eeky r(e)sky
12 years ago
So maybe it's true That I can't live without u And maybe two is better than one But there's so much time To figure out the rest of my life..
latest #8
掰噗~ bilang
12 years ago
在梵唄聲中,驚覺自己仍只是個來自濁世紅塵,看不破生離死別的平凡女子。 ~郭麗娟 -摘自《初相見──佛意‧佛藝》
i.m cee.vae
12 years ago
♥ Viio ♥
12 years ago
i.m cee.vae
12 years ago
bociil bilang
12 years ago
lirik laguu ya :-))
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