13 years ago
this guy is soooooooo fucking crazy M.A.G. PS3 GAMEPLAY - [HD] - 108 KILLS - Part 1 of 2
latest #12
eniahal says
13 years ago
haaa you should ask Bernard to join me, it's the only online FPS that plays like an actual battlefield, 256 players!!!
13 years ago
Magz? 看起來好像不容易死欸。比起BlackOps..
eniahal says
13 years ago
impalpable: its more about defence and assault tactic than speed, you should try it!!
13 years ago
256 sure sounds exciting XD
13 years ago
hmmmm............mass explosion and berserk battle field....ME LIKE!
eniahal says
13 years ago
it's the most "war-like" game I've ever played so far on PS3
eniahal says
13 years ago
13 years ago
damn....must...resist...until...exams are over....
eniahal says
13 years ago
Come on Tim and Eric...
13 years ago
hahaha no YOU come and play blackop yo XD
Huang理查 says
13 years ago
fuck!! 256 players mayhem (worship)
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