BetaAndBot is
15 years ago
currently recovering from a small fungal infection. :-& I haven't been feeling myself since Christmas..probably had too much rich food. :-P
latest #8
Chantnouveau says
15 years ago
that egg-nog will get you every time! (cozy)s, Beta!
saxmangeoff says
15 years ago
get well soon. I'm sure Xenophilia is taking good care of you.
Xenophilia says
15 years ago
I'm trying pretty hard! The water in Moscow needs extra conditioning..I had forgotten. :-P
15 years ago
you have a good, kind, smart mommy :-))
saxmangeoff says
15 years ago
because of the iron, or something else?
Xenophilia says
15 years ago
I'm not really sure what it is, but I make sure to put in a few extra drops of the tap water treatment. I'll have to show you guys a photo..
Xenophilia says
15 years ago
..of the fungal treatment. It turns the water a weird green color! :-P
foraroundortwo says
15 years ago
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