The drunk driver who killed her son received a lighter punishment than this woman? What??!! No, I do not think she should go to jail. People
What she did was reckless, but this woman's life is not easy. There is no father, she is in a low-wage job raising three kids alone.
I know that it is easy to judge, after all, her little boy died . . . I hate when people run across the street at night, because it scares
the crap out of me for them and me. I don't want to hit anyone.
what will putting her in jail do for anyone?
Absolutely nothing but we love to place blame here.
Wow, how very, very sad. I'm just wondering since when is Jaywalking a felony? Jail time, really??? Is it because death was a result?
I'm thinking the drunk driver was the only one commiting the felony here.
Slap her with a jay walking ticket/fine...she already has to live the rest of her life with loosing her son to her hasty decision.
except that we don't know that the driver was in fact drunk. It is only that he admitted to drinking. He did jail time more likely because
(btw... i'm not saying here that she should/shouldn't do jail time. just clarifying the facts in the case)
I know you're all on the edge of your seat, since this one's not a live global simulcast...