barachan says
13 years ago
so good news and bad news:
latest #9
barachan says
13 years ago
the good news is, my brother is driving up to otakon with a bunch of his friends. so he'll be able to help me watch my table, etc!
barachan says
13 years ago
the bad news is, i only found this out today. yesterday i spent $66 fedexing all my merchandise and table stuff up to MD..
barachan says
13 years ago
i could have just had him drive it all up...q_q
Kayiko says
13 years ago
Uuggggg. That sucks. Did u send it all after he told you? Or before?
celesse says
13 years ago
kayiko, why should she mail the stuff after he told her? she would've just held onto it :-P
13 years ago
Ohhh man that sucks! :-(
Kayiko says
13 years ago
i dunno! she forgot he was going and mailed it like she might usually do? I dunno man. .that happens sometimes.
celesse says
13 years ago
lol she said she found it out "today" and only "yesterday" she mailed the stuff. so no, she had no knowledge of it 'til after shipping
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