Really, he knew he'd agreed to them meeting up at his house, but the shower he thought he had the time to take is no longer an option, and
now he's putting his clothes back on as fast as possible, opening the door in the process. "'Ey! Man, I thought you'd be takin' longer than
"We discussed booze. I waste no time there." He laughed, grinning to the other, eyeing this usually wild hair being a little less behaved
than usual. "If you're not ready I can always wait." He's his cheery self, as always, grinning widely.
"Naw, it's cool! I'll just take a shower when I get home; no worries." Not bothering with anymore than a shirt and the jeans he'd used
earlier, he quickly puts on a pair of shoes and grabs wallet and keys. "How're we goin' all the way up there, by the way? Seems pretty damn
"Hm." He hadn't considered that. It was a bit far from Erik's house.... "I...hadn't thought that far ahead." He admitted a bit sheepishly.
"Maybe staying here is a better idea..."
shrugs, "Fine by me. You wanna stay at my place or are we goin' out?"
"You'd have to have a lot of Nor's cloudberry stuff to get me drunk." He thinks for a moment before a brilliant idea strikes him! "Let's go
out and get *tipsy*. And then come back here to get *drunk*! Then we don't have to worry about waking up somewhere weird."
"Wow Tino, that's a fucking *great* idea! Gimme a sec to tie these 'n we'll be out." He beams back, excited to get smashed with a friend,
"And heeeey, I've got my own moonshine, thank ya very much."
laughs a bit. "If I had *thought* at all I woulda brought some of mine." He stuffs his hands into his pockets for now. "And your stuff is
good, but that cloudberry's just so tasty!"
"Psch, dude... I'll have a snaps any day! Yer Korskenkova ain't bad either... Got plenty at my place to get us both drunk once we're tipsy~"
"Excellent." He grins again. "Don't want to wake up in someone's front yard again. Got frostbite last time, you know."
"Da-haam, that's the worst! 'Specially in winter..." He remembers times where he had gotten so drunk that he'd fallen asleep outside in the
snow, only to have been dragged inside by a worried family who thought he might've been dying. It was an every year occurence for people to
die like that in the cold, so they'd thought they were doing him a favor; only not knowing of his immortality as a nation.
"I know, right? My ears and nose hurt for weeks." He sighed, a bit dramatically, and then stretched a bit. "Ready?"
stands straight again after binding the laces of his shoes - an old pair of red Converse not really befitting the weather tonight. "Yup!
"Awesome!" The shorter blonde grinned as he headed back out into the night, pleased with their plans. "So, cheapest place around here?" No
real point in going somewhere fancy when they intended to come back and *really* get drunk at Erik's.
"Yeah, sure! There's a tavern down the street, so we're good. Only a ten'er durin' Happy Hours!" Which was damn fucking cheap if he had to
say so himself. So Erik, with an enthusiastic spring in his step, drags his Northern brother down the road to reach the small place. As they
walk in, it's evident that this place is a real regular's place; with the air stale with cigarette smell - it being small enough to
accomodate smoking - and beers being almost the only thing on the menu except for Akvavit, Snaps and vodka.
knew what he'd be drinking. Aw yeah vodka time! That would certainly would help him get tipsy before they headed back. He grinned to the
other Nordic, giving a small nod or approval. This would certainly do for tonight. Who needed anything fancy when you knew you were gonna
have a good time with your 'brother' anyways?
"'Ey Fin! This's good enough for gettin' tipsy, right?" He asks before disregarding any possible negative answer in favor of ordering hsots
"Perfect, really!" He grinned, taking a seat at the bar. Despite his size, the Finn was actually quite the heavyweight when it came to booze
and it would take a fair amount of anything, even vodka, to get him tipsy.
(( He will forever be Denmark's Nordic drinking bro number one when Sweden isn't raiding Denmark's fridge for beer xD ))
The first round of shots had been poured, and Erik places himself at the bar desk so that he doesn't have to go too far away to order more.
The drinks are incredibly cheap here in this small provential-like place, so he has no problem ordering another double round once they've
drowned their first set. "It's fucking awesome, I'm tellin' ya! You'll get drunk for cheap here~"
"Cheap is good!" He said with a grin. Especially with today's world economy. Cheaper was way better for everyone. He was feeling pretty good
after the first couple rounds, smiling a little more then usual.
[I see you on, Erik. Would you like to cont this?]
(( yeah! And... ugh... Plurk has been a jerk on my in terms of notifications, so I'm glad you're writing here now ))
"Heh, hopefully. I don't plan on leavin' here until I get kicked out~" The next shot pouring down his throat burns and makes him shudder
in delight, feeling the familiar sensation of warmth from the alcohol spreading through his every limb.
"Well, don't get kicked out before me then!" He laughs, leaning back in his seat. Hopefully with another nation around he wouldn't get too
out of control. Or perhaps it would be even worse. Berwald had said he wasn't going to bail him out again...
With a growing crackle, Erik gives a high toast and drowns his fourth shot, hardly feeling more than that habitual warmth as of yet. Oh no,
unfortunately it'd take a good few hours of hard drinking to get to a respectable level of pissed. But he has time, and Tino is just the
right man to do it with. "Awe c'mon man... We can have our fun together. 'Sides-" And here he turns the puppy-eyed look on full force -
you'd be a good sport 'n bring me somethin' t'drink outside, wouldn't ya?"
Oh god that look. Tino thought he could get anything with his puppy eyes, but Erik's was a force to be reckoned with. "'Course! I'd bring
you a whole bottle. Though really...we could just go home at that point." He ordered the next round for them. "Maaaan it's been too long
since we've done this. Just the two of us."
"Yeah..." He agrees with a nod and a subdued smile, eyes silently trained on the rim of his newest glass for but a moment. "Next time we
should get more t'go though! T'more the merrier I say~"
"Yes!" Group drinks were always a blast! Though... "....Does Ice even drink?" He asks, knowing the other two members of their 'family' did.
(( I think I'll read that one later. She writes so much good smut though xD ))
Denmark leans back in his seat from the question, a contemplative look crossing his slightly flushing face. "Not sure really... He didn't
like beer when he was younger, so he only tasted a few times, y'know?"
"Well, I suppose we could find out!" He laughs, taking another shot. "A bit of a family tradition, no?"
[/just checking and seeing if you wanna continue this~]