes. "I haven't even
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taken a bite yet, idiot..." he huffed, but picked up his fork and scooped up a bite of the pasta, chewing and swallowing. And fuck, it was
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*good*. He bit back a groan of delight, blushing slightly.
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He may of been a little over excited, but he knew that the look on the others face after his first bite answered his question. He smiled
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happily, not even touching his own plate yet. He chose to just watch the other enjoy his food, taking small sips of his wine. He always
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looked so happy when he truly liked something, and that made Antonio happy. "So, how was your day?" He asks innocently, not thinking that it
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was a sore topic. He just wanted to make the dinner go by nicely, without any problems. That would definitely make the rest of the evening
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go by smoothly.
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The Italian visibly closed up at the question, eyes looking guarded and ceasing to eat. "W-why does it matter?" It was silly of Antonio to
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think that anything involving Lovino would go over smoothly. He wondered why the other wasn't eating. Was the food poisoned? Any semblance
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of happiness on the small Italian's face was gone.
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He frowned slightly at the sudden attack at him. He was saddened by the fact that Lovino wasn't as happy as he was a few seconds ago. "I
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just wanted to know...I thought I would just ask..." he sat his glass down. He didn't want to start anything, but he wasn't sure what else
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he could say; he was treading on thin ice, which was where he didn't want to be. " you like the dinner?" He asked, gesturing
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to the table. He figured that if he brought up what he did, the other would perk up a little...
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He blushed slightly, averting his gaze and taking another bite, perhaps merely to buy time. Maybe he was being a bit prickly, but he really
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couldn't help it, not after a visit to his brother. No matter how long they'd been dating (a *long* time, for the record), he still couldn't
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shake the gnawing feeling at times that Antonio liked his brother better. Sometimes he just sat and dwelled on the fact, wondering just how
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anyone could prefer him-- angry, sarcastic, and a general mess-- to his brother-- happy, sunny, and innocent.
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Not hearing anything from his Italian lover, he got a little down hearted. What if he didn't like the dinner? What if he was re-thinking
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even being with him. He really needed to hear some kind of vocal appreciation...though that was rare coming from Lovino. "
Antonio was
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your day...? I take it Feli is doing well..?" he asked. He figured Lovino knew that he loved him more then his younger brother, so whenever
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he brought the other up, he didn't know it had a negative affect on him. When he was nervous, he would just start to ask questions, and for
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this particular night, he didn't want to upset the younger male anymore then he normally does.
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"Fine. Great. *Fabulous*." He stabbed his food with an agressive passion, scooping up a particularly large bite and trying to shove it in
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his mouth sufficiently defiantly, without choking himself or stabbing the back of his throat. He was trying not to be so sour, trying to
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push down his cynical side, but it kept resurfacing. Bitter, angry. Lovino wouldn't admit it to himself, but deep down he knew that it was
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the strength of his feelings for the other that caused that side to resurface more and more often.
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"Well...That's good to know~" he said, watching the other chew his food angrily. He fought down the urge to call the other cute when he
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looked so upset, knowing how bad that could turn the evening. "Well...when you finish that, I made us some dessert~ If you want any...?" he
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glanced at the others plate, and hoping that he won't be too full eat more. He wasn't an expert, but he attempted to make Tiramisu for the
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other. He looked down at his own plate and noticed that he didn't even start on his plate. He started to eat quickly, not wanting to make
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his lover wait for him to finish. He mumbled out a sentence with his mouth full of food, not even noticing that it made no sense.
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Dessert? He warily glanced up at the other through his thick eyelashes-- thick lashes which he hated, due to how... 'cute' they made him
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look. Obviously according to *some choice individuals*, and not Lovino himself. A small seed of guilt burrowed in his belly as he worried
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his lower lip. "I... guess..." He glanced at his plate, and scooped up the last bite or so. He supposed that meant that he wasn't getting a
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second helping. Pity. "Don't speak with your mouth full," the Italian scolded softly, staring at his lap where his fingers fidgeted with
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each other. "And eating that fast will make you sick."
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Antonio almost choked on the food he shoveled into his mouth. The way the other looked at him made his heart beat a little faster in his
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chest and his cheeks to warm up. He took a long gulp of his wine to clear his throat. Now he knew that he was making the right idea of
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asking the other for his hand...No one ever heavily affected him like this before. Gathering himself together, he smiled sheepishly. "Oh
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right...don't want to get sick. Did you want dessert now? I'll just go get that..." he stood up, grabbing both plates, regardless if he was
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done or not, and rushed into the kitchen. He wasn't normally this flustered, but this night was the deciding factor for the rest of his life
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Lovino knew that look, and it made him nervous. The only time Antonio ever blushed was when he was in danger of being jumped, and while the
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thought of that made his heart jump into his throat and his stomach do an odd sort of flip, he was still a bit grumpy. Even if dessert made
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up for it. In any case, right now the male didn't deserve *that* tonight, Lovino decided, and he opened his mouth to respond to the question
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to find the other was already leaving. That earned another strike, the brunette trying to hide his pout over the matter.
