Chococip bilang
13 years ago
pusing nih mau make over my old scooter,DUITNYA KAGAK :'-(
latest #13
♥ Viio ♥
13 years ago
Chococip says
13 years ago
Jiahh......Viio,orang lagi sedih dia malah happy. :'-(
just me needs
13 years ago
duit brapa? Hehe, bayar pake daun
just me needs
13 years ago
duit brapa? Hehe, bayar pake daun
Chococip says
13 years ago
sombong........make over vespa gk cukup uang sdikit tauuuu.maunya sih gtu KA tp yg tukang make overnya gk mau trima daun
just me
13 years ago
Klu g pnya duit smbong dikit gpp,hehe.,,,vespa ny g dkasih buat ika j
Chococip asks
13 years ago
emang IKA bisa naek vespa ? klo vespanya bwt IKA nanti aye kgk punya pacar lg.gmn klo barter ?
just me
13 years ago
Barter sm p? Laptop mati mw? Hehe, g bs sh bw vespa
just me
13 years ago
Barter sm p? Laptop mati mw? Hehe, g bs sh bw vespa
Chococip says
13 years ago
becanda kA,lgian vespa saya gk bakal di jual soalnya msh di kontrak sm film 3 hati 2 dunia 1 cinta the series
just me
13 years ago
Bcanda? Atw serius?
♥ Viio ♥
13 years ago
Chococip wishes
13 years ago
mau nya sih cepet,tp ada Viio ah jd malu bilangnya :-D
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