abraham2 is
12 years ago
Hey ginger, I am at podstock and first year teacher..any friends that you could add to mine would be great. Thank you
latest #11
GingerLewman says
12 years ago
I love your moxie!
GingerLewman says
12 years ago
Add everyone who's responded to any of my plurks, ok? Don't mess around with making fans. Just request friendship.
teacherricks says
12 years ago
Welcome! Check out plurk4educators.com to help get started.
abraham2 says
12 years ago
Thank you and I am very excited about this site!!
annelovett says
12 years ago
Hello and welcome from Billings, MT!
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
Welcome! I will be teaching 8th grade science in Emporia this year. What do you teach?
abraham2 says
12 years ago
I am teaching all subjects 6th grade at Neosho Rapids.
musicdavis says
12 years ago
GingerLewman says
12 years ago
musicdavis: Hey, where ARE you?!
musicdavis says
12 years ago
Branson MO. My daughter is dancing tonight and tomorrow
n2teaching says
12 years ago
welcome to our PD network. Enjoy.
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