♡LuLu♡ says
12 years ago
what on earth,today i went to Cineplex ,bocz i wanna c Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,but all tickets were sold out! fuck X-(
掰噗~ says
12 years ago
Hartford85 says
12 years ago
Hartford85 says
12 years ago
我都訂不到票 連最後一場也沒什麼好位 所以決定延後幾天再去看 變形金剛也是 會氣死!!
12 years ago
這裡變型金剛還好 第一天上映我就能看了 但哈利波特好誇張!!!! 一個時間開三場 結果還是都通通沒票!!!!!