:Hello Kitty: says
13 years ago
you hear about the lady who cut of her husband/ex husband's penis off? www.ktla.com/news/landin...
latest #11
Amaral_Insane says
13 years ago
Yeah D; thats so sad :-<
Amaral_Insane says
13 years ago
Amaral_Insane says
13 years ago
funny icons :-D
:Hello Kitty: says
13 years ago
yea kinda funny (lmao)
Amaral_Insane says
13 years ago
Amaral_Insane says
13 years ago
I has to learn how to make those o:
:Hello Kitty: says
13 years ago
make what funny icons?
Amaral_Insane says
13 years ago
Yeah XD
:Hello Kitty: says
13 years ago
haha they're awesome!
Amaral_Insane says
13 years ago
Mhmm ;p
:Hello Kitty: says
13 years ago
wish i knew how to make them also
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