Hellatus says
15 years ago
now that the Supernatural Hellatus is over and done with, we have been discussing doing this again for another show.
latest #45
Hellatus says
15 years ago
Doctor Who is where I would like to go next, for the 2005 season and forward since we're only getting specials this year.
Hellatus is
15 years ago
opening the floor for suggestions... what would you like to watch next as a group?
15 years ago
Leverage!!!! *snickers*
Jared'sB-Girl says
15 years ago
Ocean, Leverage isn't on Hellatus right now!
Jared'sB-Girl says
15 years ago
we can also do shows that will never return from Hellatus (aka Firefly and Angel)
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
Frenchy says
15 years ago
Ocean ! Obsessed much!! (LOL)
Jared'sB-Girl thinks
15 years ago
that's an excellent recommendation... I've never seen it before.
Frenchy says
15 years ago
I have DVDs for Firefly.
Frenchy likes
15 years ago
Alias but don't have access to it.
Jared'sB-Girl asks
15 years ago
why not?
15 years ago
You've never seen it, Anna??? :-o
Jared'sB-Girl says
15 years ago
not yet
15 years ago
And it doesn't matter to me, whatever the group decides on is fine with me. :-D
Frenchy says
15 years ago
I'll go with the group to. If I don't have the DVDs I'll see if I can get it.
Just Liz says
15 years ago
Panns says
15 years ago
I second the vote for Leverage.
Panns says
15 years ago
15 years ago
I don't have DVDs to any of these, I will have to recuse myself..
Panns asks
15 years ago
do you have a Netflix account?
Panns says
15 years ago
maybe that needs to be something we thing about, is there web access to the shows we are watching.
15 years ago
No, I don't. I'm a cheapie-cheap. le budget does not allow for extras this year..
15 years ago
Yay for Leverage, Panns!!
Panns says
15 years ago
(highfive) - Ocean!
15 years ago
Panns says
15 years ago
(LOL) We are *so* much help!
15 years ago
dr who works for me, though i think i'll have to do some work sorting through my files and dvds to find them all
Panns says
15 years ago
B-Girl made them for me!! (cozy) But they don't play on my flippin DVD player. (annoyed)
Panns says
15 years ago
So Liz loaned me her's! (cozy) And they are in a very safe place, Liz!
Panns says
15 years ago
But I can also play the ones B-Girl gave to me on my computer while I plurk, so I can do that.
15 years ago
I vote Angel but would be cool with Doctor Who. As long as we can do Angel sometime.
Panns says
15 years ago
I don't have those DVDs either, but I can check Netflix!
Jared'sB-Girl says
15 years ago
get a DivX DVD player
15 years ago
loaves that my new dvd player plays avi files
Deblu says
15 years ago
Ok don't shoot me but what is Dr. Who??? i have never heard of it. The only dvds I own of above mentioned shows are Angel. Love Angel!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Dr. Who is a British show. It's been on in some for or other for 40 years or so. The new BBC version started up again in 2005. I used to
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
watch the older ones so gave this one a shot and I like them a lot.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Dr. Who is the last Time Lord. He travels around the universe through time and space in his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space).
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
He usually has a couple of human companions with him along for the ride. They end up on Earth a lot.
Just Liz says
15 years ago
it's the longest running science fiction show in the history of television, it's historic!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Epic even!
Deblu says
15 years ago
I'm not a big fan of "space" shows. I did not like Star Trek or BSG or Firefly so I'm guessing this is not for me.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
If by "space" you mean ships and stars and stuff it doesn't have that much of it.
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