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Splashing cold water on his face, he shivered at the temperature and at the way it calmed him down. Holding onto the counter tightly, he
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tried to get his heartbeat back to normal. It was true, the way the Italian looked at him almost made him jump the other. As pleasing as it
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sounded to just abandon his plans and lavish the other repeatedly throughout the night. Gathering himself together, he gathered the dessert
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that he made and walked back into the other room, slapping a giant smile on his face. "I made Tiramisu~" he said, presenting the dish to the
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other. "I tried my hardest to make it tasks good, but it's nowhere near as good as what you can make Lovi..." he said, sitting down a plate
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for him. He pulled his hand back and hid them under the table as he waited for the other to taste it. Nervously, his fingers fiddled with
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the small box in his pocket, hands getting clammy. Not yet, he still had other ideas planned...
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He glanced up at the other when he returned, roused from his silent reverie. Tiramisu was what he often made for dessert, especially when it
Lovino was
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some sort of important occasion. "Imitation is the highest form of flattery..." he mumbled, mostly to himself, taking a slice of the
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cake and putting it on his plate. The Spaniard had botched the imitation slightly, though. It wasn't a special occasion. He huffed, and took
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a dainty bite-- and though it wasn't as good as his own, it was *definitely* worth eating. Not that he would tell the male.
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"Hmm...well then I've achieved my goal~" he said happily. All he wanted was to make the other feel loved. He watched anxiously as his love
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took a small bite. "So! Is it good...?" He asked slowly, looking just as apprehensive as when the Italian had taken his first bite of the
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first course. He knew he would never get a response from the other, but he figured he would ask any way; there was nothing better then
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making the smaller male flustered. "I didn't really try anything different, I just followed you're recipe and added a few things here and
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there." He took a bite from his own piece and moaned in pleasure. "Mmm~ You make the best dessert!"
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[[Ah-- damn you Plurk!]]
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His cheeks bloomed pink at the question, getting flustered at the question. "I-it-- w-whatever...!" He pushed the plate away as if he were
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finished, too embarrassed. "I-I didn't even m-make it...!" He swore, the Spaniard was so stupid sometimes-- No, *most* times...! Lovino was
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breathing a bit shallowly, embarrassed beyond all words, wanting to hide his face. He stood, tempering with the idea of just running away,
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but he finally stammered out a "B-b-bathroom!" and skittered off to said location, locking himself in.
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This wasn't what was supposed to happen! He knew the little Italian would run off when he got flustered, but this wasn't supposed to happen
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tonight of all nights. He stood up from the table, knocking his chair over in the process, and took off after the other. "Lovi! Wait, don't
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go!" he shouted, only to be stopped by the locked door. Well...he wasn't sure if it was locked...maybe if he jiggled the door knob...okay,
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it was locked. Knocking lightly so he didn't rile the other up any further, he thought maybe if he spoke calmly through the door, he could
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get him to come out. "L-Lovi...? What's wrong? Did I do something...? Please tell me..." he didn't mean to sound hopeless, but he was
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starting to feel that way right about now. Unconsciously, his other hand moved to his pocket where he kept the ring. He looked down at it,
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knowing that it was the cause of all this, but hope still shined through in his eyes. "Please come out Lovi..." he asked again.
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It was just one too many compliments for the shy and easily embarrassed Italian, leaving him hiding in the bathroom. "W-why?" he shrilled
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out, huddled on the bathroom floor. "You're so s-*stupid*..." He had absolutely no idea that the other was planning to do what he was. As
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much as he said that the Spaniard was oblivious, Lovino could just as oblivious. Later on, he would blame it on the male not being romantic
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enough about it to tip the brunette off as to his plans.
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The normal insult probably shouldn't of fazed him, but for some reason he was stuck on it for a while. Looking at the closed door in front
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of him he smiled, even though the other couldn't see it; he had to keep up he spirit. All wasn't lost yet. "But...we haven't finished the
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evening...I...have a surprise for you..." he said, hand closing tightly around the box in his hand. " won't know what it is unless
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you come out...I promise you won't be disappointed..." he said, uncertainty clear in his voice. He had no idea how the Italian would react
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to his proposal, he just hoped it was positive. "Please?" he pleaded one last time.
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